Author's Note

# Taylor Swift - Afterglow

Thank you for giving a chance to 'I Met You When I Was 18'!

As some of you might know, this is actually a playlist title of the singer Lauv.

He composed songs about his experience, moving to New York at 18, falling in love for the first time and being in a 4 year relationship.

His music was definitely an inspiration for this story.

For me personally, I was very much focused on going to university when I was 18 and didn't get to have that much experience other than studying.

That's why I wanted to create a story where two people get to know each other, learning so much from each other's pain and experience.

I hope you enjoyed Lissy and Josh's story, and hope to see you in other stories as well!


Josh's background story was inspired by an incident that happed a few years ago in Korea. There was a fire in an apartment that was caused by an electric blanket, and only the son survived while the rest of his family member passed away because of it. Like when I wrote my other story 'Trauma', I wondered how much grief and sadness I will feel if I was that son who survived and wanted to give a happy ending to that story. 
