#50 "Backyard Camping"

(Edited Ver. Uploaded At 19/08/25)

# Charlie Puth - I Warned Myself

"So! How did that trip to the orphanage go?" Liza asked brightly as she sat her tray on the table, sitting next to Katy.

"It was great. The kids went crazy when they saw the amount of candy they got." I snickered.

"Now that makes it all worthwhile. It was worth getting punk'd by that weird lady." Ryan said, shuddering.

Katy laughed. "Yeah, that lady scared the hell out of you."

Ryan frowned. "No, she didn't!"

Josh shook his head. "Okay..."

"Dude! What was with that hanging? I wasn't scared! I'm not scared of anything!" Ryan said, crossing his arms.

That made me smirk. I nodded as If I agreed with him.

"Yeah. Ryan is very macho, guys. He isn't afraid of no spider." I said, smiling kindly at Ryan.

Ryan frowned. "Spider? W... Wah!" He screamed as he bolted up from his chair, his jaw dropping as he stared at the spider right on top of his food, fear in his eyes.

Everyone cracked up as they saw Ryan's reaction. I snickered as I picked up the plastic giant spider from Ryan's plate.

"Chill. It's just plastic." I said, dangling it up.

"Get that disgusting thing away from me!" Ryan half screeched as he used Katy as his human shield.

"Trust you to push me in front of a disgusting thing. Why am I dating you again?" Katy said, rolling her eyes.

"Because you luv me!" Ryan said, grinning.

Katy rolled her eyes once more but soon pecked him on the lips. "That I do. Don't worry, babe. Katy will get rid of the spider for you."

Ryan grinned widely as he hugged Katy from behind. "My hero!"

Liza looked up at the ceiling at their antics. I had to admit. It was cute, but kind of vomit-worthy too.


"Hey. You free tonight?" Josh asked as his eyes twinkled.

"Yeah...What do you have in mind?" I answered, grinning.

"Oh, you are going to love it." Josh grinned back as he smiled mischievously.

"Should I be worried?" I drawled, pulling my arms around his neck.

"Not in the slightest." Josh said, leaning down to peck my lips.

After school, it was about 6 in the afternoon, and the sun was already going down. We quickly went to the school parking lot, getting in Josh's car.

"Where are we going?" I asked as I fastened the seatbelt as Josh did the same.

"My place." Josh said, starting the car.

I rolled my eyes at the lack of information. I was down for whatever though. I relaxed on my seat and started to play the latest Charlie Puth song on Josh's speaker. 'Done For Me' started blasting through the speaker.

"Now this is just sick!!" I squealed as I bobbed my head to the music.

Josh laughed. "So Retro. I kind of like it though. I like that old-school vibe."

"Charlie just makes everything dope. Tell me what you've done for me!" I nodded as I sang the last chorus.

Josh grinned. "I would die for you baby."

I smiled as I pecked him on the cheek. "Me too."

As Josh parked the car, I fumbled with my seatbelt. I soon skipped out of his car, holding my backpack. I needed to charge my laptop quickly.

As Josh opened the door, I half ran to the living room, popping the laptop in the charger. Josh snickered as he saw me.

"You and your precious laptop." Josh said, shaking his head.

I grinned. "You know it."

"If you had to pick between the laptop and me, what would you choose?" Josh asked, grinning.

I laughed at that. "Don't be ridiculous. Of course, it's the laptop. Duh?"

Josh grinned as he ruffled my hair. "Really? Even if I do this?" He asked as he slightly nipped my ear. His lips soon trailed down my neck.

I tapped my chin. "Hmm...I don't know...It's becoming a tie..."

Josh smirked at that, and soon enough, he hoisted me up, making me squeal as I wrapped my legs around his torso. His lips were on mine in a second, and he soon moved to the couch, sitting on it with me still on top of him. After the intense make out session, I grinned as I pulled away from him.

"Now was this the reason you wanted me to come to your house?"

Josh laughed. "No, it wasn't. Since it's already time for dinner, why don't we head back to the backyard?"

I skipped to the back door and soon stopped. Josh had set a tent right in his backyard. He even put fairy lights around it, and I was a sucker for fairy lights. I turned around to see Josh holding a pile of food.

"I pre-made the s'mores, because you know me with fires...I did make chicken enchiladas too." Josh said as he put the food inside the tent.

I climbed in after Josh, grinning madly. I felt like I was a little kid again. I used to spend my time in a little tent I made with blankets all the time.

"Josh. I can't believe you did all this!" I said, hugging the life out of him.

Josh chuckled. "The night is just starting. Why don't we eat the enchiladas first before it gets cold?"

I grinned as I took a big bite. "I have to admit. I have a chef as a boyfriend. This is freaking amazing!"

Josh laughed as he ruffled my hair. "Thanks, love."

I almost moaned as I took another bite. Josh could make any crappy day better in a flash. I was dead tired because I had the first period lecture today, but my tiredness went away along with the bites. God bless food.

I smiled at the thought of Josh as my private chef. It would be freaking amazing to eat Josh's food every day.

Well, you can if you marry him.

I soon shook my head at that thought. Woah. I was just 19 years old. I was way too young to be thinking of marriages.

Not now, but later. Picture Josh holding your kids.

I smiled at that. Josh with kids was really cute. Thinking of Josh with our kid in his arms...Now that was a definite turn on.

"Uh...Lissy? Are you spacing out on me?" Josh asked, looking concerned.

I blushed furiously. Damn you, inner thoughts!

"Nope! I was just...You know me with food." I laughed awkwardly.

Josh snickered. "Oh, I know."

My blush went a deeper shade of red. Great. Is it too late to act like I didn't eat like Shrek?


Who didn't build a blanket fort in their youth? 

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