#15 "Party People"

# Charlie Puth - Enemy

(Edited Ver. Uploaded At 20/07/19)

Excitement filled the bus as we talked about the upcoming events. All freshmen who signed up for the orientation was going to the gym that was on the way to the pension that the school had rented for the event, to see a live celebrity show.

"Oh my god, Oh my god. I'm going to shoot myself if it's the Jonas Brothers." Liza said sincerely, forming a tight fist with her two hands.

"Why? I like their music. It reminds me of 2010 when things were better." Katy said, nodding to her own thoughts.

"Oh, don't get me wrong. I love their music. It's just that I love them too much that I can't handle the excitement. Gotta shoot myself before I bounce on them." Liza said as she formed a handgun and mouthed a 'pow'.

"You are one weird cookie, Liza," I said, laughing as Liza beamed.

"Well we don't want you to get a gun, so I'm just going to tell you now that it's not the Jonas Brothers." Kevin joined in as Liza gave a pout.

"Well, dang flabbit," Liza muttered, sulking a little before she piped up again. "Wait, You know who is coming?"

Kevin grinned as he leaned close to us. "Well, I am friends with a few of the committee members."

"You have to tell us!" Katy said, her eyes wide open, ready to hear some juicy details.

Kevin laughed as he straightened his posture. "Nope! You guys would be more excited when you see them unexpectedly."

"Imagine if it was Megan thee Stallion though," Ryan said with a dreamy look on his face, letting out a sigh.

"Or Doja Cat." Josh piped in, a huge grin on his face as he thought of the artist.

"Ahaha, I wish!" Kevin said as he shook his head at them. The boys instantly started sulking a bit, disappointment very apparent.

I stared outside the window amusedly, listening to Katy and Ryan's playful banter till Josh leaned his head on my shoulder. I glanced at him and moved my shoulder a bit so that his head will shake.

"Hey! I was getting comfortable here." Josh said as he hugged my arm to hold it still.

"Your head is too heavy. And how are you not uncomfortable leaning on me like that?" I asked as I stared at his posture. He was awkwardly squishing his body into the seat in an uncomfortable angle, just to lean on me.

"My head is not heavy! I was just trying to find something to lean on, and since there is nothing to my left, you are my only choice." Josh said, hugging my arm harder.

"Your neck is going to hurt," I said as I flicked the end of his nose, enjoying his reaction as he half mindedly swatted my hand away.

"You smell good," Josh said, digging his face into the crook of my neck, ignoring my concern. I stiffened a bit, feeling his breath on my skin.

"Well, It must be my perfume," I said, thinking of the coconut perfume I always sprayed. Recently I've been searching for the perfect Vanilla perfume that smelled just like vanilla ice cream without any other scents mixed in.

"Mmhmm. You smell like coconuts." Josh said, tickling me with his hair as he moved a bit.

"I've been meaning to ask you. What kind of perfume do you use?" I asked, thinking back to the sweet smell he always smelled like. It was a warm smell. Embracing, sweet, and comforting.

"I don't use any perfume," Josh replied, looking confused as he straightened his posture to look me in the eye.

"Pfft. That can't be true. You always smell like Vanilla!" I said, frowning in confusion as well.

"Ohhh. Well, I use a lot of vanilla smelling things in the house. From my fabric softener to the air freshener in my room." Josh said with a smile.

"Why Vanilla though? Not that it doesn't smell good." I asked, tilting my head a bit.

"I just like it. It brings back memories." Josh answered as he leaned on me again. His vanilla scent spreading, mixing in with my coconut scent. They smelled good together.

A few hours later, We got off the bus and groggily headed to the gymnasium. We had fallen asleep during the ride, and Josh was complaining about his neck.

"It hurts to move," Josh said, gritting his teeth as he tilted his neck to the side. A loud bone cracking sound was heard as he let out a hiss.

"Yeesh. That couldn't feel good." Ryan said, laughing at Josh with a glee.

"This is your fault. We should give you more milk so that you can grow a few inches." Josh said at me, giving Ryan a half-sincere kick.

"Hey! I told you your neck was going to hurt with that posture. Besides, I'm tall enough, thank you." I said, rolling my eyes at him as I went to join the girls. Katy and Liza were still coming up with guesses of who the mystery singers will be.

"You guys are pretty excited, huh?" I said, smiling as Liza and Katy excitedly shared their guesses.

"Okay, take a seat and eat your meals while you see the performances!" Kevin said as he passed along a packed lunch to each of us. We all sat down, munching on food as the student body president went on stage as the MC. Few of the clubs did their performances of singing, dancing and acting. And then, it was time for the grand finale.

"Now, It's time for our guest artist! Are you guys ready?" The president asked, making the whole gym scream yes.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, MAX!" The president exclaimed as the screams began immediately.

"Who?" Ryan asked as Liza shot him a death glare.

"Get educated!" Liza screamed as MAX came on stage with a grin on his face.

"Oh my god, oh my god, I can't believe they managed to book him!" Katy said, screaming as the intro of the song 'Checklist' began. MAX started singing, and he looked iconic in his yellow suit. By the time the song ended, people were all standing up, panting as they waved their arms excitedly, screaming encore.

MAX waved his hand to the crowd, grabbing the water bottle from the floor as the crowd cheered. After taking a gulp, MAX took the mike and spoke into it with a shaky breath. "Are you guys enjoying yourself?"

The crowd screamed yes, making MAX grin widely. "You guys are going to love the next song. Ryan, come up on stage!"

"Oh my god, Party Pupils!" Katy screamed as Ryan Oh came on stage with a whole set up. The music began soon enough and the crowd roared, yelling 'Sax on the beach' as they sang along.

When the song ended, the crowd started yelling encore, but the president came up on stage with the party pupils getting off of the stage waving goodbye. "We would love to hear another song, but the party pupils have another schedule to attend to. Let's give them loud applause!"

The crowd finally calmed down after a whole lot of waving and screaming. We all made our way to the bus, ready to be on the road again. People's faces were all red and blotchy, probably from all the shouting.

"I can't believe I just saw MAX perform live," I said, grinning widely as I got on the bus.

"I know!! That was so much fun!" Katy said, shaking my shoulders a little as she sat behind me.

"So what's up next on the agenda?" Liza asked Kevin as he sat down next to her. Kevin grinned wickedly as he leaned back on the seat.

"Why, we start drinking endlessly of course!"


Let me know how you feel about this chapter, and ask away if you have any questions about the characters! Don't forget to share and smash that heart button if you have liked it! :D
