#22 "Hectic Day"

# Hailee Steinfeld, BloodPop® -  Capital Letters

(Edited Ver. Uploaded At 19/07/31)


I didn't come out of my room for three whole days. Well not that my family thought that it was out of the ordinary. Mom just thought that I was in a bad mood because my period had started. Only if she knew I wished that that was the case.

But today I had to drag my butt to Pizza Major since it was Saturday. Joy.

I was in a bad mood already, but it got worse when a family strolled in with twenty or more kids on tow. Kids in birthday hats running around, screaming, crying. It was like all hell broke loose. The parents did nothing about it, and I was the one facing all of the kids' wrath. Someone, please shoot me now so that I can be done with this crap.

"Lissy. Pizza's done." David shouted in the kitchen. I sighed as I cut the pizza and dodged the kids, trying to reach the table that ordered the pizza. To my rotten luck, some of the kids thought it was fun to play with ropes and made me trip. Drinks spilled all over me, pizza on the floor...I was humiliated. I managed to pick up the food from the floor before I ran to the bathroom, tears in my eyes. Dumb parents, Dumb kids, Dumb Pizza Major! I looked at my reflection in the mirror and found myself...downright pissed. Screw work. Those parents are going to pay for the pizza I dropped and control their kids!

I marched outside, grabbed a mop, and started cleaning the mess up.

"Um, excuse me..."

I looked up clenching my teeth as I saw the parent who was responsible for the kids. "Can I help you?"

"I just want to apologize. I'll pay for the pizza that dropped so don't worry. The kids are on a sugar rush and things got pretty hectic. I scolded them so that won't happen again. And..." The dad turned around to show two buggers who tripped me.

"Jake, Leslie. You had something to say?" The dad said, narrowing his eyes. Those two buggers looked down at the floor, pouting.

"I'm sorry." The brown-haired boy said, quietly.

"I didn't mean to." The blond said, tugging at my apron, giving me the big eyes.

Now how can I stay mad at that?

"It's okay. But I need you guys to promise me. Promise that you won't run inside. Deal?" I said, crouching down, holding out a pinkie.

The both of them nodded and held out their pinkie as well. I laughed as I ruffled their heads.

When they had to pay, the dad left me a huge tip, apologizing again for the inconvenience. Now that made my day a whole lot better. Still felt a little bit like crap though.

As I was about to get out of work, David stopped me. "Hey, Lissy. Wait!"

I turned around to find David holding a pizza box. "Hey."

"I just wanted to give you this. Potato Pizza with Pineapple and Bacon topping is your favorite right?" David asked, handing me the box.

I stared at him with wide eyes. "How did you know?"

"I delivered your pizza, remember?" David said, smiling.

I smiled back. "Thank you. This really made my day better. I'm sorry for the mess I made earlier."

David shook his head. "We both know that it wasn't your fault. If a customer acts out of line, don't be afraid to give them a piece of your mind. We have your back."

I laughed. "Now that's a dangerous statement. I might turn into a fight dog."

David laughed. "Oh, I think I trust you enough not to do so. Now go. Rest. You still have to work tomorrow, you know."

I sighed. "Don't remind me. Anyways, thanks for the pizza! Hope the rest of your day goes well!"

I smiled as I walked to my house, holding the pizza box. It was so sweet of him, and it definitely lifted my mood.

"Is that Pizza?" Alex asked as he poked his head out of the living room.

"Yeah. Take a slice." I replied, opening the box after I sat next to him.

"I was going to even if you didn't tell me to do so." Alex replied cheekily as he grabbed a slice.

"Keep acting like that and I'll sneak the pizza in my room and won't give you any slice next time." I replied, fake glaring at Alex.

"It was a joke!" Alex replied, pouting.

"Anyways, how's school?" I asked casually.

Alex sighed. "It's fine. They don't bother me anymore."

"You better not cover for them." I said.

"I'm not! Really! I hang out with my friends, get good grades, usually stay out of trouble!" Alex replied.

"That's good." I said, ruffling his hair.

Alex smiled goofily. "And for that, you should get me a pizza without pineapple next time."

I laughed. "Sure. I'll get pepperoni next time."

"With cheese crust!" Alex said.

"Fine." I replied, rolling my eyes. The rest of the evening went by smoothly. I caught on some missed programs on TV with Alex and went to bed early. Yup. A hectic day went by really fast.


Sometimes it's better to stay busy. 

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I'm finally going to go and eat something! XD
