#4 "Truth or Dare"

# Lauv - The Other

(Edited Ver. Uploaded At 20/07/19)

"You know, I came here to grab my friends some beer and will you look at the time! They might get worried so I'm just going to go..." I said, trying to retreat when the jerk stopped me with a smirk.

"Oh, you aren't getting away that easily." The jerk said, holding my hand firmly. His hands were surprisingly warm against mine, as I felt his fingers intertwining firmly with my own. It wasn't too bad of a feeling as well. I was slightly dazed, and almost said hello to the wall with my face. The jerk was dragging me around like a puppet!

"Hey! What are you doing?" I said, breaking out of my daze as I gave a mean glare at the dude. I quickly shook my intertwined hand, trying to shake the jerk off. My plan backfired, making him grab my hand even more firm than before. Rats. The jerk led me to the back of the house, straight to May and Jeff. How did he know where my friends were?! Was he spying on me? The little creep!

"Hi. Can I borrow your friend here?" The jerk asked, to which my friends stared at him wide-eyed.

"Tell him no! He's a CREEP." I mouthed, staring at them pleadingly. In my mind, they were my heroes. They were going to push the jerk off of me, give him a load of cuss words that would give him the worst of all nightmares, and would give me a bucket of booze while checking I was alright.

That's when May's eyes sparkled. Oh, for the love of gods!

"Why do you need to borrow our friend?" May said, crossing her arms. I gave her a pleading stare, begging her to show mercy. That only made May's eyes sparkle harder.

"Yeah, why do you need to borrow my bestie?" Jeff butted in, mimicking May as he crossed his arms as well. Even with the black eye, he managed to look more like a cuddly bear than menacing.

"She said that she was going to do anything that I wanted, but was concerned that you guys might get worried about her." The jerk said, grinning like a mad man. Out of context, that just sounded wrong. WRONG! Now there was no way May was going to save me from this creeper. Just like I thought, May gave a huge smile as she nodded satisfactorily.

"Good enough. Go have fun, kids." May sing-sang as she waved her hands high in the air. I glared at her for her betrayal, throwing her in a dungeon in my imagination. My last hope was Jeff. Quickly as my hope arose, the disappointment came.

"Ooh. Something sounds kinky. Be sure to kiss and tell, hon. You know daddy loves juicy details!" Said Jeff, giving me a big wink that would have been visible even from a mile away. He put his arms around May, both looking at me like a proud parent, clearly thinking 'Our baby is finally losing her v-card!'.

That was it. Both of my friends betrayed me because of their perverted minds. I knew I should have forced them to go to church. Then again, Jeff was gay, so...And even I didn't believe in God. My mind started to wonder, not processing where I was until I was standing in the middle of the jerk's bedroom.

The room was neat and surprisingly smelled good. It was a soapy smell that lingered lightly, almost like that scent you smelled when you breathe in deeply into freshly washed clothes. I flinched as my wandering gaze landed on the creep. He was staring at me intently like he had been studying me while I examined his room.

"Well, aren't you going to take your clothes off?" The jerk said, his voice slightly deeper than before. He slowly took his shirt off while maintaining eye contact with me. I gave a gulp as I felt my cheeks redden. I quickly looked around, only to find his bedroom door closed. But was it also locked?

The jerk's lips turned into a lopsided grin as my eyes came back to his. My eyes roamed around his upper body, taking in all the god-given gifts he had. And boy did he receive a lot of gifts. Tanned skin with a toned body? I quickly cursed God for giving the creeper this much while giving me nothing.

The jerk bit his lower lip with his teeth, smiling while taking in my reaction. My eyes kept traveling down from his face, giving God a never-ending curse.

"It's more impressive down there, you know?" The jerk said huskily, taking a step forward. Now we were only two steps apart. I thought my cheeks couldn't go redder, but it was now burning. Did he really just say that line?! I never had sex with anyone yet! What if it hurt more because he was...you know...big?! Was I really going to do it now?? With a dude I barely know?

I mean...There is a first for everything. Wait, no! Bad, Lissy. You aren't going to give away your first time all because of a stupid bet!

...However, what were the chances of me doing someone so hot?

Yup. Better grab the chance.

I started to unbutton my blouse with a grin when the jerk stopped me, wide-eyed. What was it now?! Was he having second thoughts? Damn it!

"Uh...I was joking." The jerk said, averting his eyes. Oh, you have got to be kidding me!!

"Seriously?" I said, pouting a little. He just took his shirt off, told me he was impressive down there, basically seduced me and it was all a joke?

"Don't tell me you wanted me this badly?" The jerk said, turning back to his confident self as he twirled his shirt around his fingers. Now I was feeling a bit grumpy as I re-buttoned my blouse.

"Oh, you wish. So, what am I doing here?" I said, plopping down on his bed. Could have had fun on it, but oh no. It was all a joke. Hmph.

"We, are going to play Truth or Dare. We go back and forth, answering each other's questions. And if we do not answer them, we have to drink a shot of this baby here. The game ends when the bottle is done or when someone gets wasted." The jerk said, taking out a bottle of vodka, still shirtless.

I raised an eyebrow as I stared at the vodka that the jerk was holding. I gave another curse at God for giving me peripheral vision because my eyes kept traveling to the jerk's abs. "So, this is you using your bet wish right?"

The jerk gave a nod, sitting down on the carpet as he put the vodka in front. I sighed as I plopped back up again, taking a sit on the carpet as well, across the creeper. I guess the bet wish could have been worse.

"Alright. But first. What's your name? This has been bugging me, you know?" I said, shaking my head as I leaned back to the bedpost. The jerk's smile vanished for a moment, again studying my eyes as he slowly answered. "It's Josh. Joshua Hayes."

I nodded. It sounded oddly familiar but it could have been because it was a common name. Josh looked slightly disappointed in my lack of response but quickly erased the emotion off his face.

"So, Josh. Ask away." I said, giving him my best smile. The quicker I can get this over with, the better.

"Have you ever broken someone's heart?" Josh asked, his eyes piercing into mine. I gulped. Why was he staring at me like that again?

"No. I haven't. I only dated a few guys, but they ended up breaking it up with me. Not the opposite. So yeah." I replied, my face heating up. This was so embarrassing! Why was I babbling about my dating history? As if I had to prove that I was more of a loser.

Josh scoffed at my response, shaking his head amusedly. "I don't know. You look like you can break people's hearts pretty well."

I rolled my eyes. Was this new kind of sarcasm? "Well, no. It's my turn now. What's the worst thing that had happened to you?"

"I guess I'll have to drink," Josh said after a moment's silence, his eyes slightly glinting as he opened the vodka and took a swig. I frowned a little, wondering at his reaction. What was he hiding?

"Are you okay?" I asked. He just took a swig out of straight vodka, and that couldn't have been pleasant.

"I'm fine. I'm going to up this game. How many people have you slept with?" Josh said, smirking. Oh, this was him playing dirty. I couldn't say that I was a virgin! That would be so embarrassing! I glared at him as I grabbed the bottle.

"Cheers," I said, taking a big swig as Josh did. I regretted it the second the vodka hit my tongue. It was just too strong!

"Easy, tiger," Josh said, grinning lopsidedly. He wanted dirty? He was going to get dirty.

"If I look into your nightstand right now, Will I find something embarrassing? A-and I get to check it to find whether or not you're really saying the truth!" I said, grinning as the alcohol started to get to me. Oh, I was enjoying myself now.

Josh grimaced. "Give me the bottle. You're not looking into my nightstand, missy."


Let me know how you feel about this chapter, and ask away if you have any questions about the characters!

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⚡️ New chapter will be uploaded on Monday! ⚡️

When you google drunk, this gif pops up😂
