#46 "Ghost Sighting"

(Edited Ver. Uploaded At 19/08/25)

# Chris Brown - Bite My Tongue

Halloween came at a dangerous speed. David was all on board, getting a Hunter costume to match Liza. They were just too adorable.

We decided to meet in front of Josh's house and start from there. I was so excited about it. It was Wednesday, so we had to get changed and be ready right after class.

"I'm just so excited!! I can't wait for this class to be over!" I said, grinning madly as I sat down on the chair in the classroom of my last lecture.

"Hold your horses. Just two more hours to go." Josh said, grinning as he ruffled my hair.

"This class is just too boring. The professor drones on and on and on -"

Josh quickly stopped me by putting his hands over my mouth. I narrowed my eyes and...

"Did you just lick my hand?" Josh said, quickly removing his hand.

"Well, you shouldn't have stopped my ranting." I replied cheekily.

Josh shook his head as he stared at his hand.

I grinned as I gave him a wet wipe. "Here."

Josh took it and wiped his hands. "You are really something."

I opened my mouth to reply, but then the professor came in. Great. Two hours of never-ending snore fest starts...now.


"I can't believe he gave us another essay to hand in next week. That dude's crazy!" I said, rolling my eyes as I did my makeup.

Josh shrugged, already in his costume. "He did mention it last week."

I frowned. "He did? Wow. I must have really been out of it."

Josh smiled. "You should really pay more attention in class rather than just staring at my face. I mean I know I'm handsome but you need your grades."

I snorted. "Sure sure. Your beauty is just so mesmerizing that I can't pay attention in class."

Josh grinned. "Glad you didn't deny it. I mean, come on. Just look at me."

I turned around to give him a smirk. "Oh, I'm looking. And all I see is a guy in tights, wearing a funny looking hat."

Josh huffed. "Hey! I'm awesome even in tights."

I giggled. "Sure, sure."

Josh grinned evilly as he came near me. He started tickling me.

"Oh god, Josh!!! I'm holding a mascara wand!! No!! Stop!!!" I said, squealing as I laughed, trying to get out of Josh's reach.

"Say it!!" Josh said, tickling me nonstop.

"Ahaha Say, haha, What?!" I said, laughing as I wiggled.

"Say I'm handsome." Josh said, grinning evilly.

"I'm, hahaha, handsome!" I said, half wheezing.

"You know what I mean." Josh said, now using both of his hands to tickle me.

"F-Fine! You, ahaha, You are handsome!" I said, almost dying with laughter. We were on the floor, me gasping for breath, mascara wand long forgotten. Josh was over me, grinning widely.

"Glad that you admitted it." Josh said, breathing as he leaned into me.

I raised my head to meet his lips with mine. "Well. I never said you didn't look awesome."

Josh grinned, handing me back my mascara wand. "You have five minutes to finish your makeup."

That broke the trance in an instant. "Noo!" I said, quickly getting up from the floor. Soon I was in costume, grinning widely as I held an empty pillow case to gather the candy.

The doorbell rang, and Josh opened the door to reveal the gang all in costume, each holding a bag.

"Ready?" Katy asked with a smile.

"Ready!" I said, skipping out from Josh's house. Josh soon locked the door and we were off.

The couple of houses we went were average. Once they heard we were doing this for a good cause, they gave out a pretty generous amount.

"Woah. My bag is already half full." David said, smiling widely.

"Mine too! Those kids in the orphanage are going to be sugar high once they eat all of this." Ryan said, grinning.

We all went to the next house and rang the doorbell.

"Trick or Treat!" I said as someone opened their door.

"Uh...Aren't you guys too old for Trick or Treating?" The guy asked, frowning as he held a candy bowl.

"Nope! We are doing this for a donation at the orphanage." Liza said, smiling.

"Oh. Well if that's the case..." The guy said, beckoning us to open our bags. He soon emptied the entire bowl to our bags.

"Woah." Josh said, his eyes wide.

"I was getting tired of opening the door every time someone rings it anyway. Might as well give it to a good cause." The guy said, shrugging.

"Thanks!" I said, smiling.

"No prob." The guy said, smiling back as he shut the door behind us.

"Well, that was easy. I thought we would have to go through the entire neighborhood to get our bags filled." Katy said, looking at her bag.

"I know. Why don't we go to one more house and go back to Josh's place to empty the bags?" I said as everyone nodded.

We soon went to the next house which was in a corner. In front of the door was a candy basket along with the sign that said 'take one'.

We went up the stairs. The house itself was very dark because all the lights were off, and they weren't any kids around too.

"Huh. Take only one candy?" Josh mused.

"Uh...Guys? What's that blue flame thingy?" Ryan said, pointing at the corner.

We soon turned around to see where Ryan was pointing, but there wasn't anything there.

"There's nothing there." Katy said, rolling her eyes.

"No! There was! I swear!" Ryan said, his eyes wide.

"I saw it too." Liza said, scrunching her eyebrows.

Josh shook his head. "Let's just take the candy and go."

"Wait, wait! Oh my god!" I said, my eyes widening as the blue flame turned into an image of a freaky looking little girl.

"Guys..." Ryan said, his voice trembling.

"This can't be real, this can't be real." Liza breathed out.

The girl turned around slowly, holding a teddy bear. And out of nowhere, she screamed as she rushed at us, letting out a bloody screech.

"Holy fuck!!!" Ryan said, backing away as he fell on the floor on his butt.

Liza screamed as well, her eyes full of terror.

I stared at Josh, my mouth wide open. "What was that?!"

Just then, the owner of the house opened the door, clutching her stomach, laughing.

"God. You guys are really gullible." She said, wiping a tear from her face.

Ryan stared at her, his mouth still open, his butt on the floor.

"It was a hologram." She said, replaying the freaky girl image once more.

"You gave me a heart attack!" Ryan said, shaking his head.

The owner of the house laughed. "Now that's what Halloween is about. Tell you what, I'll let you take two candies each."

"Gee. Thanks." David said sarcastically. Liza clung at David's arms, her hands over her heart.

The owner shrugged. "You're welcome."

As David opened his mouth, I quickly stopped him. "Okay, Okay. Let's get our candy and go."

We quickly escaped the devil's house and went to Josh's place, not stopping for a second.

"I don't think I can go trick or treating again." Liza groaned as she dumped her bag on the floor.

"Ditto. That hologram scared the crap out of me." Ryan said, shuddering.

Katy snickered. "Yeah. I think we all saw that. You screamed like a little girl."

Ryan glared at her. "I. Did. Not. Scream."

David shrugged. "Dude. You kinda did."

Ryan shook his head. "No, I didn't! It was probably Liza."

Liza crossed her arms. "Hey! I did scream, but so did you! In fact, your scream was higher pitched than mine!"

Ryan blushed. "Wow. Way to let down a guy's self-esteem, guys."

I shook my head, laughing. "Okay, okay. We already have enough candy anyways. Why don't we each pick one candy from the pile for ourselves?"

Everyone nodded as they poured the candy from their bags into a big pile, rummaging through it as they each searched for their favorite candy.

"So. This was one heck of a night." I said, grinning at Josh.

Josh laughed. "Guess so. The kids are going to be thrilled when they see the candy."

"Hey! Why don't we all watch 'Nightmare before Christmas?'" Ryan hollered as he munched on Reese's peanut butter cup.

"I'm up for it." Katy said, peeling the package off of a kit kat.

"Me too." Liza and David said, nodding.

"Guess it's movie night then." I said, grinning as I turned off the lights.


I wish we would celebrate Halloween here too! I so wanted to go trick or treating when I was a kid LOL

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