#16 "Everyone's Hero"

# Bruno Mars - Finesse Remix (Feat. Cardi B)

(Edited Ver. Uploaded At 20/07/19)

We soon arrived at the pension and got assigned a room per team. Girls all shared one room while boys shared another. When the girls and I got out of our room after quickly unpacking, the boys were already in the main room with a pile of booze.

"How are we going to drink all that?" I asked, feeling my eyes bulging a bit. I just didn't see how 6 people would be able to finish all that without someone getting alcohol poisoning.

"You'd be surprised. Josh and I went to get the booze and there is way more where this came from." Ryan said, exchanging glances with Josh, shivering.

"So we are just going to start drinking? Like this?" Liza said, grabbing beer bottles from the pile. She popped the cap off with her heel like it was nothing.

Kevin shook his head as he grabbed one of the beer bottles off of her hands. "Well, not exactly. Think of it as an ice breaker. We are going to start by introducing ourselves, leading to some fun drinking games!"

"Ew. Do we have to do that? It's going to feel so awkward." Katy said, plopping down next to Ryan.

"Yup, we are doing this, people! Grab a drink, alcohol or nonalcohol, and form a circle!" Kevin said, taking a sip from his beer bottle. We all got up, grabbed a drink, and formed a circle.

We all took turns sharing where we were from and why we decided to major in English Linguistics. Josh said he wanted to learn more about the history of language development and the changes in grammatical rules. I told them how I wanted to learn more about the differences between languages.

After somewhat awkward introductions, it was time for the fun part. We started playing drinking games that I have never even heard of before. Kevin was a master at it of course. He had his fair share of practice with the games from the previous year. Katy and I shared looks when he decided to be the white knight and drink instead of Liza who lost the games 3 times in a row.

We were having fun when a knock from the door came. Josh opened the door to find seniors promoting their clubs.

"David, my man!" Kevin said, grinning as the club members all came inside the small main room. The room was now packed, and the seniors looked quite drunk to be honest.

"Wassup, Kevs! Hey, everybody! I'm David, the president of the dance club 'On-Off'. We are recruiting new members, and you can always find us in our club room in the main building! We do all sorts of dancing and compete with other school's dance clubs regularly. If you are interested, give us a call!" David said enthusiastically, his face red with alcohol, pointing at the sign one of the club members was holding, The girl was holding a giant sign that said 'On-Off, the greatest dance club in HUFS! To join, text your name and major here- (xxx)xxx-xxxx.'

Kevin was mixing drinks in a giant bowl during the whole thing, to which Katy was watching with disgust and interest in her face. He was pouring all sorts of stuff. A little bit of orange juice, chocolate milk, beer, vodka...

"You know what to do!" Kevin said with a sweet smile, handing the bowl to David who looked revolted, seeing the mixture.

"It be your own people. I thought I had it bad at the room next door but you guys are the worst." David said before he gulped the whole bowl down. We all clapped when he put the bowl down, wondering how the hell he managed to keep it down.

He didn't. As soon as he was done, David put a hand on his mouth and rushed outside, a barfing noise coming not too long after. Kevin smirked as he began mixing up another nasty drink in the bowl.

"Well, that was fun. I wonder who will come to promote their club next." He said, with a wicked grin on his face.

"What even just happened?" Liza asked, staring at the bowl apprehensively like some nasty thing will come jumping out of it.

"The drink is a...payment of sorts. They get to promote their clubs going through rooms full of freshmen and they pay by drinking drinks." Kevin said, shrugging as he put more chocolate milk in the mix.

After giving a few more poor souls their death potion (was the free promo even worth it?), Kevin was drunk out of his mind as well. It was nearly 3 AM, and Kevin was fast asleep on the floor, his face in the cauldron, A.K.A The Bowl.

Others were quite drunk as well. Liza headed off to bed early, after cleaning up herself and Katy was back to back with Ryan giggling like crazy while sipping on her beer. Ryan seemed tired as he had his head on his arms, crouched down. I quietly slipped outside, closing the door behind me. I could hear drunken noises coming out from the rooms next to us as I breathed in the cold night air. I couldn't help but think about what happened a few days ago. The shouts, the physical fights, the tears.

"Hey, you alright?"

I jumped a little as I felt a hand on my shoulder. I must have been deep in my mind as I didn't hear the door opening and closing behind me. Josh was standing next to me, worry in his eyes.

"I'm fine. I just needed some fresh air." I said, letting out a deep sigh as I stared at the black sky. There were no stars visible. Typical.

"Me too. I think I might have drunk one too many beers. Plus Kevin dared me to try his mixture." Josh said, shuddering a little as I cracked a small grin.

"Yeah, you just should have backed out of it. It looked pretty awful." I said, looking up at him to check his disgusted expression.

"Blech. You are right. I think my tongue is now numb." Josh said, sticking his tongue out, his eyes focused on the tip of the tongue.

I laughed a bit, falling back to the depressing thoughts I was having. Josh must have felt a bit of fakeness to my laugh as his face became straight. "Hey, something wrong?"

"Nah," I said, shaking my head as I tried to give him a convincing smile. Josh just narrowed his eyes at me, showing me that he wasn't buying it.

"It's just- I don't want you to feel like an emotional trashcan or something," I said, biting my lower lip.

Josh grimaced as he leaned on the wall. "You can tell me if there is something troubling you. That's what friends are for, right?"

My eyes were focused on the sky as I searched for the right words. "It's just that...I feel so drained. Both mentally and emotionally."

Josh stared at me, his hand on mine. "Why do you feel so?"

"Just trouble at home. Dad treats my mom and me like crap, thinking he can say shit about us just because he can. He doesn't do that to my brother though, ever since he got strong enough to defend himself. The other day, He made a remark at me, and mom jumped to my defense. The whole thing turned physical real quick. She is tired of hearing crap after crap from him and I feel the same way."

"That's just terrible. No one should treat their family in such a way. Why doesn't he get that he needs to value the closest ones in his life more? I can't imagine how you must be feeling." Josh said, rubbing my back comfortingly.

"I know some people have it far worse than me, but I'm just so tired of it. My dad isn't afraid to show his short temper on us, my mom pours her heart out at me unintentionally making me worry about a whole lot of stuff like financial problems, and my brother expects me to help him on the littlest things just because I'm older. And now my parents aren't talking to each other and are considering a divorce. I just want to escape from all of it." I rambled, feeling the waterworks coming. I pushed it in deep, willing myself not to cry. I was enough of a burden to him.

"Sorry about this. I just felt...like I needed an outlet." I quickly added, making Josh frown a bit.

"I'm glad you are sharing this with me. Now I know more about you and how you are feeling. I can't say that I know how all of that feels, but I...I think I can relate to you on feeling trapped. You can't be expected to fix everything, Alessia. Does it upset you a lot, the fact that your parents are considering a divorce?"

"Honestly, no. I think this marriage was holding on to a thread. Mom made it clear that she was trying to make it work just for Alex and me. I don't want to make her feel like she has to do work on a clearly failing relationship just because of me." I replied, letting out a sigh. The sky looked darker than ever, just like my mood.

"Maybe you should talk to your mom about it. How you feel about the whole thing, I mean." Josh said, letting out a matching sigh.

"Maybe. Maybe things would be much better after the divorce." I said, squeezing Josh's hand. "Thank you for listening to my rant. I needed that."

Josh gave me a sad smile before he pulled me in for a hug. "Don't try to be everyone's hero, Lissy. You can always be human to me. Say whatever you want, feel whatever you want."


Let me know how you feel about this chapter, and ask away if you have any questions about the characters! Don't forget to share and smash that heart button if you have liked it! :D
