#7 "Hangover Cure: Pizza Edition"

# Lauv - Breathe

(Edited Ver. Uploaded At 20/07/19)

I crept my way downstairs and entered the kitchen. Mom was uncorking the wine bottle like she did every evening when she wasn't working overtime. I didn't know what to quite say to her, but I knew I needed to make the first move.

"Hey," I said, acting like I was looking for a snack in the fridge.

"Hey." Mom said behind me. The sound of wine being poured in the glass was heard while I squirmed in awkwardness. I grabbed an orange from the fridge and sat on the stool near mom. The silence was broken by mom as she let out a sigh, rubbing her face with her spare hand.

"You get why I'm mad at you, right?" Mom asked, taking a drink from her glass. She looked tired with her dark circles showing through.

"Yeah, I should have called you and told you my whereabouts," I said, letting out a sigh myself. It would be no good to argue with her now.

"That's right. Even if I look like I don't care, I do. I couldn't sleep at all last night because I was drawing different scenarios of why my daughter wasn't home yet!" Mom said, looking stressed.

I sighed. "I know. And I'm sorry. I really am." Her job was hectic enough without me adding to her stress level.

Mom let out a sigh as well. "I know you are. You are a good kid. I guess I was kind of disappointed as well because I wanted to celebrate your graduation when you got home. I did want to go to your graduation and I felt sorry that I missed it. But when I arrived home with your favorite ice cream cake, you weren't here."

"I would have loved that. I guess I just felt upset that you couldn't make it. I know you didn't want to go to work but standing alone at the ceremony with no flowers while others did...That kind of hurt." I said, wiping a spare tear that went loose. God damn it. I didn't want to cry.

"Oh, honey." Mom scooted close to me and wiped my tears with her hands. Mom's hands always felt warm while mine was icy cold. Her touch made me cry even harder and soon we were bawling while hugging each other.

"Do we-" I sniffled, "Do we have that cake left?"

Mom grinned as she grabbed a wad of tissue to blow her nose. "Maybe?"

We rushed to the fridge and opened the freezer with excitement. That excitement had crash-landed and went into an early grave as we found the cake missing and only the dirty plate left.

Mom and I stared at each other in a knowing glance. There was only one pig that would pull this kind of stunt. "ALEX!" We yelled; adrenaline pumped with anger. We were very hangry with all the crying done and the no food situation.

Alex came downstairs yawning, scratching his belly. He stopped mid scratch as we caught sight of us. "Wait...were you guys crying? I don't need all that emotional drama today, but thank you for the offer." Alex said, trying to go back to his room. I yanked the hood of his hoodie, half choking him as he tried to go upstairs.

"Stop right there, you pig! You ate my graduation cake!" I screeched, yanking him back to the scene of the crime. The dirty plate was now on the counter, evidence number one. Evidence number two was Alex's love handle.

"It's not my fault you weren't here to eat it. God, mom. You sure do know how to pick out a good cake. Loved the mocha. Next time, I think Tiramisu would be best." Alex said, blowing a chef's kiss at my mother who let out a snicker despite her trying to stay mad. Typical mom.

"Oh, I'll give you a Tiramisu," I said through my gritted teeth, choking my beloved little brother in a headlock. I began to roll my knuckles against Alex's scalp, which made Alex let out a squeal. I smirked as I started rolling my knuckles harder.

"I said Tiramisu, not Jiu-Jitsu!" Alex croaked, his face now bright red as he struggled to get out of my headlock. To my immense disappointment, Mom thought it was the perfect time to intervene.

"Kids, Kids!" Mom yelled, tearing us apart. Alex quickly massaged his neck and hid behind mom. I gave him my deluxe 'I'll kill you later,' look. Percy Jackson would have been so proud of me.

"The cake is already gone." Mom said, glaring at Alex who gleefully smiled. He didn't look regretful at all. "So why don't we just order some pizza. I'll order your favorite, Lissy."

"Potato Pizza with bacon, pineapple, and fries?" I asked, raising my eyebrows. Alex despised pineapple pizza, so there weren't a lot of times I got to add pineapple as a topping.

Alex groaned loudly as mom nodded. "Not fair! I hate pineapple on pizza. Whoever invented it has shit taste. Gordon Ramsay agrees with me completely. Pineapple doesn't belong on a pizza! It just doesn't work."

My eyes bugged as I got in defensive mode. "How dare you! You just don't appreciate the sweet goodness because you have bland taste buds. The flavor. The kick. Shame on thou for thy ignorance!"

The bickering went on till the doorbell rang. The argument consisted of Spongebob, Hawaii and the reverse pineapple pizza. As soon as we heard the bell, Alex and I ran to the front door, wagging our non-existent tails as my mom hurriedly looked for her wallet. I yanked open the door to find a boy my age looking surprised. His mouth formed an O as he confusedly stared at us gazing back and forth at the pizza and him.

"Uh...Did you guys...ehem...order pizza?" The poor delivery boy asked, looking baffled. Mom quickly pushed us behind her as she grabbed a wad of cash from her wallet.

"Yup, yup. That's us. Sorry about my kids. They are not completely trained yet. Down, Boy!" Mom said sternly as Alex pouted, sank to the ground, hugging her leg. Meanwhile, I was positive the delivery guy thought we were doing a weird kink thing because he looked much paler than before. Ewwww.

"Oh. Here's your pizza." The delivery guy quickly handed her the pizza, took the cash without checking the amount and half ran to his car to escape the crazies.

"You know he must have thought we were your submissives or something, right?" I said as mom's smile cracked.

"Wait, what?" Mom said, thinking over the situation while holding the pizza box. Alex quickly took the box from her hands and started munching on a slice as mom shuddered at the realization.

"Wha da ya mean?" Alex asked, mumbling as he vigorously chewed on his slice. Oh, innocent child.

"Nothing. It was nothing. Just don't act like a dog while there are others." I said, shrugging as I took a slice as well. Ah. Heavenly goodness. My day was saved and my hangover was cured. God bless you, pizza. Your grease is the solution to any problem.

"Yeah...what she said." Mom said, shuddering again as she yanked the box from Alex's hands.

"Hey!" Alex protested, scrambling up from the floor.

"We are not going to eat on the floor. To the kitchen." Mom yelled as we jogged behind her.

As I grabbed a second slice, Alex started grumbling loudly. "No fair! I take longer to eat because I have to get rid of all the pineapples on my slice!"

"Losers, weepers." I snickered as I drenched my slice with hot sauce. Mom looked grossed out as she watched me eat my pizza.

"Oh, hell no. Get your grimy paws off of my pizza, young man." Mom said as Alex started putting his pineapple bits on top of my mom's slice.

"My hands are clean!" Alex said as he spread out both of his hands in front of her.

"Didn't you scratch your belly and not washed your hands since?" I asked innocently as mom gagged a little.

I gleefully smiled as mom declared that she was done with pizza for the day. Welcome to the Knight's residence. Where every man is on their own to save their slice of pizza.


Pizza is LOVE. Nothing spurs up a conversation like Pineapple pizza. 😂

I personally like them on a thin dough but not on the thick ones. What about you guys?Don't forget to smash that star button/comment if you like this chapter! XDAnd Don't forget to share! :) It motivates authors!
