Chapter 44: The heartbroken one

I scanned her movements, she looked bored as she sat on a wooden box, not a meter from me away. Occasionally, she would look on her phone to check the time. Other than that she sometimes twiddled with something behind her back. It wasn't until our eyes met that she broke the silence.

She eyed me curiously. As if she was examining me like a guinea pig. She then scrunched her nose and shook her head. "I don't understand him." She mumbled to herself.

"What do you have that I don't?" Her frustration was vivid in her voice. I saw her stand up and walk towards me. Her threatening figure came closer and closer until she stopped in front of me.

"You aren't prettier than I am." She pushed my head back with her index finger. "You aren't exceptionally smart either." Again, she stabbed my forehead with her finger. "So, why?" I saw her eyes filled with anger as she asked again and again. "Why?!" She screeched, causing my ear drums to hurt.

"Because you're pathetic." I whispered, loud enough for her to hear.

"What did you just say?" She was dangerously near and she seemed more agitated than before.

"You. Are. Pathetic." I repeated every single word just to make it clear.

"You bi-" I interrupted her. "Don't call me those things that you probably call yourself. We both know that in this room you are the bitch. Not me."

"Shut up!" I was hit in the face again, but that didn't stop me. "Yura, you are the one who's a slut. A wench-" She roughly grabbed my hair and pulled it as hard as she could.

I screamed in pain while my head burned. Tears ran down my cheeks from the pain. It hurt so much and I had no idea how much I could take anymore.

"I could finish you off right now if I wanted." She threatened, causing me to smile bitterly through the tears.

"You can't. As long as Mingyu isn't here, you can't do anything to me yet." I grinned confidently. Her expression didn't seem good, as if she was one step away from actually killing me.

"I can. My original plan was to get rid of you and I might just stick to it. So whether I do it now or right in front of him, it doesn't matter. As long as you're gone, I will feel content."


I hated seeing that victorious grin on her face and wanted to wipe it off as soon as possible. But, I had to wait. I had to keep her alive to fulfil the deal I was going to make. Since threatening wasn't effective and only angered me more, I guess scaring her a bit would make me feel better.

I pulled out the gun I had hidden behind me and pointed it at her. Her eyes widened, and finally a hint of fear showed in her eyes. I let out a laugh from happiness. I was enjoying every second of this. If only I could torture her forever...

All of sudden, footsteps echoed in the warehouse. I smirked. He was here.

"Yura, stop this." I scooted up upon hearing his voice. My gaze shifted to him. A feeling of happiness overwhelmed me as I saw how good he looked since the last time I saw him. I just wished he ran to me and told me it was all a mistake. That everything was just to make me jealous and that he actually loved me. But, reality was a bitch and he didn't. At least not yet.

"Don't move." I demanded. However, he ignored my remark and moved closer instead. "One more step and she's gone." I threatened, pushing the gun against her temple. I felt her stiffen in fear and chuckled. Finally that arrogant facade of hers was gone.

He stopped and looked right at me. His eyes flickered with anger and hesitation. "What are you trying to achieve with this?" He spoke slowly, still remaining calm.

"It's so simple, Mingyu-ah." I crossed my arms, pulling my gun away again. "You only have to choose." I smiled sweetly. "Forget about her and return to me like you used to and she might live." I then pushed the pistol against her head again. "Or lose her forever and be devastated all by yourself."

The choices I gave him weren't that hard. In fact, they were rather easy. And they would give me an advantage either way. Of course, I expected him to choose the first option. He wouldn't let his 'love' die that easily and obviously would do anything to protect her.

If Mingyu returned to me, I was sure he would change his mind. He would forget her and realise how he had been wrong all along. Everything would turn out like it was supposed to be and no one had to die.

I saw his puzzled look. He glanced from me to her. Minutes passed and I was slowly was growing impatient. What was taking him so long to answer this simple question?

"Alright, I've made a choice." He sighed. I grinned, waiting expectantly. As he started walking my way, I felt overflowing happiness. I knew he would make the right choice. Standing in front of me, I opened my arms and was ready to hug him, but I was quickly stopped.

He took me by surprise as he grabbed my hand and the gun, but I tightly gripped onto it. "I have a second one and will not hesitate to use it if you don't let go right now." I gritted my teeth and glared at him. It was petty of him to think that I would lose this easily.

I saw him clench his jaw and then close his eyes. I thought he was going to let go of the gun, but he didn't. He suddenly used much force and pointed the gun at himself. "Wha-" He interrupted me. "I can't choose and won't. I'd rather die than choose to be with you." He was dead serious and didn't let go of it when I tried to move it away.

My eyes welled up from the harsh words he told me, but I blinked them away. Still, the pain in my heart remained.

"Let go!" I hissed, still wringing his hand from mine. Yet, his grip only tightened around my hand leaving me no other choice. I either had to pull the trigger or give up.

"Wh-why are you doing this?" I didn't understand him. Why her? No matter how many times I tried to figure him out, he was just like a puzzle to me which was impossible to solve.

"Shouldn't I be asking you that? Yura, stop this now. It's been enough." His stare bore right through mine, making me hesitate.

"N-no-no, it's unfair! Why does she get everything I can't get? I only wanted one thing." I cried out, feeling the loneliness I had always felt, engulf me. "I only wanted you." My voice cracked. I only loved him if it wasn't him, then there would be no use.

"It's too late now, Mingyu." There was no turning back anymore. "If I can't love you, then you can't love her either." I took the other gun and pointed the it at her.

Before I knew it, the bullet soared out of the pistol, leaving a short-lasted and ear-wrenching sound in the room.


Would you mind if I updated every few days or every day from now on? I've written the end (sort of) so I can do that.

Has any of you attended svt's fanmeet/concert? I haven't bc im stuck in a country where they'll probably never come 😧
