Chapter 16: Cinnamon rolls that could kill you

Days had passed, and Mingyu still was an ass.

Yesterday, he appeared out of nowhere when I was near my locker:

"Hey." He leaned against one of the lockers and greeted me.

I sighed and just walked to my locker, ignoring him. Putting my heavy books in it, I heard him come closer.

"Are you now the one ignoring me? Last time it was your boyfriend."

Boyfriend? Did he mean Soonyoung?

"He's not my boyfriend." Yet. I blushed at the thought of it. That is, if our misunderstanding gets solved.

"I know." He grinned slyly.

"Then why mention it?"

"To confirm my assumption."

"Why?" I asked him, slightly curious.

"Because I like you." I looked up, seeing him smile sheepishly.

He was lying. I just had the feeling it wasn't sincere. At least not right now. Who knows, maybe when he starts acting different again I might believe it. For now, it only seemed like a lie.

"Haha, really funny." I laughed dryly with no emotion.

"That hurt. I was very sincere, you know." He put his hand to his chest and pretended to feel pain there.

"If I was stupid, I would have believed you."

"I guess, I underestimated you. I really thought you were stupid." He grinned.

"If you only came here to insult me, then please go bother someone else."

"But I like bothering you. It's fun."

"Go away, Mingyu."

"I don't want to." He stubbornly stayed.

"Go bother Yura or something." I told him.

"Nah, since I met you, she became boring again."

If she knew that, she seriously wouldn't stay still. Maybe she would slap me. I would be able to handle that but, I'm sure it would go further than that.

"I think annoying you is more amusing." He chuckled, only irritating me more.

"Just stay away from me. I'm also too boring for you."

"I take that back." He said as he suddenly came closer. His stare pierced through mine, as he remained serious.

"I think I'm seriously starting to fall." He went closer.

"For you." He whispered with his husky voice in my ear, causing shivers to go down my spine.

"Stop it." I told him, slightly flustered.

"Why? Are you scared you'll do the same?" He arrogantly raised his eyebrow.

"I won't." I confidentally responded.

"We'll see."

He calmly walked away. It was hard to contain my posture, as his words made my knees go a little weak. This was frustrating.

Seeing how Mingyu ran past me, I started wondering why that boy was running so much. Last time he literally fell on me. I remembered he was heavy. Maybe he is the one who shouldn't eat to much, was what I thought as I remembered his stupid comment.

That Yura girl who normally hung out with him was luckily not at school today. Like an attention-seeker, she had been clinging around him for who knows how long when she came back. She was about to become Minah 2.0, if it continued like that.

A pink haired boy who was about the same height as me, ran after him. Strangely, he was holding a guitar in the air and looked rather furious while chasing him.

"Come here, you stupid giant!" He yelled angrily while effortlessly catching up to him. The boy did not seem tired from running at all whereas Mingyu looked as if he had ran miles.

To my surprise, the pink boy was right behind his back in no time while Mingyu turned around looking screwed. He was huffing in exhaustion from getting chased and still had to go on.

Mingyu cursed when he was just right behind him. The boy just smiled back to him deviously.

"I took the effort to warn you multiple times, yet you ignored my warnings." The boy threatened. No signs of being tired was visible on his face. Only a smug smile appeared as he neared.

Suddenly, Mingyu slowed down his pace.

"I'm taller than you and stronger. You can't do anything to me." Mingyu gained his confidence back as he realised he had nothing to be afraid of.

Mingyu then stopped his tracks and bravely stood in front of him. With his tall figure, Mingyu towered over the boy.

"I mean, what can a tiny and weak looking boy like you do to me." Mingyu continued provoking him. A smirk had formed on his lips.

The boy evilly laughed back in response.

"That you still dare to insult me." Were his last words before he swung the guitar at Mingyu.

Taking him by surprise, Mingyu had no time to defend himself.

Getting hit with an instrument looked already really painful, yet the amount of power he used, made it many times worse. Who knew a guy like him could hit that hard?

Beating the sense out of him, he looked as if he wasn't going to stop any time soon.

"I think enough, Jihoon." Hansol, who had caught up with both of them and was now standing behind him, worriedly said. Hansol's face was pale as he was too scared to physically stop him.

"Enough? This was just the beginning." Jihoon still seemed to have a grudge against him. He gritted his teeth, about to slam him again.

"I think if you hit him more, he might die!" Hansol exclaimed.

"He deserved that for calling me tiny." Jihoon glared at Hansol for trying to stop him.

I noticed that Jihoon was panting a lot, he must have been tired from all that hitting. He reconsidered hitting him again and then dropped the guitar on the ground.

He laid next to Mingyu on the cold hard ground from exhaustion.

Hansol sighed in relieve knowing that Jihoon had stopped and that his friend was saved.

Mingyu seemed to have passed out. He had his eyes closed and wasn't moving. The bruises from a week ago had healed but there were now new ones.

The two boys just stared at him, waiting for any reaction.

I was concerned. Was he still alive? I was thinking of rushing towards him to check, but stopped when I saw him move.

"Dang it..." Mingyu softly groaned once he opened his eyes again.

"I did it again." He continued, wiping the blood from his mouth.

Jihoon stuck out his hand to him, making me confused. What just happened? They looked as if they were on good terms again.

"Are you back?" Jihoon hesitatingly asked him. If Mingyu wasn't, he would certainly pull out his guitar again.

Mingyu weakly nodded with all the bruises on his body.

Jihoon and Hansol helped him get up with a lot of effort. Mingyu was the tallest out of the three and looked heavy to get leaned on.

"Idiot, I had to keep up with you being like this for a whole week. Do you know how tiring that was?" Jihoon seriously said.

Mingyu smiled a little, but it was a strained one. His whole body ached.

"You didn't have to hit me that hard though." Mingyu answered as he slumped through the building with the two supporting him.

"Well, does it matter? It worked. Anyway, let's bring you to the infirmary." Both Hansol and Jihoon guided him to the infirmary to check his injuries.

That was strange.

For a second it looked as if he was a bit kinder. Mingyu was really a confusing person.


With the strange thought of him probably being his normal self again, I followed them to the room they were in. Peeking from the door, I saw another person treating his wounds, it was Minghao.

Minghao picked up a cotton ball with tweezers and dipped them into rubbing alcohol. After that, he carefully put it on the cut on his forehead.

"It's going to sting." He warned beforehand.

Mingyu closed his eyes, waiting for the pain to come.

"Ow!" A soft yelp escaped his lips.

"Told ya."

When Minghao was finished with treating all his wounds, he sighed in exhaustion.

"You didn't have to injure him that much. He had already been beaten up a week ago. One strong blow would have been just enough." Minghao reasoned.

Jihoon just shrugged, not caring to give a proper answer.

"How did this happen, Mingyu. Don't you always take your pills?"

"It just happened." He said, messing his hair.

"Using the same excuse over and over does not make me believe it 'just happened', you know."

"Does that really matter. What's more important is that I'm myself again."

Myself? What did he mean by that?

Minghao sighed, knowing he wouldn't get to know the reason anytime soon.

"Next time, don't forget to take your medicine, or it will happen again." Minghao scolded him.

Is that why he always acted so different on random times? That would explain his bipolar moments.

"What about Hyejin. Does she hate me?" He seemed saddened at that thought.

I don't, I guess. At least not right now.

"Don't know, but she probably does. I mean you were a jerk towards all of us. Except to those girls who hung out with you 24/7."

Mingyu sighed.

"And I don't even know how this happened."

"It's okay. What happened has happened. There's nothing to do about it." Minghao assured him.

"I just hope she doesn't despise me. I really like her." Unknowingly, a smile had spread across his lips.

My cheeks heated up upon hearing him. I suddenly felt really shy.

Unexpectedly, I felt a sneeze come up. I pinched my nose trying to stop it, but still ended up sneezing. A soft sound escaped my mouth, as I tried to cover it. I hoped no one had heard me.

Minghao seemed to sense my presence as his eyes shifted to the door. I quickly hid behind door, hoping he hadn't seen me.

"Anyway," Minghao continued, averting his gaze again.

Phew, that was close.

"I need to go now." He said as he stood up.

That was my cue to go away as quickly as possible. I hurried away from the door but was soon grabbed by the collar from behind.

"Not so fast,"

It was Minghao wasn't it?


Yup...I was doomed for.

"H-hey Minghao. Ni-i-ice to see you." I turned around, shooting him a goofy smile.

"You heard everything, didn't you?" He grabbed my shoulders, making me have eye-contact with him.

"Maybe..." I tried pulling off an innocent look as possible, but his stern gaze remained unshaken. Had he always been like that? So intimidating? His pure looking appearance might just only apply to the outside. On the inside, no one could knew what he was like for real.

Minghao towered over me which was strange because Mingyu never caused me to feel so tiny as now. His expression was unreadable.

I squirmed a little at his threatening presence.

His eyes instantly softened as he realised he was intimidating me.

He coughed multiple times, trying to make the atmosphere less frightening.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to." He apologised.

I nodded in understanding, still not letting my guard down.

"And to answer your question, yes I did hear it."

"Don't tell him." He instantly said.

"Huh, why?"

"He doesn't want you to know. You remember what I told you, right? About his feelings for you."

"Yeah...But what about his medicine?"

He didn't answer my question.

"Just pretend you don't know anything about it, okay?"

"Yes." If you answer my question.

He examined my face, searching for any possible uncertainty. As he was sure, I wasn't lying, he let me go.

He wanted to walk away and leave me alone, but I stopped him from doing so. I pulled his shirt, making him turn his back to face me.

"Are you not going to explain to me what happened at all?"

I wanted answers. The mystery behind their odd actions really bothered me and I was fed up with knowing nothing.

Minghao sighed. He was clearly annoyed with my curiosity.

"Later. Not now."

"But I want to know it, right now." I stated, not letting go of his shirt.

He shook my hand away and ignored me.

The bell rang thereafter, making it not possible for me to run after him.


Remember when I said that Woozi would soon appear in this book? That took 11 chapters (-.-").

Also, I'm so happy they won a rookie award. They really deserved it!!

I need to write more scenes with some characters. But I don't know who.

So... who's your favorite currently? Or do you have any ships?
