Chapter 33: An ice cold day

I felt my blood boil at the thought of Minah being behind all this. She shouldn't have taken advantage of him.

When I saw Minah enter the room, I lost it. There was a limit to how petty a person could be and she exceeded it.

She only used people to get what she wanted. I disliked her for that. And to think I pitied her. Right now, that sympathy had turned into hate. I disliked her even more than I ever could.

She could use me or hurt me, I wouldn't care enough. But, hurting my friends and bringing them pain, was something I couldn't overlook.

"I seriously can't stand you." The words came out like poison that dripped down my tongue.

Her right cheek showed redness from how hard I had hit her there.

Sudden tears streamed down her cheeks. She sobbed and buried her head in Soonyoung's chest.

I didn't feel guilty about it all. Because she was faking everything.

Soonyoung on the other hand, looked at me in shock as he comforted her.

"I can't believe you sunk so low. To use someone for your own purpose. You're really pitiful you know."

"I-I d-don't know what you're talking about." She continued crying, letting her fake tears drop.

"Right, just keep on pretending. Just like you always do. Lying, forcing and even blackmailing it seems."

"Hyejin, you don't have to-" Seungcheol tried to say, but I interupted him.

"I do. Having her live her life without any conscience, doesn't satisfy me at all."

"I didn't do anything." She wailed back.

"What's wrong with you? It's so unlike you." Soonyoung asked.

"It's because of her." I pointed at her accusingly. Minah only squirmed closer to Soonyoung's body.

"She used Seungcheol." Unknowingly, a tear rolled down my cheek. I felt bad for him. He didn't deserve that.

Because of her, I lost my dear friend.

It wasn't entirely his fault. Some things shouldn't have been done. But, people made mistakes and he regretted them.

He didn't have anyone to seek for comfort. Not even me whom he once trusted so much. He had been alone because me. But, also because of Minah.

"She threatened him to spill his secret and used him to date me." I wiped the lone tear on my cheek. "She had planned everything."

"But...why would she do that?" Soonyoung asked.

It took minutes for it to sink in.

"It's because of me, isn't it?" He asked again. He slowly let go of her, eyeing her in disbelief.

Minah looked at him surprised. She reached for his hand but he moved away from her.

She roughly shook her head.

"It-it's not true. It-it really isn't."

He sighed and ignored her.

"S-Soonyoung, I-I-I don't know what she's talking about." She was on the verge of crying real tears. "She's probably jealous and just spreading lies." Her voice was desperate and her eyes were filled with anger.

"You know I'm not, Minah. Stop denying it. You won't get yourself in a better situation." I told her.

"S-s-stop it, Hyejin. Stop lying." A hiss escaped her lips.

"She's right though. Minah, I think you should stop this." It was Jeonghan.

Seungcheol eyed him in surprise. I saw his cheeks redden from embarrassment.

"Let's stop this." He suddenly said.

Everyone looked in Soonyoung's direction, surprised.

"Let's break up." He repeated. He didn't face her and stared to the ground.

"W-wha-what?" Minah's eyes widened, hoping that what she heard was a lie.

"You heard me right, Minah. I'm tired of this."


"I'm sorry. I just can't anymore." With that he left her behind.

She chased after him, but he immediately slammed the door close in front of her.

Speechless, she stood there. Tears were endlessly flowing down her cheeks.

Everyone just stood there, unmoving. After the truth was confirmed, no one dared to help her. They just stared.

It wasn't until she suddenly fell to the ground motionless, that panic rose.


"Minah disappeared." It was Seokmin. He showed a look of discomfort and didn't actually want to deliver the news to us since he was unsure what we would think of it.

It had only been one day after the event in the hospital and she had already escaped from the hospital. What was she thinking? She wasn't in any condition to go anywhere recklessly.

I glanced at Soonyoung who was emotionlessly staring down at his phone. He didn't care. After yesterday, he didn't want to have anything to do with her.

It wasn't only for what she had done. He was just plainly tired. Tired of her clinging around him. Tired of her staying in his way. Tired of fearing to lose me.

"Shouldn't anyone look for her?" He carefully asked.

Everyone kept silent until Minghao broke the silence.

"Why should we? Shouldn't her friends look for her?"

We eyed him in surprise.

"Ah, right. She doesn't have any." He commented.

Silence engulfed us again. We stared at Minghao who shrugged in response, giving us the so-what-look.

"Looking for who?" Jisoo who had popped up out of nowhere and had only heard part of the conversation, asked.

"Minah." Seokmin sighed. "She disappeared."

As if on cue, he dropped the objects he was holding in his hands and rushed to the clothing racks to get his coat.

"Jisoo, where are you going?!" Seokmin yelled. However, he was ignored.

Seokmin let it go. It was no use to stop him anyway.

The others paid no attention to him, but I did.

Why Jisoo? You'll only get hurt.


I was walking through the hallways, all alone. Strangely, no students where nearby. They either already went to their classes or were all in the cafeteria. Yet, for some strange reason I had an eerie feeling that something was wrong.

My intuition was right, I felt being followed. I thought I heard footsteps from behind and swiftly turned around, only to face nothingness.

The grapevine was still empty.

Maybe I was just paranoid and just imagining things. I shook the feeling off, not realising the fact that indeed someone was following me.

Suddenly, I felt a pair of hands on my shoulders, making me jump in surprise. I felt my heart race faster and my face pale.

"Boo!" A familiar voice beamed.

I yelped in surprise.

I turned around only to face Chan's mischievous face.

"Did I scare you?" He asked me excited.

"You did!" I answered him shocked.

"Well, sorry. Didn't think that you would get so worked up about it."

"It's not your fault. I was just...I don't know." I scratched the back of my neck. "I had a strange feeling."

"Is everything okay then?"

I nodded.

"I need to go. I'll see you tomorrow!" He wished me goodbye while I waved in return.

I continued walking, convincing myself it probably was nothing.

Strangely, I felt myself become more comfortable as I almost reached the exit.

All of sudden, something hard hit the back of my head, instantly making my vision turn black.


I felt a cold liquid pour over me. It caused me to wake up.

I opened my eyes and was welcomed by the smug grins of Yura and her girls.

Water dripped down the ends of my hair. I looked past them and saw that we were on the rooftop.

Warm clouds escaped my mouth. I was only wearing my uniform on this cold winter day. I was practically freezing and I had it ice cold.

I couldn't move as they had tied me down to a chair.

Yura smiled evilly.

Again, she came with her slaps. She harshly hit my cheek. She didn't stop. It was as if her enjoyment grew the more she hit me.

By now, my cheeks were bright red and stung.

"An attention-seeking slut like you shouldn't hang around someone like him."

I scoffed.

"That's strange, the only slut I see is the one in front of me." I shot back.

(A/N: Comebacks aren't always my strongest points 😅)

"You bitch, you still dare to talk to me like that?" She furiously kicked me, causing me to fall backwards along with the chair.

I groaned in pain as my head hit the ground.

"You should just freeze to death." She said, kicking the chair one last time.

Together they walked to the door, leaving me on the cold hard ground.

Yura stopped in front of the door opening.

"This is just a warning for you to stay away from him. Next time, I won't be so kind anymore."

Before she closed the door behind her, she shot me one last victorious look.

Fortunately, they hadn't locked it.

Yet, I only got my hopes up. They soon were crushed when I heard the door click close.

In the mean time, I hoped someone would find me. But it was extra cold today, so the chance of anyone wanting to visit the rooftop were rather small.

Every time a cold breeze passed me, I felt my whole body shiver. It was as if my hair that once was so wet, had frozen into ice.

My hands were awfully pale and felt numb. It was as if they were going to freeze off.

What did I do to deserve this? Was it only because I hung out with Mingyu? I found it ridiculous. It wasn't as if by doing this he would turn his attention back to them.

I silently cursed at myself for being such a weak target. Like this I only was going to bring more trouble upon my friends.

For hours I stayed there. No one came. The content of my bag was spread over the floor. One of the girls had dumped everything on the ground. My phone was probably also there, but I couldn't reach it.

After a while, my mind was fuzzy. I had it cold and I felt drowsy. Maybe, by sleeping I would warm up.

My eyes slowly fell close and my body only felt colder and colder.



Where was Hyejin? I saw her during lunch break, but after that she had disappeared like snow.

She wasn't even during the lessons after that. Was she okay?

I tried calling her, but she didn't pick up.

Maybe she already went home to charge her phone, was what I hoped.

Outside the school I saw the group of girls that had been bothering Hyejin these days.

I coincidentally overheard their conversation.

"This will definitely teach her a lesson." One said.

"Yeah, but it's quite cold today. Won't she really freeze to death?"

"Does that even matter? She deserves it for stealing our property."

"I guess you're right. No one would look for her anyway." Another said.

"Let's go get some hot drinks." Yura suggested, the sly smile never left her lips.

The other's agreed.

I had a bad feeling that they were talking about Hyejin.

I was reconsidering whether to look for her.

Yet, the nagging feeling kept bugging me and without a thought, I rushed to the school building.

Seventeen's cb is approaching!! The teasers, medley everything is just soo nice, I just keep replaying it. Why do they look so good in those teasers. And the girlgroup medley also was great. Sighh just one more week.

Also, since I need some inspiration right now, I was wondering whether I should make an oneshot book where stories about svt can be requested. But, I'll only make it if anyone is interested.
