Chapter 17: He was wrong

Someone with open arms walked into my direction. As that person came nearer, I recognised the person. It was (hopefully the kind) Mingyu. He stood in front of me, his arms still spread widely. He was waiting for me to hug him back. Instead, I just stood there awkwardly.

He seemed disappointed and sad by his rejected hug.

"I was right, you do hate me." He pouted, staring to the ground.

"No, I don't. Don't worry." I assured him.

"Then." He opened his arms again, suggesting for the hug. I laughed at his cuteness.

"You can hug me instead." I told him.

I would be fine, right?

Instantly, he engulfed me in one warm big hug, squishing me between his arms. His grip around me was gentle and made me feel safe. It surprisingly felt nice. Maybe because he was so tall that it made me feel so secure. His brown coat made me think that I was hugging a huge soft teddy bear instead of a person.

Maybe, everything was going to be okay. Maybe, I was going to get used to this.

Pulling away from the hug, I saw his cheeks slightly tinted red. A smile had spread across his lips and he couldn't hide his expression.

He nervously tousled his hair. It was then that I noticed that he had re-dyed his hair into its original colour brown. How stupid of me, to not notice that immediately.

"Your hair is brown!" I exclaimed.

"Huh, yes. I think this looks better." He shyly said.

"I agree, it indeed does." I gave him a big grin in return.

He continuously touched his hair, happily. I saw that his right hand had a bruise.

"How did you get that?" Was it from Jihoon and his dangerous guitar? But it felt as if it was way before that. I think that when he was near my locker, he already had it. How strange. Maybe I was just imagining it.

"I guess, I tripped." He looked confused.

"Okay..." Did he himself even know it, or was he just coming up with some excuse. I already knew he didn't want me to know that there was something wrong with him. Although I had to urge to ask him, I didn't. I had promised Minghao that I wouldn't. Also, who knows what Minghao would do to me if I asked him.

"Do you want me to treat it for you?" I offered.

"No, it's okay." He shook his head and then looked at his wound one last time, but then shook his head again.

"Let's go. otherwise we'll be late." He said.

I nodded. Together we walked to the school building.


"We need to talk." His gaze was impatient as I noticed him tapping his feet numerous times. He also seemed out of breath. He looked as if he had ran.

I rose my eyebrow, crossing my arms.

"We do?" I eyed him unconvinced.

After multiple times, I had given up on him. So, I was surprised that this time, he was the one who approached me.

"Yes, we do." He clearly stated.

He grasped my hand, and tried to drag me with him.

Just like he always did, he laced my hand with his. I tried to shake his hand away, but failed.

I decided to remain still and unmoving, so he would have to pull me with him.

After having moved a meter, he stopped. He eyed me in disbelief as I remained still like a block and decided to have the talk here.

"What if, this time I don't want to." I remarked.

He sighed. I wasn't going to go easy on him. He also needed to suffer a little. He didn't know how helpless I felt every time I tried to convince him.

I coincidentally saw Minghao in the distance and remembered that he still needed to answer my questions. Soonyoung could wait.

I wanted to go to Minghao, but was tugged to his side instead.

"Soonyoung, I don't have time for you, right now. Maybe some other time."

"No, Hyejin. I want to talk now."

"Why so suddenly? You had been avoiding me for so long, so why would you suddenly want to talk to me?"

"I realised that I was acting stupid."


"I shouldn't have believed Minah so easily. I kind of found out that everything was fake." He sighed, feeling bad about what he did.

"How?" I frowned. I was curious, because what could have made him believe me that I could not have done?

"Minah, she stupidly kept the original pictures in her locker. I happened to see them inside her locker when she wasn't paying attention. When I saw the pictures up close, I instantly knew those were the original ones."

"I thought she was smarter than that..." I murmured.

"So did I. The fact that she planned to get those pictures edited was already a smart move. But enough of that, do you forgive me?"

"What did you do to Minah when you found out?" I asked him, instead of answering.

"I ignored her after that and immediately ran to you."

"You probably didn't just ignore her, but okay."

"Am I forgiven now?" He gave me a hopeful look, hoping that I would answer him with a 'yes'.

I sighed. Should I? Maybe I should wait a bit longer. After minutes of staring back at each other, he got frustrated and groaned.

"Do you really want to hear me say it?" He questioned.

"Yes." I answered back.

"I'm sorry, Hyejin." The sincerity dripped off his voice. His begging eyes, made me feel a slight pity on him.

"And I like you." He looked me right in the eyes. His face turned serious.

He did that on purpose. Catching me off guard like that. How could I not forgive him, hearing those words. I got all flustered.

No, I shouldn't give in. I needed to act all strong and mean. I mean, I cried because of him. Not that I was going to make him cry, but he also needed to have a taste of his own medicine.

"Okay. So?" I asked him.

He looked surprised by my emotionless reaction.

"So...I was wondering whether you could forgive me, like right now? I've been asking you this for the third time."

"Why should I? Out of nowhere you come here and want to act like friends again. A few weeks ago, you beat the crap out of Mingyu and you accused me of cheating. I understand you had proof, but you were going over the top! You acted as if I suddenly wasn't there anymore. That hurt, you know." Pain was vivid in my expression.

"I know." The guilty look in his eyes was visible.

"It was as if you didn't see me as your friend anymore. we've been friends for who knows how long." I didn't know why. I started it as a joke, but now I was ranting towards him. I must have kept this in for a long time.

"That's not it. I just..." His voice trailed off.

"Just what?" I questioned him impatiently.

"I was wrong, okay? I shouldn't have done that." This time he really seemed to feel bad about it.

I guess, after saying what had been on my mind, I felt more relieved and relaxed.

"Alright. I'll forgive you."

"Really?" He was surprised when I finally gave in.

"Yes, if you..."

He groaned, immediately knowing what I was going to say.

"Apologise to Mingyu."

"I don't want to." He immediately shot back.

"You should. You hurt him over something he didn't do."

"But, he hit me too." He pointed to his jaw that was a bit swollen.

Today, I seriously was a bit on the slow side in noticing things.

"When did he do that? He doesn't look like someone that would do that." With the exception of him yesterday. That person totally wouldn't have cared hitting someone.

"Yesterday. I walked up to him after he did that to you, but he suddenly hit me." He said in disbelief.

"Did you seriously want to beat him again?" Was all I could ask.

"Maybe, but he also called me a bastard and dumb." He scoffed as he thought back.

"I have to agree on the dumb part with him." I softly whispered to myself.

"Do I really have to apologise to him?"

"Yes, you punched him when he only tried to help me. He deserves an apology."

Soonyoung groaned in defeat.

"Fine, I will when I see him." He hoped he wouldn't see Mingyu anytime soon.

"So everything between us is solved now, right?" He tried to confirm.


He slung his arm around, and showed me his cheeky smile I hand't seen for a long time. His familiar laugh warmed my heart, causing me to smile back.

"Then, what is your answer?" He unexpectedly repeated.

"Hm?" I didn't know what he meant.

"Do you like me back?"

For some reason, I get the feeling that Mingyu isn't receiving any love in this book. Maybe bc I made him too mean at times and confusing (>▪<").

Btw, next chapter is a side story that takes place on the same day. After that it will continue from this chapter.

Also, I won't update next week or the week after that bc of tests and homework T^T.

And yaasss they won rookie award againn!!! :D
