Chapter 24: The after-effects

"Wake up, Hyejin."

"She's not going to wake up. She has been sleeping for days." Another voice beamed.

"Just wait and see." The other responded confidentally.

"Yo ladies!" He began.

"Oh, god no!" The other voice complained.

"Hyejin wake up. Wake up. Wake up. Wake up!" The boy sang in the most annoying tone that existed.

"Shut up, Seungkwan! It's not working." I recognised the person's voice, it was Hansol.

I slowly opened my eyes, meeting the white ceiling and Seungkwan's face up-close.

"See, it did work!" Seungkwan smirked proudly.

Unconsciously, a tear rolled down my cheek. Mingyu who was also in the hospital room, noticed it and scooted up to sit next to me.

"Are you alright. Does it hurt anywhere?" He worriedly asked me while scanning my body, his eyebrows furrowed into a deep frown.

"Her eardrums probably were destroyed by Seungkwan's horrible singing." Hansol commented.

Seungkwan did not agree with his statement and hit him on his arm.

Like little children, they kept on hitting each other back like there was no tomorrow.

"Stop it!" Jihoon yelled as he grabbed the guitar Jisoo had placed against the wall. I saw both of them and Jisoo turn pale upon seeing him.

"T-that's my guitar!" Jisoo exclaimed, unable to maintain his cool when seeing his precious guitar was in danger.

"We'll stop!" Hansol shouted back, hugging Seungkwan beside him.

"See, we're friends again."He explained, squishing Seungkwan against him who returned him a sassy look.

Jihoon huffed, eyeing them suspiciously. Hansol shot him a forced smile, nudging Seungkwan to do the same. Seungkwan looked at him strangely.

Upon seeing Jihoon's death glare, he gave in and hastily hugged him back, smiling fakily.

Jihoon let it go and returned it to Jisoo who immediately checked it for any scratches.

With much effort, I sat up. I felt pain shoot through my spine, causing yelp to escape my lips.

"Are okay?"

I nodded, smiling briefly.

Mingyu suddenly pulled me into a deep yet gentle hug, making me freeze instantly.

Slowly, I felt myself loosen and calm down again.

"I was so worried, Hyejin. Please don't scare me like that again." His voice was filled with concern.

I felt uncomfortable at first, but continued. Carefully and hesitantly, I wrapped my arms around his torso, hugging him back.

"Sorry, I won't do it again." I assured him.

Mingyu widened his eyes in surprise but didn't say anything about it.

Pulling away from the hug, I noticed his face that had flared pink. Unknowingly, I smiled.

After that dream, I realised that I should appreciate the little things around me, even if it was difficult. Because before you know it, it was gone, forever.

From the corner of my eye, I noticed Soonyoung standing at the door opening. His expression was unreadable.

I wondered why he was not coming inside until I remembered we hadn't made up yet.

However, instead of anger, sadness or any distrust, I felt relieved. He was fine and unharmed.

Everything was just a dream.

Mingyu and his friends stayed here for about an hour. They told me how they tried to wake me up and that they visited me everyday.

It warmed my heart hearing their stories.

Jisoo took his guitar with everyday and played my favourite song with it.

Seungkwan and Hansol also fought about who would talk to me first.

Jihoon sometimes played music in the room he had composed himself. I didn't know he was that talented.

Even Wonwoo had visited me, but always left earlier than them to sleep.

Strangely, no one mentioned Soonyoung. Was everyone on good terms?

When they all had left, Soonyoung sneaked in my room.

"Hyejin, can we talk?" Was what he asked me.


It felt nice to breath in the cold fresh air. We were on the second floor where a little garden was located for the patients to rest.

We sat on a bench staring down at the buildings and the people who were walking underneath us.

A cold breeze blew my hair to the side. It was a bit cold to be outside, but I had a cardigan slung over my hospital gown.

None of us said anything until Soonyoung broke the silence.

"You know, I've tried to sneak in Momo, but you didn't wake up." He referred to the little chick.

"She's at your home right now." He answered since I shot him a questioning look.

"Did you already name it for me?"

"Yes, do you mind?"

I shook my head. It was a cute name, so I didn't mind.

Silence engulfed us again.

"Minah and I..." His voice suddenly trailed off.

I looked back at him, expectantly.

"We started dating."

"Oh." I didn't know how to react.

Was I supposed to feel hurt? Be angry at him? Cry? Or just accept it?

I didn't know.

Soonyoung noticed the look in my eyes.

"Don't misunderstand, Hyejin. I don't like her." He explained.

"Then why? Why are you going out with someone you don't like?"

Soonyoung sighed. Looking at his eyebags, I knew he hadn't had enough sleep for days. Many things must have gone through his mind. I just hoped I was one of them.

"Minah's time is slowly running out. Her illness became worse and it currently isn't looking very good for her."

"How do you know she's not lying. You know she lies a lot."

"It's because I overheard her conversation with her doctor."

"Does Jisoo know this?" I asked him, curiously. For some reason, I got the feeling he could get affected by this too.

Soonyoung shook his head.

"He doesn't."

"So, is that why you two kissed?"

"That kiss didn't mean anything to me. When she saw me at the door, she lost it. I didn't know how to comfort her and just hugged her. I think she misunderstood it." Soonyoung sighed, feeling bad about it.

"She wants to live her life to the fullest while she still can. She asked me this as a favour. I couldn't say no to her."

"I see..." I wasn't sure what to think about it. I certainly wasn't happy with it, but didn't want to be too selfish for keeping him all to myself. Every person deserved to be happy and I guess Minah did too.

"Hyejin," He looked me right in the eyes while holding my hand. "Can you wait for me?"

As I didn't respond him, stared into my eyes before he pecked a kiss on my forehead.

"I like you and only you, Hyejin. Remember that." He assured me.

He tilted my chin, wanting to lean in for another kiss. Yet, I turned my head, rejecting it.

"Sorry, but I need time."

"It's okay." He smiled, trying to hide the bitterness he felt. "I'll wait for you then."

"Okay." I simply responded.

"During that time, please don't fall for someone else." He continued.

I didn't respond because I couldn't assure him that.

Things could change over time. Who knows how I would be tomorrow? Everything could happen. No one knows what lies in the future.


Tomorrow I would be released from the hospital. Luckily, I didn't have to go to school immediately. I had one day off.

I was on my way to my room. Walking with a stick was harder than I thought. Fortunately, after a few days I could do without it.

Wandering through the hallways, I saw Mingyu talking to an older man with a doctor's coat on.

"How is it going, Mingyu? Did your condition improve?"

"It's still the same, doctor Xu."

Xu? He oddly had striking similarities with Minghao. Could it be his father?

Even though I have been friends with Minghao for some time, I have never met his parents before.

Doctor Xu sighed.

"It's a pity we can't treat it properly."

"It's okay. I'm used to it."

"Are you living a good life?"

A smile formed on Mingyu's lips. His expression brightened as he responded.

"I am."

The doctor noticed the change in his face and chuckled.

"I see. It's some girl isn't?"

He scratched his neck and looked away, embarrassed.

"Yeah." He shortly replied.

"You should introduce her to me sometime." Doctor Xu said, returning him a warm fatherly smile.

By now, Mingyu's face was red as a tomato. Doctor Xu grinned and ruffled his hair like he would do to his own son.

"I need to go now. The patients are waiting for me." He walked away, leaving Mingyu alone in the hallway.

Many questions popped in my mind. I had already made up my mind about what I was going to do tomorrow.

I was going to meet the only person who could explain it to me: Minghao.

Next chapters are going to pretty much explain everyting so it might be boring.
