Chapter 34: The unnoticed one


Never, did I expect to be in the same situation again. As if once hadn't been enough, it had happened another time.

Once it was because of Soonyoung, this time it was because of Mingyu.

Why did no one protect her like they should? If I hadn't found her, who knows what would have happened?

I rushed to the school's entrance and was about to enter the school, until some janitor stopped me.

"Boy, the school's closed." He told me.

"I know, but I forgot something."

"Can't you get it tomorrow?" He asked me, slightly annoyed.

"No, I really need it."

He noticed my worried expression and sighed.

"Fine, then. I'll give you ten minutes, not more. I really want to go home." He told me impatiently.

Looking at his face, it wouldn't surprise me if he locked me inside after those ten minutes.

As he said those words, I ran past him and searched throughout the whole school.

I couldn't find her. Was I just being paranoid? Where could she possibly be?

I looked at my watch, 7 minutes had passed.

I groaned, how was I supposed to find her like this?

Then I remembered. They talked about a cold place and the only place I hadn't searched was the rooftop.

I rushed to the roof. Already being exhausted, I still had to run quite a bit because of the stairs. It was tiring, but I didn't care.

As long I could find her, running miles for her was nothing.

I arrived at the door, but it wouldn't open. I started panicking. What was I going to do now?

I used much force to open it, the door didn't budge. I kicked it, used something to break it open, but nothing worked.

Sweat was trickling my forehead and I felt myself slowly give up. I was out of breath, adrenaline pumped through my blood and my hands were trembling.

I wasn't even sure whether she was there, so why did I continue? It was because I had to make sure she was safe. If something happened to her, I wouldn't forgive myself.

It was because I loved her, that I would go this far.

I ran back to the janitor.

"Did you find it?" He asked me curious as he noticed my tired look.

"Please, I need to go the rooftop."

He scoffed, finding me ridiculous.

"I really don't have time for any jokes. Why would you want to go there?"

"Someone is there. I'm sure of it."

He hesitated, unsure of whether to believe me.

I soon grew impatient. I didn't have the time either.

I fell to my knees. The man looked taken aback by my sudden kneeling.

"Please, open the door to the rooftop." I begged him.

He gave in, knowing it was no use. He was sure that something must have happened if a student would kneel for him like that.

Normally, the doors weren't opened again once they closed and you had to wait for the next day, but I really didn't have the time to wait that long. It could've been too late.

Once the key was put into the keyhole and the door unlocked, I dashed through the door and looked around.

I immediately spotted her.

She was laying there on the cold concrete ground. Her hair was sprawled over the floor and she was surrounded by frozen water.

I instantly picked her up bridal-style and held her fragile ice cold frame against mine.

"Please call an ambulance."

I held onto her cold hands, not letting the cold get to her. Her face had paled because of the cold. Even in this state, she was beautiful to me. The beeping sound of the monitor could never mute the sound of my rapid beating heart. Her long lashes that curled up to the skies, her shiny silky hair, her soft inviting lips that made me slightly go crazy, all caused this.

I noticed her shift a little to the left and mumble words. My heart shattered as I could make up what she muttered.


Upon hearing his name, made me feel left out, unnoticed and alone. It was unfair.

I gritted my teeth, balded my fists and felt jealousy rise.

Last time it was Soonyoung, this time Mingyu. Would there ever be a day when she would call out my name?

I wished that for once, she saw me. I always thought she did, but as the three of them became more closer, I slowly disappeared from her sight.

Hyejin, was it that hard for you to look into my direction even just once?

Maybe, falling for you had been a mistake. But, I couldn't help it. Everything you did, caught my attention and made me focus on only you.

Unknowingly, I had leaned closer. Only a small space between us, separated our lips. Sadness was mixed with longing. Even just once, being able to touch your lips would be enough for me. Perhaps, I could let go of you after that.

I felt bad for taking advantage of you, without yourself ever knowing.

Before our lips could touch, I was hastily grabbed by the arm and pulled away.

I faced a furious looking Mingyu.

"Don't touch her so recklessly." He was glaring right back at me.

I didn't know what overcame me, but I grabbed him by the collar and punched him in the face.

He eyed me in disbelief and wiped the blood from his lips before hitting back.

We kept beating each other. The amount of punches I gave were soon returned with the same amount of power.

"It's because of you that's she's in this condition." I hit him in the stomach, causing him to let out a grunt.

"What do you mean?" He looked confused before returning the blow.

"Are you dumb? Because of your pathetic fangirls, Hyejin almost froze to death!"

He unexpectedly let go of me, giving me another opportunity to punch him.

"That Yura bitch caused all of this shit. And because you didn't keep her under control, this happened."

"I'll take care of her. Just don't touch Hyejin again." He warned me. His outraged glare never left his eyes.

I scoffed in response.


Some parts sound a bit too dramatic but oh well..

I have 2 weeks break so I'll spam these weeks with updates. Or I won't bc the keyboard of my laptop just went rip. I still can write sort of...but who knows.

Maybe if it goes well I'll update everyday (or every 2 days). That would prob be reallllyyy annoying but when the break is over, im going focus on studying so ill have less time to write.

Andd theirr mv is outtttt I just. They look so great, song is great idkk anymore. Did any of you buy the album? If so which ver? Bc i can't decide 😅
