Year 6 Part 5 (chapter 33)

Author's note:
Severus' birthday is included in the start! 🥳 Also, Severus might tell Y/N a secret or two! I hope you enjoy!

Word count: 2.2k
Warning: Blood, fight, poison and mentions of bullying

Today is another day of teaching dunderheads - it's also Severus' birthday.

He sighs at that. He never thinks much of his birthday, but when he has to teach that very day... He's reminded of it and feels miserable. To be teaching on one's birthday... Great.

He strolls inside the Defence Against the Dark Arts classroom, ignoring all the students.

He turns around, finally facing his sixth-years.

"Today you will be doing nonverbal spells. You will divide into pairs. One of you will attempt to jinx the other while they try to block that spell. You will both be doing this nonverbally - meaning you will not speak" he explains, talking very slowly so they understand it. Well, hopefully.

"What are you all waiting for? Begin!" he growls.

All the students immediately divide into pairs. Potter has obviously paired with Weasley while Granger has paired with Longbottom. Y/N has paired with Draco.

Severus sits down on his chair, observing them. Of course, most of them fail - nothing happens.

Y/N and Draco are the only ones where both attempt and succeed the task.

"Very good, Ms. Y/L/N and Mr. Malfoy. Ten points to Slytherin" he announces.

Once class is finally done, Y/N stays behind. She smiles at her Head of House. "Happy birthday, Severus" she shyly says.

"Thank you, Y/N-" he says just as an owl enters the classroom. It's Y/N's.

"Oh, thank you, Y/O/N!" the girl says as she grabs something - a present. The owl hoots happily while Y/N gently pets it.

She then faces her professor. "You didn't think I forgot your present, did you?" she asks as she giggles before handing him the present.

Severus chuckles. "Well, you didn't have to" he says as he opens it. It's a new cauldron filled with potion ingredients.

"You always seem to be in need of potion ingredients, so I thought this would be the perfect present" she explains, shyly smiling at him.

Severus nods, inspecting all the ingredients. He did indeed need all of these. He might not be the current Potions Master, but he still does brew a lot.

"This is indeed the perfect present. Thank you, Y/N" he says, looking at the cauldron. It's a really good quality.

The brown owl flies onto his desk, nuzzling his arm. Severus raises an eyebrow while Y/N giggles.

"I think that's his way of saying happy birthday to you" she says, trying to stop giggling.

Not knowing what to do, Severus clears his throat. "Well, thank you..." he mutters, hoping the owl will stop nuzzling him.

It does - after a minute or so. It flies onto Y/N's shoulder, nuzzling her cheek. Smiling, Y/N pets it.

She then remembers something.

"Oh, right! Now that we are talking about potions, your instructions helped me a lot! However, Potter seems to know about the method as he used it as well. Slughorn was offering a vial of Felix Felicis to the person who brewed the best potion. As Potter and mine were similar, I told him that he could have it. He seemed like he really wanted it, and I had nothing to use it for anyway" she says, shrugging.

That surprises Severus - Potter used the same method? How in Merlin's name is that even possible?

He then thinks of one possibility - the boy has his Potions book from when he was in sixth year himself.

Of course, he signed the book as 'The Half-Blood Prince'. Surely, the boy won't know it's him.

Severus just hopes he won't notice the written spells that he has made... One of them can be very dangerous if the spell caster doesn't know what they are doing.

"Severus, are you okay?" Y/N questions, noticing how he's deep in thought.

He clears his throat. "I am. I apologise, I was lost in thought. By the way, I have been wondering about something - how come you weren't at Slughorn's party?" he questions.

He's sure that she must be one of his favourites, everybody likes her.

"Oh, I decided to study instead. I don't like parties that much" she admits.

Severus nods. He doesn't like parties either.

"Well, I think Draco would have liked to come. He showed up uninvited" he tells her.

That surprises Y/N. "Really? I had no idea. If he had asked me, I would have invited him and chosen to come. I could just have studied in a quiet corner, perhaps" she says, looking like she feels bad.

Severus puts a hand on her shoulder.

"Do not feel guilty, Y/N. The boy shouldn't have shown up uninvited. It's his fault and not yours" he assures her, not wanting her to feel bad. She couldn't know the boy would do such an idiotic thing.

"You are right, Severus" she says, smiling at him.

She then notices how long she has been here.

"Oh, sorry, I promised to help Pansy with Herbology. She's still really distressed about our arranged marriage, so she hasn't been able to focus lately. Neither have Draco and I, but I'll still help her. I hope you will have a great birthday, especially now that classes are over" she says, chuckling.

Severus chuckles as well. "My day was already great when you gave me the cauldron and the ingredients. Thank you, I truly mean it" he says.

Y/N gives a bright smile at that. She then waves before leaving.

As she does so, Severus admires his new cauldron. He has never been able to afford such a good quality.

He truly loves his present, just as much as he loves his book and his scarf.

A few days later, Potter's friend, Weasley, is poisoned.

Severus, Albus, Minerva and Slughorn hurry inside the Hospital Wing. Weasley is in the bed, surrounded by Potter, Granger as well as his sister.

"Quick thinking on your part, Harry, using a bezoar. You must be very proud of your student, Horace" Albus says, praising Potter before looking at Slughorn.

Severus looks at them in disbelief. He has taught Potter about bezoars, yet Slughorn gets the credit?!

"Hmm? Oh, yes. Very proud" Slughorn says as he sighs, looking like he isn't listening to the Headmaster. He seems rather distressed and guilty about something.

"I think we agree. Potter's actions were heroic! The question is - why were they necessary?" Minerva asks just as everybody looks at Slughorn.

"Why, indeed. This appears to be a gift, Horace. Can you remember who gave this bottle?" the Headmaster questions as he grabs the bottle, smelling it.

"There is a remarkably subtle hint of liquorice and cherry" he says as he hands Severus the bottle.

"Actually, I had intended to give it as a gift myself" Slughorn says.

"To whom, might I ask?" Albus questions.

"To you, Headmaster" Slughorn admits, looking guilty yet confused. He probably had no idea that it was poisoned.

As Severus smells it, he immediately notices the smell of poison. The boy is lucky to be alive.

This must be another one of Draco's attempts to kill the Headmaster...

Suddenly, somebody runs inside the Hospital Wing, shouting.

"Where is he? Where is my Won Won? Has he been asking for me?" Lavender Brown asks, panting as she has been running.

Severus notices that her expression shows anger when she sees Granger.

"What's she doing here?" Brown asks in disbelief, referring to the know-it-all.

Granger immediately rises from her chair. "I was going to ask you the same question!" she says with anger in her voice.

Brown steps closer. "I happen to be his girlfriend!" she points out.

"And I happen to be his... friend!" Granger states.

"That made me laugh! You haven't spoken in weeks!" Brown says, taunting her.

Meanwhile, Severus, Albus, Minerva and Slughorn aren't doing anything to interrupt. They are simply just standing there, observing the drama.

Severus notices that the Headmaster seems to be enjoying the drama a bit too much.

"Now he's suddenly all interesting!" Brown exclaims as she keeps fighting with Granger.

"He's been poisoned, you daft dimbo! And for the record, I have always found him interesting!" Granger says, snapping at her.

Just then, Weasley seems to be talking in his sleep.

"See! He senses my presence. Don't worry, Won Won! I'm here!" Brown says as she approaches the bed, waiting for the boy to ask for her.

"Her... mi... o... ni..." the boy mutters in his sleep. Well, that is awkward.

Brown runs out the Hospital Wing, crying loud enough for the entire castle to hear her.

"Oh, to be young and to feel love's keen sting" Albus says, looking amused.

Severus rolls his eyes. Why does everybody currently have drama in their love lives?

However, compared to Y/N and Draco's situation, this one is just silly...

"Well, come on, everybody. Mr. Weasley is well tended" the Headmaster says, deciding to give them some privacy.

Severus is the first to leave, having enough of the love drama. Why exactly do they teach hormonal teenagers how to brew Amortentia?

He still wonders who Y/N smelled.

A few weeks later, it's dinner time. Severus however barely gets to take a bite of his meal before he notices Potter staring at his Godson. Draco practically runs out the Great Hall.

Severus raises an eyebrow at that. What in Merlin's name is going on?

As Potter follows him, Severus decides to follow as well to make sure that nobody gets hurt.

When Severus loses sight of them, he asks a group of Ravenclaws where they went. They all point towards the boys bathroom.

Severus strolls inside only to find the bathroom in total chaos. And Draco on the wet floor, crying in pain before passing out with several bleeding cuts on his body.

While Severus inspects him, he can only think of one spell that could have done this.

He looks at Potter, reading his face. The boy looks shocked and guilty, like this wasn't supposed to happen.

That imbecile... He must have used Sectumsempra.

Potter runs away before Severus can say a word.

Sighing, Severus kneels down before the boy. "Vulnera Sanentur" he mutters as the bleeding stops.

"You are going to be okay, Draco" he assures him.

He however can't help but feel angry. He makes an Unbreakable Vow to protect him, and then Potter decides to attack him, almost killing him?!

He carries the unconscious boy and takes him to the Hospital Wing. As he does so, Y/N spots them.

"What happened?" she asks, sounding extremely worried.

As Severus puts down Draco on one of the beds, he looks at her. "He was attacked. Potter decided to fight him in the bathroom" he explains.

Y/N widens her eyes. "Will he be okay? Can I help?" she offers.

Severus shakes his head. "I already used the counter curse on him. He will be fine" he assures her.

Y/N nods before sitting down on a chair by the bed. "What curse did Potter use?" she questions.

Severus looks around the Hospital Wing. They are the only ones there. Sighing, he looks at her.

"Do you promise not to tell anyone?" he asks, looking very serious.

A bit puzzled, Y/N nods.

"Very well. You see, when I went to Hogwarts, I used to write down better methods in my Potions books. Apparently, Potter has gotten his hands on one of them. I had written down spells I had created myself. One of them is Sectumsempra - a very dangerous one. If used, it's like you slice your enemy with an invisible sword. The counter curse is called Vulnera Sanentur" he explains.

Y/N widens her eyes. "If it's dangerous... why did you create it, then?" she hesitantly questions him.

He sighs. "Remember last year when I told you I was reminded of something that had happened to me?" he asks.

As Y/N nods, Severus takes a deep breath. He has never told anyone this before - his created spells nor his time at Hogwarts.

"You see... I was bullied when I went to Hogwarts. I created the spell to be able to protect myself" he tells her.

He can't believe he actually told her. He thought he would die before telling anyone.

Y/N's expression instantly shows sadness. "Oh, Severus! I'm so sorry to hear that!" she exclaims as she hugs him tightly.

Severus stiffens before gently rubbing her back. "It's okay, Y/N. It's in the past after all" he mutters.

He however won't forget what the Marauders did to him - he despises all of them.

"Who would ever bully you?" she asks in disbelief, tears in her eyes.

Severus frowns at that. She has tears in her eyes... for him. He wipes them away with his thumb.

"A group of idiotic, popular boys. They made sure others watched as they tormented me" he explains, refusing to cry.

All of the incidents are scarred into his memory, particularly the one with his pants.

"Oh, Severus" Y/N whispers, voice cracking.

He clears his throat, making her look at him.

"Promise me you won't tell a soul about this. Nobody knows, and that includes Draco" he says, making sure the boy is still unconscious. He is.

Y/N nods. "I promise. You have my word" she assures him.

Severus sighs in relief. He has no idea if it was foolish to tell her, but he knows he can trust her.

He almost feels like he can tell her everything.
