Year 6 Part 4 (chapter 32)

Author's note:
Something is revealed about the forced engagement between Y/N and Draco!

By the way, Y/N is sadly not in this chapter, only mentioned.

Also, it's January 9th here, which means it's Severus Snape's birthday! Happy birthday to our favourite Potions Master๐Ÿฅณ๐ŸŽ‚๐ŸŽ

PS: Thank you all so much for 8k reads and 520 votes as well as all your comments! I really appreciate it๐Ÿฅบ

Word count: 1.6k
Warning: Mentions of being cursed and forced marriage

Severus sighs as he observes the necklace in front of him. Katie Bell, a student, has been cursed.

Of course, Severus already knows who did this - Draco. The necklace was meant for Albus, but the girl touched it as she was going to deliver it.

The boy needs to find a way that doesn't get others killed or cursed. What was he thinking?

"What do you think?" Minerva asks, interrupting his thoughts.

They are currently in her office, examining the jewellery. Potter and his friends are there as well as they found the girl.

"I think Ms. Bell... is lucky to be alive" he tells her.

"She was cursed, wasn't she?" Potter asks, interrupting.

Severus rolls his eyes. No, Potter. All necklaces do this to people, haven't you noticed?

"I know Katie, she wouldn't hurt a fly. If she was delivering that to Headmaster Dumbledore, she wasn't doing that knowingly" the boy continues.

"Yes, she was cursed" Minerva reveals.

"It was Malfoy" Potter suddenly says, sounding so sure.

That gains Severus' attention. How in Merlin's name did he come to that conclusion?

Minerva turns around, giving Potter a surprised and serious look. "That is a very serious accusation, Mr. Potter" she says, not believing what he just said.

Severus looks at the boy, raising an eyebrow at him. "Indeed. Your evidence?" he questions, wondering if the boy saw Draco plant the necklace.

"I just know" Potter merely says, clearly not having any evidence for the professors.

"You just... know?" Severus asks, looking at him in disbelief. So he has no idea - he's simply just blaming Draco?

"Such an astonishing gift, Potter. A gift mere mortals could only dream of possessing. How grand it must be... to be the Chosen One" he sarcastically says.

Does the boy really think he's right about everything just because he survived the Dark Lord's curse?

Minerva looks at Severus in disbelief at what he just said.

"I suggest you go back to your dormitories. All of you" she demands as they don't seem to be moving.

Hearing her threatening tone, Granger and Weasley immediately leave. Potter looks at Severus for a few more seconds before following his friends.

Once they are gone, Minerva sighs.

"I cannot believe Mr. Potter would accuse Mr. Malfoy without having any evidence to show us. And I cannot believe you either, Severus! Don't you realise how hard it must be for him to be reminded of that?" she questions, referring to the night the boy's parents were killed by the Dark Lord.

Severus huffs. "I am sure he's gotten used to it by now. He should have, at least" he mutters.

Shaking her head in disapproval, Minerva turns to leave. "I will let Albus know about the necklace. Clearly, he must be in danger" she states, sounding concerned as she leaves her office.

Severus sighs, rubbing his head as he can feel a headache coming.

"You have no idea..." he mutters with worry in his voice. He's really dreading the day he has to kill him before Draco can...

A month later, Severus enters the room where Slughorn is having a party for his favourite students. He has to let Potter know that Albus will be gone for a while as he is on a mission.

He notices Granger running, almost as if she's trying to hide from someone.

Raising an eyebrow, Severus strolls towards where she just came from. He spots Potter behind some curtains with Cormac McLaggen.

As he approaches them, McLaggen's face turns pale as he suddenly throws up - on Severus' shoes.

"That just bought yourself a month's detention, McLaggen- Not so quick, Potter" he says just as he notices Potter trying to run away.

He leaves McLaggen behind the curtains to think about his detention as he turns towards Potter.

"Sir, I really think I should rejoin the party. I think my date-" the boy says just as Severus interrupts him.

"Can surely survive your absence for another minute or two. Besides, I only wish to give you a message" he states.

"A message?" Potter asks, sounding confused.

"From Headmaster Dumbledore. He asked me to give you his best regards, and he hopes you enjoy the holidays. You see, he's travelling, and he won't return until the term resumes" he tells him.

"Travelling where?" Potter questions, probably wondering where the Headmaster would go.

Severus thinks about whether or not to tell him before reaching a decision. He leaves without uttering a word to the boy.

He however doesn't get far before Argus enters the room, dragging Draco with him.

"Take your hands off me, you filthy Squib!" Draco demands, trying to get away.

"Professor Slughorn, sir, I just discovered this boy lurking in an upstairs corridor. He claims to have been invited to your party" Argus says, the boy still in his grasp.

"Okay, okay! I was gatecrashing!" Draco admits.

Severus steps forward. "I'll escort him out" he offers, giving Draco a look that says "What in Merlin's name are you doing?".

"Certainly... Professor" Draco says, glaring at his Head of House.

The two of them then leave, not noticing Potter following them.

"You know that Ms. Bell got hexed from the necklace you meant to give Dumbledore, don't you?" Severus asks as they keep walking.

"I do, I'm glad I hexed that Bell girl. Even if I didn't, what's it to you?" the boy questions in frustration, clearly not understanding why Severus would be interested in knowing.

Having enough, Severus traps him against the nearby wall. "I swore to protect you! I made the Unbreakable Vow" Severus says through gritted teeth.

"I don't need protection! I was chosen for this! I won't fail him!" the boy exclaims as he huffs. His Godfather however notices the scared look on his face.

"You're afraid, Draco. You attempt to conceal it, but it's obvious. Let me assist you" he says, almost pleading with the boy.

"No! I was chosen! This is my moment!" Draco states, not giving in.

Sighing, Severus takes the boy with him to the Defence Against the Dark Arts classroom, locking the door to make sure no one will interrupt them.

"You have to let me help you" he says, getting irritated.

As Draco still won't give in, Severus sighs before he sits down on his chair. He decides to change the subject.

"It must be rather stressful for you... The mission and your arranged marriage" he says, hoping the boy will talk to him.

Draco sighs, sitting down as well. "It is... Especially since Y/N doesn't know the real reason behind it" he reveals.

That caught Severus' attention. What in Merlin's name is he talking about?

"The real reason?" he questions, wanting the boy to continue.

"My parents and her father know that we don't like each other romantically. Also, Father and Mother can't stand her father - neither can I. I'm quite sure he can't stand us, either" he says, shrugging.

Raising an eyebrow, Severus waits for him to explain further.

"Anyway, the real reason is simple - it's the Dark Lord's doing. That night when he returned, he punished all his Death Eaters. I know he punished you as well. However, he wanted to punish my father as well as Y/N's father even more, so he threatened to harm us if they didn't arrange our marriage. Think about it, it's the perfect punishment - they can't stand each other, and now they will become family! He will become my father-in-law!" he exclaims, looking disgusted.

Severus is surprised to hear this - so it's the Dark Lord who did this?

"Y/N told me your parents decided to arrange your marriage because you went to the Yule Ball together" he says, looking puzzled.

"That's what we have made her believe, her father obviously won't tell her the truth. The Dark Lord has forbidden us to talk about it. That, and to express our opinion on it. Mother was devastated - she adores Y/N, but she knows how much I like Pansy. I wish we could get out of this situation!" Draco shouts, trying not to cry.

Severus puts a reassuring hand on his shoulder. "Like I said, I swore to protect you, and so I will. I don't know if I can stop this, but I will do everything in my power to do so" he assures him.

Draco sniffles, wiping his eyes dry. "T-thank you. I love Y/N as a friend, but I can't marry her - I love Pansy, and Y/N loves- We just can't get married, our friendship would be ruined" he says, voice cracking.

Severus feels sympathy for the boy - he knows what it feels like not wanting to lose a friendship.

"Your friendship won't get ruined. By the way, you didn't finish your sentence. Do you know who Y/N likes?" he questions, looking at the boy curiously. They are best friends after all, surely he would know.

Draco rolls his eyes, almost as if Severus should know, like he's oblivious. The Head of Slytherin frowns at that. Could he really be oblivious?

He has never noticed Y/N looking at any boy lovingly. Nor any girl, for that matter. What in Merlin's name is he missing?

"Oh, I promised to play Wizard Chess with Blaise. See you later, professor" Draco says, smirking as he leaves his Head of House with more questions than answers.

Who does Y/N Y/L/N like?
