End of Year 5 (chapter 28)

Author's note:
There's only about 12 chapters left😢 If I can, then I will publish a chapter every day next week! I hope you enjoy!

Also, happy New Year! 🥳

Word count: 1.8k
Warning: Mentions of poison

It's June and almost the end of the school year. The weather is getting quite hot which isn't good for Severus - he's still wearing the scarf that Y/N gave him.

That's right, he likes the scarf so much that he's torturing himself by still wearing it. People have been giving him odd looks, but he doesn't care.

Sitting next to Minerva, Severus tucks into his meal as the woman sighs.

"I wonder where Albus is. I do hope he will return soon so we can get rid of her" she says, referring to Umbridge.

Severus can't help but snort at that which he hides by coughing a few times.

"Indeed. I can't wait for him to return so the toad can step down. Her and her ridiculous rules are getting on my nerves" he agrees.

"Ahem, ahem" somebody says next to the Transfiguration teacher. It's the toad.

They both ignore her. Umbridge huffs before returning to her meal, looking offended.

Minerva then gives Severus a concerned look. "You must really like that scarf, Severus. However, don't you think you should take it off? It's summer, for Merlin's sake!" she tells him.

Severus sighs. "Fine, I will... Tomorrow" he says. Shaking her head in disapproval, Minerva takes a sip of her pumpkin juice.

About two weeks later, the toad has asked for Severus' presence in her office. He sighs at that. He hates her office - it's all pink with pictures of cats everywhere. Ugh.

As he enters, he's surprised by hearing the sound of a slap. The toad just slapped Potter.

He's not sure if he should scold her or applaud her. He decides to ignore it.

"You sought for me, Headmistress?" he asks in his usual monotone voice, though he fought back the urge to call her what she is - a toad.

"Snape! Yes, the time has come for answers, whether they want to give them to me or not. Have you brought the Veritaserum?" Umbridge demands, waiting.

"I'm afraid you've used up all my stores in interrogating students, the last of it on Ms. Chang" he tells her. He does still have some left, she however doesn't need to know that.

"Unless you wish to poison him, and I'll assure you, I would have the greatest sympathy if you did... I cannot help you" he says, trying to make her believe him.

However, he would be relieved if she did poison the boy. All of his problems might actually disappear if she did. But they obviously can't do that.

Just as Severus is about to leave, Potter interrupts him.

"He's got Padfoot! He's got Padfoot at the place where it's hidden" the boy exclaims, looking concerned.

Meanwhile, Umbridge looks absolutely confused. "Padfoot? What is Padfoot? Well, what's hidden? What's he talking about, Snape?" she questions the Potions Master.

Severus makes sure to look confused as well. "No idea" he simply says before leaving.

Great, now he has to make sure that Black is okay. Could the Dark Lord really have taken him to the Department of Mysteries at the Ministry? Or is it simply an illusion for the boy to go there?

It's the next day, and Severus got his answers. When he floo-called Grimmauld Place, Black was there and he was all right - much to Severus' dismay.

Black immediately let the rest of the Order know to come and save Potter and his friends from the Death Eaters.

It was just an illusion - the Dark Lord wanted the boy to give the Prophecy to him.

The mission ended with Lucius getting arrested, Black killed by Bellatrix, Albus appearing and the Ministry finally acknowledging the Dark Lord's return.

Right now, Severus is at Malfoy Manor, kneeling like the rest of the Death Eaters. They are having a meeting, and the Dark Lord isn't happy.

"Fools! Incompetent idiots! How could you not get the Prophecy?!" he yells in his cold voice, sounding furious.

He then looks at Narcissa as he sighs. "Lucius failed this mission... I will punish him when I help him escape. When the time is right" he hisses.

Narcissa looks down at the floor, ashamed and scared. She probably misses Lucius.

"Now that the Prophecy is broken, I have no idea what it actually says. But no matter, I will just kill the boy. I just need to figure out how" the Dark Lord says, looking deep in thought.

"You are all dismissed" he growls, giving them a warning look. They all bow before leaving.

As Severus tries to catch up with Y/N's father, the man immediately disappears. He sighs to himself. Will he ever be able to confront him?

He notices Narcissa looking distressed while Bellatrix tries to cheer up her sister.

"Don't worry, Cissy. You don't need him. Lucius failed because he can't do anything right. He's just a stuck-up little prince. Draco unfortunately inherited that" she says in disgust.

Narcissa glares at her. Bellatrix merely ignores it, looking at her long nails instead.

Sighing, Severus decides to approach them. "I'm sorry to hear about Lucius. I'm sure the Dark Lord will help him escape soon" he says, putting a comforting hand on Narcissa's shoulder.

"Thank you, Severus" Narcissa says, wiping her tears away with her handkerchief.

He ignores Bellatrix's glares as he takes his leave.

A few days later, it's time for all the students to go home. Severus sighs. He's glad that Dumbledore is finally back, but he will miss Y/N.

He can't help but wonder if she knows about Lucius' arrest.

There's then a knock on the door. "Enter" he states.

Draco immediately enters.

"Draco. I'm sorry to hear about Lucius. How is your mother?" Severus asks, remembering how distressed the woman looked.

Draco sighs. "Not good, she misses Father, and so do I" he tells him.

Severus nods. "Naturally. Does Y/N know?" he questions, waiting for the boy to answer.

Draco shakes his head. "She doesn't. I'm afraid she will judge me" he admits, looking a bit sad.

"She's your friend, Draco. She won't judge you" Severus tells him, raising an eyebrow.

"If that's so, why haven't you told her about you being a Death Eater?" the boy asks as he huffs, crossing his arms.

Severus gives him a warning look. "That's not the same, Draco" he points out.

"What's the difference? She's your friend, too!" the boy exclaims.

The Potions Master sighs. The boy might be right, but he can't tell her, he just can't. He's afraid that she will never talk to him again, and he doesn't want to lose their friendship.

Their friendship is what makes teaching here tolerable.

Draco sighs. "Fine, I will tell her, but I really think you should tell her as well. We can't keep this a secret from her forever. See you after the summer, professor" the boy says before leaving.

Severus sighs once more. He really hopes he won't have to tell her the truth.

A few minutes later, there's another knock on the door.

"Enter" he states loud enough for them to hear.

Just then, Y/N appears. She smiles at him. "Hi, Severus. I just wanted to say goodbye before leaving. By the way, did you know that Draco's father is in Azkaban?" she questions, looking shocked.

He nods at that. "I do. Draco's mother was very distressed when she received the news" he tells her as he gestures for her to sit down. She immediately does so.

"I see. Draco didn't tell me what he did, though" she says, looking deep in thought.

He rolls his eyes at that. The boy is still scared to tell her the exact truth. Well, so is Severus.

"Oh, and did you hear the news about You-Know-Who? The Ministry says that he's back. Which is kind of strange, considering they have denied it for about a year now" she states, looking concerned.

Severus lets out a breath. The truth is getting closer and closer.

"Yes, I have heard the news. However, you shouldn't be scared. I'm sure he's only after Potter" he says, grabbing her hand as he gently squeezes it.

She blushes before clearing her throat. "You are probably right, but still... By the way, I have been wondering. How come I may call you Severus when Draco, who's your Godson, doesn't?" she questions, looking curious.

Severus smirks. "That's simply because I know he would get confused and accidentally call me by my first name in front of others" he says.

She chuckles at that. "Well, I can definitely imagine that. And I see you finally took off the scarf I gave you. I was honestly afraid you would get a heat stroke" she says, looking a bit worried.

He rolls his eyes at that. "Professor McGonagall was worried too, which is why I took it off. Reluctantly, of course. And I see you are still wearing the necklace I gave you" he says, looking at the small cauldron pendant around her neck.

Y/N smiles as she touches the jewellery. "I wear it every day and plan on never taking it off. I truly love it" she admits, blushing a bit.

He chuckles at her. He's glad that she likes it - he was afraid she wouldn't wear it.

"I'm glad to hear that. By the way, I heard you did excellent in all of your OWL exams. Congratulations. Of course, I never doubted you would get anything below Outstanding" he says, looking proud.

Y/N shyly smiles at him. "Thank you, Severus. I did my best in all the subjects, especially in Herbology and Potions" she tells him.

There's suddenly a loud knock on the door.

"Y/N, hurry up! The train will leave soon!" Draco yells from the other side of the door.

Widening her eyes, Y/N turns to leave. She however stops in her tracks as she faces the Potions Master.

"Thank you for your lessons and your company, Severus. Can I give you a hug?" she hesitantly asks.

Blinking a few times, he nods. "If you must" he says.

The girl slowly wraps her arms around him, resting her head on his chest. Severus can't help but hug back, a bit tighter.

He chuckles. "You should probably go now, Y/N. Unless you wish to stay at Hogwarts the entire summer" he reminds her, looking amused.

Blushing, the girl lets go of him as she smiles. "See you after the summer, Severus" she says, waving. She then hurries to catch the train.

Still looking amused, Severus sits down on his chair as he watches her leave.

He will definitely miss her during the summer.
