Year 5 Part 5 (chapter 27)

Author's note:
Sorry for the late publication! I have been quite busy lately🥴 I hope you enjoy!

Word count: 1.5k
Warning: Mentions of bullying

At breakfast, Severus tucks into his meal while thinking of Christmas which was almost a month ago. He really enjoyed that evening, he had never been happier than he was that day. He truly had the best Christmas.

While he's deep in thought, an owl brings him the newest edition of the Daily Prophet. As he looks at it, he widens his eyes when he reads it.

"Mass Breakout From Azkaban" one of the titles says.

In the picture is Bellatrix Lestrange... Great. Severus hoped he never had to see her again, and now the Dark Lord has helped her and other Death Eaters escape. She's most likely crazier than ever.

He can't believe Lucius has such a crazy sister-in-law... He almost feels bad for him.

As Severus continues reading the article, he huffs. The Ministry believes it was Sirius Black who helped them escape, and not the Dark Lord. They keep denying that he has returned.

When will they finally realise?

A few months later, Severus paces around in his private chambers. Albus has left, which means the toad has taken over Hogwarts. She has already invented so many ridiculous rules...

The Headmaster refused to go to Azkaban when he was confronted by Cornelius Fudge and Umbridge as well as a few Aurors. Therefore, the man has escaped. Nobody knows where he is.

Apparently, a group of students who call themselves 'Dumbledore's Army' have been training their Defence Against the Dark Arts skills in secret as Umbridge forbids magic during the lessons.

Severus has a feeling that it wasn't Albus who formed the group, but Potter and his friends.

Draco helped catch them, probably to be on good terms with the toad. As well as to make Potter suffer.

Speaking of Potter, the Potions Master is dreading the Occlumency lesson tomorrow...

It's the next day. Once Severus is done with the last lesson of the day, he waits for Potter to arrive. Today is yet another Occlumency lesson.

The Potions Master sighs in irritation. The boy better be able to resist the penetration of his mind today. He has a feeling that won't happen, however...

After a few minutes, Potter finally shows up. "You are late" Severus says in annoyance, not even looking at the boy.

Potter sighs. "Let's just get this over with" he mutters, clearly not wanting to be here. Well, the Potions Master feels the same way.

"Very well. Prepare yourself," Severus warns as he retrieves his wand.

He points it at Potter. "Legilimens!" he exclaims. Of course, the boy doesn't do his best to resist.

He sees a memory of the boy in front of the Mirror of Erised in his first year, looking at his parents in the mirror.

Severus rolls his eyes. "Feeling sentimental?" he taunts.

The boy tries to catch his breath once the Potions Master has left his mind. "That's private!" Potter exclaims.

Severus raises an eyebrow. "Not to me... Not to the Dark Lord if you don't improve" he points out.

He strolls over to Potter, looming over him. "Every memory he has access to is a weapon he can use against you. You won't last two seconds if he invades your mind" he tells him.

He then huffs. "You are just like your father. Lazy! Arrogant!" he starts before Potter interrupts him.

"Don't say a word against my father!" the boy shouts, looking angry.

"Weak!" Severus continues.

"I'm not weak!" Potter exclaims.

"Then prove it! Control your emotions! Discipline your mind!" the Potions Master shouts at him, having enough of wasting his time.

He needs Potter to succeed this, he promised Albus to teach him Occlumency to keep the Dark Lord out of the boy's mind.

Severus points his wand at him again. "Legilimens!" he exclaims. Of course, the boy fails again.

As he looks at a memory of Potter and his Godfather, Sirius Black, he frowns. "I may vomit" Severus says, looking disgusted.

"Stop it!" Potter exclaims while panting, having enough as well.

"Is this what you call control?" Severus asks, taunting him.

"We have been at it for hours! If I could just rest!" the boy complains as he paces around the room, looking frustrated.

The Potions Master stops him, looming over him once again. He looks extremely annoyed with the boy.

"The Dark Lord isn't resting" he points out.

As he looks at the boy, he winces. Why did he have to have his mother's eyes while looking like a splitting image of his father?

He doesn't want to think of them, he needs to teach this incompetent boy Occlumency!

"You and Black are two of a kind, sentimental children forever whining about how bitterly unfair your lives have been. Well, it may have escaped your notice, but life isn't fair. Your blessed father knew that - in fact, he frequently saw it!" Severus says through gritted teeth, getting irritated as he starts thinking of Potter and Black when they went to Hogwarts. He doesn't want to think of those idiots.

"My father was a great man!" Potter says, believing his own words.

Severus scowls. "Your father was a swine!" he says in disgust as he grabs the boy and pushes him to the ground.

He points his wand at Potter once more. "Legilimens!" he exclaims.

However, Potter is quicker this time.

"Protego!" the boy exclaims just in time, throwing the spell back at the Potions Master.

Severus widens his eyes as the spell hits him. Potter sees one of the memories Severus wished no one would ever see - the day the Marauders attacked him where James Potter pulled down his pants in front of the other students.

"Enough!" Severus shouts, looking furious as he forces Potter out of his mind. He walks in a dangerously slow pace towards the boy as he grabs him.

"Your lessons are at an end. Get. Out" he demands as he lets go of him. The boy immediately leaves the Potions classroom.

As he does so, Severus stares at the wall, trying not to think about the memory.

While trying to control his emotions, he doesn't notice someone entering the classroom.

They put a comforting hand on his shoulder. "Severus?" they gently ask.

He immediately spins on his heels, grabbing the person's wrist tightly.

He then looks into his favourite student's eyes. His angry expression immediately softens.

As he notices she's in pain, he instantly let's go of her wrist. "I apologise, I didn't mean to harm you" he whispers as he caresses her wrist, hoping it will stop hurting.

Y/N blushes at that. "Oh, it's fine. Um, are you all right?" she hesitantly asks.

He sighs. "I won't lie to you, I'm not okay" he admits.

She gives him a shy smile. "Would you like to talk about it?" she offers.

He thinks about it for a while before replying.

"Let's just say I was reminded of something that happened to me when I was young. Around your age, in fact" he decides to say, taking a deep breath.

The girl slowly puts a hand on his shoulder, testing if her Head of House will grab her wrist again. As he doesn't, she gives his shoulder a gentle squeeze.

"I'm sorry to hear that, I hope it's not that serious. How about a cup of tea?" she suggests.

She knows a cup of anything that isn't pumpkin juice will help improve the Potions Master's mood.

Nodding, Severus conjures two cups of tea on his desk. He sits down after levitating a chair for Y/N to sit on. The girl immediately sits down as well before taking a sip of her tea.

"Oh, by the way, I saw Potter before I got here. He seemed quite distressed about something. Did he have detention before I came?" she questions.

Clearing his throat, Severus thinks of an excuse to tell her.

"Actually, I was tutoring him. You see, Potter is so awful at brewing potions that the Headmaster told me to give him extra lessons before he left. However, the boy kept failing, so I decided to end his extra lessons" he says, hoping she believes him.

It's not exactly a lie as Potter truly is awful at potion-making, he just taught the boy something else.

She seems to believe him as she nods. She then chuckles. "I'm surprised the Headmaster didn't tell you to tutor Crabbe and Goyle as well" she says.

Severus smirks. "Indeed, those two do need some extra lessons as well" he agrees.

Y/N suddenly notices the time. "I should probably leave, Umbridge did change the curfew time... See you later, Severus" she says as she smiles.

Severus nods. That toad and her ridiculous rules...

"See you later, Y/N" he says as he watches her leave.

Once she's gone, he can't help but feel grateful that she's one of his students. She always manages to lighten his mood.

He sighs to himself. If only he could tell her everything.
