Year 1 Part 3 (chapter 3)

Word count: 2.2k
Warning: Trolls

Severus does not want to go to the Great Hall. Unfortunately for him, he has to.

He enters a little earlier than usual in hope of a seat next to anyone but... Quirrell.

Of course, the other professors have decided to enter earlier as well. The only seat left is next to the Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher. Scowling, Severus sits next to the man with the purple turban on his head.

"Good m-morning, Severus. L-Lovely day, isn't it?" Quirrell asks.

"If you say so" Severus mutters under his breath as he quickly takes a sip of his water while hoping to ignore the man.

He can't help but notice Y/L/N sitting alone in that same corner of the Slytherin table like she does at every meal.

They have only been at Hogwarts for a week, and he already seems to know her habits - she spends a lot of her time in the library, just like the Granger girl.

Now that he comes to think of it, he doesn't think that he has ever seen her talk to her fellow students before. Only to Granger when they discuss something. Or rather, when Granger rambles on and Y/L/N just nods at what the Gryffindor says.

He's fine with his Slytherins talking with students from other Houses - he just wished that it wasn't a Gryffindor.

And he would prefer if Y/L/N would also talk with her fellow Slytherins. He wonders if she ever says anything to her roommates. The girl seems to be extremely shy.

Severus can't help but listen to his colleagues' conversation when they mention the exact student he's just been wondering about.

"Have you also noticed that Ms. Y/L/N always sits alone during meals?" Minerva asks the Head of Ravenclaw.

"Yes, I have. I have noticed she rarely talks with anyone. She's a very bright student, however. She seems to work quite hard" Filius Flitwick says as he smiles.

Minerva nods. "Indeed she is. I'm just afraid she will have a hard time socially as the months pass by" she says with worry in her voice.

Severus huffs. He can take care of his Slytherins, there's no need for them to worry. He's sure that the girl will engage in social interaction at some point.

Besides, she's clearly focusing on her studies, unlike the Weasley twins who don't seem to care about their school work.

Speaking of those imbeciles, they thought it was a good idea to prank the Potions Master yesterday. Well, they were wrong - they lost Gryffindor twenty points.

Later that day, it's time for Potions class with the first-years. Great. Severus sighs before he dramatically enters the classroom.

"Today you will learn how to brew Cure for Boils. As I said last time, I expect that you have read the instructions as well as the ingredient list. That way, this should be easy for you to brew" he says as he looks at the students.

He then raises an eyebrow. "Well, what are you waiting for? Begin. Brewing" he orders, his voice loud.

Startled, they all rise from their seats to gather the needed ingredients. He notices a Gryffindor boy gathering aconite which is not needed for the potion.

Severus sighs in annoyance. "What is your name?" he demands the boy in an angry tone.

"M-me? N-Neville Longbottom" the boy says as he gulps, looking quite scared.

Severus rolls his eyes - the boy almost stutters as much as Quirrell.

"Well, Mr. Longbottom, did you read the ingredient list? Clearly not. Aconite is NOT needed for this potion. And do mind the plant, the leaves are toxic!" he snaps.

Shaking, Longbottom puts the ingredient back on the shelf and grabs the correct ones.

As the students are brewing, Severus observes them from his seat. Weasley and Potter look absolutely helpless - they most likely did NOT read before the lesson.

Granger seems to have no trouble with the potion, the same with Draco.

Y/L/N carefully brews the potion with the right movements. She quickly finishes as pink smoke emits from her cauldron.

He decides to inspect the students' cauldrons. As he expected, Draco's and Y/L/N's potions are perfect - they have the correct blue colour.

"Very good, Ms. Y/L/N, Mr. Malfoy. Ten points to Slytherin" he says, feeling proud that his Slytherins are doing an excellent job.

Y/L/N shyly smiles while Draco gives a proud smirk.

Potter and Weasley do not look pleased. Which they shouldn't anyway, considering their horrible potions.

"Your attempts at brewing are absolutely horrible. Pay attention to instructions next time!" he snaps at them. Both boys groan.

Severus ignores them as he moves on to Granger's cauldron. It's perfect as well. He however refuses to give Gryffindor any points. He has a feeling they will lose them anyway.

And he's right. Suddenly, an explosion can be heard. Severus quickly turns around to look at Longbottom.

"You dunderhead! Did you not add the porcupine quills?! Potter and Weasley made a horrible attempt, but you almost blew up my classroom! Ten points from Gryffindor!" he growls.

The boy is in tears, but Severus doesn't care. He has had enough of the students.

"Class dismissed!" he states in an irritated tone. All the students quickly leave the classroom.

Granger and Potter can be seen comforting Longbottom. "Snape is a bloody idiot" Weasley says as they leave with the rest of the students.

Severus sarcastically chuckles to himself at that. He doesn't care what those incompetent Gryffindors think of him.

Once again, Y/L/N is the last student left. "Have a good day, sir" she politely says as she gives him a shy smile before leaving the room.

Severus is taken aback - first she thanks him for his lesson, and now she wishes him a good day. No student has ever done that before.

Over a month later, it's Halloween Eve. Severus sighs. He refuses to think of this day ten years ago... Which is the exact reason why he despises this day.

Everyone is gathered in the Great Hall for the feast. It has been decorated for the occasion - there are pumpkins everywhere. Which reminds Severus of pumpkin juice... He quickly thinks of something else before he throws up.

He looks at a specific corner of the Slytherin table. Y/L/N doesn't seem to be interested in her meal as she's reading up on Herbology.

He has noticed that she seems to be eating less and less. If this continues, he might have to talk to her. Minerva already seems quite worried for the girl, no reason for her to worry even more.

He then looks at the Gryffindor table. Potter seems to be worried about something while Weasley just shrugs and keeps eating like a pig.

Ignoring the boy's horrible table manners, Severus suddenly notices that a student is missing. The Granger girl has not shown up for dinner, perhaps that's why Potter is worried?

He unconsciously looks to his left. That's strange, Quirrell isn't sitting next to him. In fact, he's not even in the room. Where could he be? Severus doesn't trust him and has a feeling that he's trying to steal the Stone...

His thoughts are suddenly interrupted as the door bursts open. It's Quirrell.

"TROLL IN THE DUNGEONS! TROLL IN THE DUNGEONS!" the man cries out as he runs towards the staff table, looking absolutely terrified.

The Headmaster immediately rises up from his seat as everybody looks at the Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher in shock.

"I thought you ought to know" Quirrell says before fainting. He lands hard on the floor.

As if it wasn't dramatic enough, there's lightning as well.

All the students start to panic, screaming very loudly.

If the situation wasn't serious, Severus would have laughed at his Godson's facial expression. Draco Malfoy has never liked lightning, and surely the mention of a troll must frighten the boy as well.

Y/L/N looks quite scared as well, yet she isn't screaming like the rest of the dunderheads.

As all the students start to run and try to avoid stepping on their unconscious teacher, Albus decides to stop the turmoil.

"SIIIILENCE!" he shouts, loud and clear. Everybody instantly stops what they are doing.

"Everybody, please don't panic. Now, Prefects will lead their House back to the dormitories. Teachers will follow me to the dungeons" the Headmaster states quite calmly.

As all the students leave with their Prefects, Severus looks around. He has a feeling that there either is no troll, or that somebody set it loose on purpose.

Trying not to think of Lily Evans as he looks at her son leaving with the rest of the Gryffindors, Severus makes sure that nobody notices him leaving by the backdoor. He hurries to the destination he has in mind.

The corridor on the third floor.

As he reaches the door, he takes a deep breath before opening it. Fluffy is wide awake and is still guarding the Philosopher's Stone. Good.

Just as Severus is about to leave, the damn three-headed dog bites his right leg. He groans in pain.

He quickly gets away from the beast and hurries out the door, slamming it closed. He's breathing heavily as he grabs his leg in pain. Stupid creature!

He doesn't even have time to heal his wound as he needs to find the other professors before anybody questions where he is.

Before he starts walking away, he's met by... Quirrell.

"S-Severus... I was just... just making sure that the t-troll wasn't suddenly here" he explains, seeming rather nervous.

Severus raises an eyebrow. What is he doing here? Was he trying to get the Stone?

"Really? Well, it isn't here, as you can clearly see. You have quickly recovered from your unconsciousness... Now, let us go and find the others" he says as he starts walking. Well, limping.

He then notices that Quirrell is about to reach for the door.

"Are you coming or not?" he growls. Giving a nervous laugh, Quirrell reluctantly follows him.

Not long after, they find the others. Nobody seems to have noticed that they were gone.

"I suggest we split up into groups. Filius and Pomona, you come with me. Minerva, you go with Severus and Quirinus" Albus says after deep in thought. Nodding, the groups split up and go in different directions.

After walking for a while in the halls, the Potions Master and his group hear a lot of turmoil and screaming.

"It's coming from the girls' bathroom" Severus points out.

The three professors run inside only to be met by a bathroom in total disorder, an unconscious troll on the floor and three first-year Gryffindors.

The sight seems to shock Minerva quite a lot.

"Oh my Goodness! Explain yourselves, both of you!" she demands Weasley and Potter.

"Well-" both boys start before Granger quickly interrupts them.

"It's my fault, Professor McGonagall" the girl suddenly says. Everybody looks at her, completely bewildered.

"What-? Ms. Granger?" Minerva asks, surprised yet confused.

"I went looking for the troll. I've read about them and thought I could handle it, but I was wrong. If Harry and Ron hadn't come and found me, I'd probably be dead" Granger explains.

Severus looks at her in disbelief. There's no way that the girl is telling the truth. She may be a Gryffindor, but she isn't that stupid! She's most likely covering for those two dunderhead boys.

Suddenly, Potter notices the wound on the Potions Master's leg.

Severus quickly hides it with his cloak while the two of them are staring at each other. He wonders if the boy knows about Fluffy.

Before he can even think of using Legilimency on him, he's interrupted as the Deputy Headmistress starts talking.

"Be that as it may. It was an extremely foolish thing to do. I would have expected more rational behaviour on your part and I'm very disappointed in you, Ms. Granger. Five points will be taken from Gryffindor for your serious lack of judgement" the woman says very sternly while the Gryffindor girl looks down at the floor, ashamed.

"As for you two gentlemen - but I just hope you realise how fortunate you are, not many first-year students could take on a fully grown mountain troll and live to tell the tale. Five points... will be awarded to each of you. For sheer dumb luck" the Head of Gryffindor states before she leaves. The three students are smiling as they just received points.

Severus can't believe it. She just awarded them points for such stupidity!

As he's about to leave as well, he and Quirrell are looking at each other. He will find out what he was doing in that corridor.

While Severus leaves, he can hear Quirrell's annoying stammering.

"P-perhaps we should go. He m-might wake up" he says as he nervously laughs. Just then, the troll growls which makes the man with the turban let out a small scream.

That makes Severus smirk to himself - he kind of hopes that the troll will kill him. Then he can't annoy him in the mornings anymore.
