Year 5 Part 3 (chapter 25)

Word count: 1.6k
Warning: Mentions of death, poison and torture

A few days later, Severus strolls inside the Potions classroom, heading towards his desk. He however stops right in his tracks when he notices the presence of the toad.

"Professor Umbridge... I don't have time right now. As you can see, I have a class to teach" he states as he gestures to the fifth-year Slytherins and Gryffindors.

Umbridge gives her annoying little girl-like laugh. "Oh, don't worry, Professor Snape. I will let you teach your class. I am merely here to observe" she explains, wearing that stupid exaggerated smile on her face.

Severus frowns. He doesn't want to be observed, especially not by a pink-dressed toad like her.

"And why, may I ask, are you going to observe my class?" he questions, glaring at her. All the students seem to pay close attention to their conversation.

Umbridge laughs once again. "I am going to observe your ability to teach, of course. I have to report it to the Ministry" she tells him, conjuring a pink stool in the corner as she sits down on it.

Severus growls. How dare she? He is perfectly capable of teaching.

Ignoring the toad, he starts his lesson. "Today you will use your double lessons to brew Invigorating Draught. As it takes three hours to brew, I suggest you start right this instant. The instructions are on page two hundred and ninety-nine. Begin" he declares.

All the students hurry up to gather the ingredients. As they start brewing, the Potions Master ignores the toad while he inspects the students' potions.

He frowns when he looks inside Longbottom's cauldron. "It's not supposed to be green, Longbottom. Five points from Gryffindor" he states.

Ignoring the groans from the Gryffindors, he inspects Y/N's cauldron. Of course, it's perfect - as he expected.

"Very good, Ms. Y/L/N. Five points to Slytherin" he says, smirking. Y/N shyly smiles at him.

As the lesson almost comes to an end, the pink-dressed toad approaches him. "Well, Professor Snape, it seems as if you are capable of teaching Potions. Very good. Now, I have a few questions for you before I leave" she says.

Severus sighs in irritation. Was she this annoying when observing Minerva's class?

"Very well, ask" he says, looking impatient.

"You applied first for the Defence Against the Dark Arts post, is that correct?" she questions, looking at the information in her notebook.

"Yes" he merely says, waiting for her to continue.

"But you were unsuccessful?" she asks, making a stupid face like she's pouting. He had no idea the toad's face could look any more ridiculous.

"Obviously..." he says in his monotone voice, not showing any emotions.

He however thinks of ways to get rid of her for good. Perhaps the house elves of Hogwarts could pour some poison in her morning pumpkin juice... On accident, of course.

"That was all" she says, finally leaving.

Weasley suddenly laughs, most likely at Umbridge's comment about the Potions Master being unsuccessful at getting the Defence Against the Dark Arts post.

Without even looking at the boy, Severus smacks the back of his head with a book.

The boy immediately rubs the sore spot as Patil tries her best not to laugh, so does Y/N. She's hiding her face behind her book.

Severus ends the lesson. "Class dismissed. As most of you failed the potion, you will write an assignment on how to brew it and what its effects are" he states, ignoring the students' complaints.

They all then leave except for Y/N. "Well, you should have seen how Professor McGonagall handled her. She made her stay completely silent during the entire lesson. It was rather funny" she explains, chuckling.

That makes Severus smirk. He can already imagine Minerva's stern face as she makes the toad shut her mouth.

"I will have to ask her about that. Umbridge hasn't given you any more detention, has she?" he questions, grabbing her hand as he examines it.

The girl blushes. "No, she hasn't, don't worry" she says, giving him a shy smile as she looks at her hand in his.

Nodding, he gently squeezes her hand before letting go of it.

Y/N clears her throat. "So, do you need any help with grading? Or organising the shelves?" she offers.

Severus sighs as he looks at the big stack of papers.

"Please, if you don't mind" he says, gesturing to the papers.

Smiling, she takes half of it before sitting down and starts grading. Severus sits down as well and grades the other half.

Not long after, they are done with all the papers.

"Thank you, Y/N. I have no idea what I would do without you" he says, sounding grateful.

"You are welcome, Severus. How about the shelves?" she offers while looking at the unorganised, dusty shelves.

"You have already helped with grading, I couldn't ask more of you" he says, sure that she would like to spend some time with her friends.

The girl shakes her head. "Don't be silly, I have plenty of time to help with the shelves as well" she states as she conjures a cloth. She wipes the shelves clean, organising the potion ingredients.

Severus raises an eyebrow. "Silly, huh? How brave of you to say such thing to me" he says, smirking.

Y/N chuckles. "I guess I'm a Gryffindor, huh?" she says, joking.

He laughs at that. "The only Gryffindor I can tolerate" he jokes. The girl smiles at that.

She then notices how late it is. "Oh, I should probably get going now. See you later, Severus" she says, giving a small wave.

Severus nods. "See you later, Y/N" he says, watching her leave.

He sits down once she's gone, sighing in relief as all the papers have been graded and the shelves have been cleaned and organised. He truly appreciates Y/N's help.

A little over a month later, there's only a few days left for Christmas. Severus is in his private chambers, reading a book. Specifically, the book that Y/N gave him for his birthday almost a year ago. He has read it many times, but he enjoys it every time.

He however barely gets to read the first line before a man in the empty painting above the couch appears.

"Headmaster Dumbledore wishes to see you. Arthur Weasley has been attacked" the man states.

Severus huffs as he closes the book. Why in Merlin's name does Albus want to discuss Arthur Weasley's wellbeing with him this late at night?

He immediately strolls towards the Headmaster's office, muttering the password. Once he enters, he notices that all the Weasley children and the Head of Gryffindor are there.

As well as the Boy Who Lived, looking scared and sweaty while panting heavily.

"You wished to see me, Headmaster?" Severus asks, breaking the silence.

"Oh, Severus. I'm afraid we can't wait, not even for the morning. Otherwise, we will be vulnerable" Albus states.

Severus immediately understands what he's referring to - the Occlumency lessons. He has been dreading those...

Potter better be able to learn it fast.

He then grabs the boy's arm, taking him to the Potions classroom. He lets go of him once they have entered the room.

"It appears there is a connection between the Dark Lord's mind and your own. Whether he is, as yet, aware of this connection is for the moment unclear. Pray he remains ignorant" Severus tells him, preparing himself for the lesson.

"You mean if he knows about it, then... He will be able to read my mind?" the boy questions, still panting a bit.

"Read it... Control it... Unhinge it" Severus says, giving him a serious look.

"In the past, it was often the Dark Lord's pleasure to invade the minds of his victims, creating visions designed to torture them into madness. Only after extracting the last exquisite ants of agony, only when he had them literally begging for death, would he finally kill them" he tells the boy, still looking serious.

Potter looks shocked and scared.

"Used properly, the power of Occlumency will help shield you from access or influence. In these lessons I will attempt to penetrate your mind. You will attempt to resist," he explains.

"Prepare yourself" he then warns, pointing his wand at the boy.

"Legilimens!" Severus exclaims, penetrating his mind. Of course, the boy is unsuccessful at resisting.

"Concentrate, Potter! Focus!" he snaps, sounding irritated.

After a few more attempts, Severus sighs in frustration.

"Dismissed. You will need to try harder next time, actually resisting. If you want to succeed, that is. Your attempts today were poor, if you can even call them attempts" he growls.

Panting from having his mind penetrated, Potter immediately leaves the classroom.

Severus sighs. He has a feeling the boy won't succeed in these lessons...

The next day during breakfast, the Potions Master notices that all the Weasleys are absent. He wonders if their father was given the antidote to the snake's venom in time. The Dark Lord's snake is quite venomous, after all.

He turns to look at the Headmaster. "So, was Arthur Weasley saved in time?" he questions.

Albus nods. "Indeed he was. He was given the antidote before it was too late. He's at St. Mungo's Hospital right now, but should be able to go home for Christmas" he explains as he takes a sip of his pumpkin juice.

Severus nods at that. He then notices that Y/N has returned from her volunteer work at St. Mungo's Hospital. He wonders if she helped save the Weasleys' father.
