One Shot: Severus Snape's Memories

Harry Potter sees Severus Snape's memories through the Pensieve. What he sees surprises him.

This is a request from @cryingspider. Thank you for your request!

It's set between the chapters "End of Year 7" and "Three Months Later". It's in Harry Potter's POV.

I hope you enjoy!

Published: 6/9/2022

Author's note:
I'm so sorry for the delay! I have been so tired ever since my last exam. I even slept for twelve hours after that😅 I hope it's worth the wait!

Word count:1.5k
Warning: Age gap, teacher-student relationship (Y/N is 18 years old) and mentions of death

Harry Potter is running fast. He's running towards the Headmaster's office. The Boy Who Lived is on a mission - to see whatever his former Potions Master, Severus Snape, wanted him to see.

He gave the boy one of his tears so he could see his memories. Harry has a feeling the memories are important, which is why he must hurry up. They might contain important information that can help them kill Voldemort once and for all.

As he mutters the password, he runs up the stairs once the door opens. When he enters the office, he's panting from exhaustion. However, there's no time to waste.

He finds the Pensieve and takes out the small vial containing Snape's tear. He tilts the vial and empties it before putting his head inside the Pensieve.

At first, everything is dark until it suddenly shows something. It shows a young girl with red hair and green eyes... Harry realises that it's his mother.

There's a boy there as well - it's Snape. Harry widens his eyes in realisation - Snape was friends with his mother.

It then shows Snape begging Dumbledore to keep the Potter's safe before showing the night when Harry's parents died.

When Snape looks at Harry's father before quickly moving on, the boy can't help but wonder what he was thinking. He remembers that his father and Sirius bullied him when they went to Hogwarts.

He feels disgusted and disappointed with his father as he replays the memory in his head.

When Snape finds Lily Potter's dead body, he looks shocked with a pained expression. He hugs her tightly, crying. Harry can tell he cared a lot about his mother.

The scene suddenly changes. It's Dumbledore and Snape. The former Headmaster is telling Snape that he's dying from a curse. He's telling him to kill him when the time comes.

That shocks Harry - Dumbledore told him to kill him? So Snape didn't do it because he wanted to, didn't do it because he was one of the Death Eaters. But simply because the Headmaster told him so?

Harry can't help but feel bad. When he yelled at Snape for killing Dumbledore, he truly thought he had killed him in cold blood. He can't help but think what the former Potions Master was thinking when he said that to him...

Dumbledore suddenly tells Snape something else, something very important.

Harry has to die. A part of Voldemort's soul is inside him.

The boy gulps. He has to die... He has to die in order to save everyone he loves.

The boy is feeling determined. Voldemort wants to meet him in the Forbidden Forest tonight. He must go there, otherwise they won't be able to kill him.

As he thinks the memories are about to end, a new one shows up.

It seems a bit random, almost like he wasn't supposed to see this. Perhaps Snape accidentally included this memory.

Before Harry can think of exiting the Pensieve, curiosity gets the better of him. He decides to see what Snape was thinking about.

He's shocked to see that he was thinking about a Slytherin girl in his year - Y/N Y/L/N. Harry sees how their friendship changes through the years.

He looks just as shocked as Snape when the man's Patronus shows - it's a brown owl.

Harry thinks about it for a while. A brown owl... He remembers that Hermione once told him that Y/L/N has a brown owl that she adores.

Wait a minute. That means... Could Snape be in love with her?

He remembers what Hermione once told him. She had a feeling that Y/L/N had a crush on the former Potions Master.

Of course, Harry and Ron just laughed at that. It was ridiculous - how could anyone love him? He's always so snarky and mean... Was, Harry remembers.

The boy suddenly feels really bad for them. They liked each other, and Snape is dead... They will never know how they felt for each other. He would have personally been fine with it as Y/L/N is of age.

As the memories end, the boy quickly walks over to the place he told Ron and Hermione to meet up with him.

As he's walking, he thinks of the memories that Snape showed him. The boy is feeling a lot of things - sadness, regret, determination. He feels bad for Snape as his life obviously hadn't been easy.

He feels regret as he always believed that Snape was a bad man, the memories definitely proved him wrong.

He feels determined to fulfil the mission. He has to die in order to save everyone else.

Once he arrives, his friends seem to be waiting to hear what he saw. "So? What did he show you?" Ron questions.

Harry sighs. "Quite a bit. He was working for Dumbledore. Dumbledore asked him to kill him... He also told him something, something very important. A part of Voldemort's soul is inside me... I'm a Horcrux. I have to die before he can die" he tells them, waiting to see their reaction.

They are shocked, of course. "Harry, no! You can't let him kill you!" Hermione exclaims.

"I have to, you know I do. I have to go to him" he states.

Ron gulps. "Harry..." he whispers, voice filled with sadness.

"Don't think about it, just kill the snake. You can't kill him as long as it still lives" he reminds them.

His two friends nod slowly. "We will come with you. We will make sure they don't spot us" Hermione tells him, pleading with him.

Harry sighs. "Okay, fine. Let's go" he says as they slowly walk towards the Forbidden Forest.

As she can't take the uncomfortable silence, Hermione clears her throat. "You were gone for a while, Harry... What else did you see?" she questions.

"I saw him and my mom... They must have been friends. I also saw..." he starts, unsure if he should tell them or not.

"Go on, mate. What did you see?" Ron urges.

"If you were right, Hermione, then he felt the same" he merely says, wondering if she will understand.

Looking confused at first, she suddenly widens her eyes in realisation. "No way! He liked her back?!" she whisper-yells, not wanting to attract any attention.

Ron looks puzzled. "What in the bloody hell are you two talking about?" he asks, not following.

Hermione rolls her eyes. "Seriously, Ronald? It's obvious. Professor Snape and Y/N Y/L/N had feelings for each other" she states.

Ron stops up, looking bewildered. "Merlin's... Are you bloody serious?" he asks, looking like he's not believing them.

They both nod at him. "Yes. It's just so sad that he's dead now..." Hermione says as she sighs.

As Harry looks towards the Shrieking Shack, he widens his eyes at what he's seeing.

"Um, Hermione... I'm not so sure about that" he whispers.

Confused, Hermione and Ron look where he's looking. They are surprised to see Madam Pomfrey and Professor McGonagall helping Y/L/N getting Snape inside what's left of the castle.

Why would they do that if he's dead? They seem to be in a hurry...

"Let's hope that means he's still alive. Now, come on. I have to show up at the Forbidden Forest!" Harry reminds them as he starts walking faster. Blinking a few times, his friends quickly follow him.

As they get closer and closer, Harry can't help but feel nervous. This is it...

It wasn't it. Harry was alive nonetheless and defeated Lord Voldemort. He's gone.

Everyone is now getting their life together. They are slowly getting used to not having any major threat in the Wizarding World. Everything is peaceful now.

Severus Snape survived. Harry and his friends were very happy to hear that. They wonder if he and Y/L/N have confessed to each other.

They might find out during Draco Malfoy and Pansy Parkinson's wedding. They actually invited all the Gryffindors.

They decided to accept the invitation - hopefully, this will end their rivalry. Perhaps Gryffindors and Slytherins can be friends someday.

When there's less than a week left for the wedding, all the guests get a pleasant surprise - the wedding will be a double wedding. Severus Snape and Y/N Y/L/N are getting married.

As Hermione reads the message out loud for her friends, the three of them can't help but smile.

"Finally, I was honestly worried they would never confess" Hermione admits.

Ron snorts. "Bloody hell, he will have to kiss her in public... Do you think he will smile? CAN he even smile?" the boy questions, seeming to trying his best to imagine it.

Harry laughs at that. "I'm sure we will find out, Ron. I'm glad that he survived. He definitely deserves happiness after everything he has been through" he states.

Hermione nods in agreement. "He really does. I'm sure they will be happy together. Oh, they will definitely get wonderful children!" she exclaims dreamily.

Harry and Ron snort, trying not to think about it. They can't imagine Snape having children... He would probably snap at them every second.

Well, they definitely can't wait to witness their wedding.

Author's note:
The next one shot "How She Fell in Love with the Potions Master" will be published on 7/25/2022! It will be all the scenes between Severus and Y/N in her POV.

Important: I will soon start reading through and edit Friendship with the Potions Master. I will start next week. Once I'm done, I will let you know if there are any major changes. It will mainly just be grammar mistakes.
