Year 6 Part 3 (chapter 31)

Author's note:
Draco's betrothed is revealed (a lot of people on Wattpad and Tumblr guessed correctly who it was lol). I hope you enjoy!

Y/O/N means your owl's name.

Word count: 1.8k
Warning: Mentions of forced marriage against one's will

It's yet another school year. Everybody is in the Great Hall, waiting for the last first-year student to be sorted. Once everybody is sitting down, the feast begins.

As Severus tucks into his meal, he looks over at the Slytherin table. Both Draco and Y/N seem distressed about something. He wonders what's up with them.

If they have had a fight, they surely wouldn't be sitting next to each other, right?

Once the feast comes to an end, Albus rises from his seat and begins his speech.

"Very best of evening to you all. First off, let me introduce the newest member of our staff - Horace Slughorn" he announces as he gestures to the new teacher. Slughorn rises from his seat, waving to all the students.

"Professor Slughorn has, to say, agreed to resume his old post as Potions Master. Meanwhile, the post of Defence Against the Dark Arts will be taken by Professor Snape" The Headmaster states, looking at Severus.

"Snape?" some students whisper to their friends, gasping.

Severus himself tries his best to contain his smirk. After all these years, he finally gets the chance to teach the subject he has wanted to teach for so long - Defence Against the Dark Arts.

Despite being distressed, Y/N gives her Head of House a proud smile as she claps. So does Draco, smirking at his Godfather.

"As you know, each and every one of you was searched upon your arrival here tonight... And you have the right to know why. Once, there was a young man, like you, sat in this very hall and walked through this castle's corridors. He seemed, to all the world, a student like any other. His name - Tom Riddle" Albus explains, referring to the Dark Lord. Everybody gasps.

"Today, of course, he's known all over the world by another name... Which is why, as I stand looking upon you all tonight, I'm reminded of a sobering fact. Every day, every hour, this very minute perhaps, dark forces attempt to penetrate this castle's halls... In the end, the greatest weapon is you. That's something to think about" he says, looking serious.

"Now, off to bed" he then says, his tone completely changing in a matter of seconds.

All the students rise from their seats and head towards their common rooms to get a good night's sleep.

The next day, the time has come - Severus is going to teach his first lesson as the Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher. To his luck, it's the last lesson of the day with the sixth-years Slytherins and Gryffindors.

He was quite surprised when the Headmaster told him what the changes were - he almost wasn't furious over the fact that he had to completely change his schedule at the last minute.

Could the old man seriously not have told him at least a couple of days before?

Shaking off the thought, Severus strolls inside his new classroom, closing the door with a wave of his hand.

"You have had five different teachers before me in this subject, all using different teaching methods. It's a wonder so many of you passed your OWLs. Today, you will be learning about Inferi" he states, looking at the students.

He notices Y/N, as well as Draco, looking distressed and a bit distant. He raises an eyebrow at that. Whatever has happened, it must really be bothering them.

"Ms. Y/L/N, what is the definition of an Inferius?" he questions, trying to see if she's attentive enough to answer.

Blinking a few times, the girl seems to wake up by hearing his question.

"An Inferius is a dead body that has been cursed by the use of a magical branch of the Dark Arts called Necromancy. They are similar to zombies, however not the same" she explains, answering his question.

Severus nods. "Correct. Five points to Slytherin" he declares.

Almost an hour later, the lesson comes to an end. "That was all for today. Do be more prepared next time if you wish to pass this subject. Dismissed" he states, waiting for all of the students to leave.

They all do so immediately - except for Y/N. She's just sitting on her chair, looking like she isn't mentally here.

Raising an eyebrow, Severus approaches her. "Y/N?" he asks, gaining her attention.

Startled, the girl looks up at her Head of House.

"Oh, yes, professor?" she questions, being polite as she doesn't seem to have noticed class is over.

"You may call me Severus as we are the only ones here" he says, trying to hold back his smirk.

Looking around, Y/N blushes in embarrassment. "Oh, I'm sorry, Severus. I guess I was lost in my own thoughts" she admits.

"I can see that. What in Merlin's name is going on? You and Draco have seemed quite distressed since dinner last night" he says, levitating his chair in front of him as he sits down.

Y/N sighs. "My father and Draco's parents agreed on something without our consent - they have arranged our future marriage" she says, her voice cracking.

Severus looks surprised by that. So that's who Draco is engaged to - Y/N.

"I thought he liked the Parkinson girl?" he questions, not understanding why their parents would agree on this.

"He does. Apparently, they talked about this in our fourth year - because we went to the Yule Ball together, they apparently think it's a good idea for us to be together. They decided to make it official to us in our sixth year" she says, trying not to cry.

Seeing how distressed she is, Severus gently grabs her hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze.

"I am sure something can be done" he reassures her. Truly, there must be a way to put a stopper to this if both of them are miserable.

"If only it was that simple. My father and Draco's father believe this is a good arrangement - his mother tried to talk them out of it, but they wouldn't listen. His father knows how much he likes Pansy, and he still agreed on this! Draco is devastated!" she says in frustration as a few tears leave her eyes.

Severus immediately wipes them away with his thumb, shushing her.

"Like I said, I am sure something can be done. I'm sure you won't get married until Lucius gets out of Azkaban. If he gets out, I will try to talk him out of it" he assures her.

Y/N smiles at him, her eyes red. "Thank you, Severus" she says as she sniffles.

"Now that we are talking about... love, I know for a fact that your first lesson with Slughorn was about Amortentia. What did you smell?" he questions, looking curious.

Y/N widens her eyes. "U-umm... I'd preferably not tell, if that's okay" she mutters, her cheeks bright red.

Severus looks confused by that. Who in Merlin's name did she smell?

Potter? Longbottom? They do both share their love for Herbology. Or perhaps WEASLEY?

Surely, it can't be Crabbe or Goyle, and she has assured him that she only sees Draco as a friend.

"Very well, you don't have to tell me. Though, I promise I won't judge if it happens to be a Gryffindor" he says, trying one last time.

That makes Y/N snort, holding back her laughter. Severus can't help but laugh as well before covering it with a few coughs.

Of course she doesn't like a Gryffindor, why in Merlin would she? What a silly thought.

Y/N clears her throat. "Don't worry, it's not a Gryffindor. By the way, I haven't congratulated you yet. You finally get to teach Defence Against the Dark Arts! I'm sorry I wasn't paying much attention, this engagement situation is just making me and Draco sad. Anyway, I miss you in Potions class - Slughorn is good, but he isn't you" she says, shyly smiling at him.

Severus can't help but smirk. "I must admit, I will have to get used to this. You may always come to me if you need help with Potions" he tells her.

"Thank you, Severus. I appreciate it. I'm sure the instructions will come in handy when we will be brewing Felix Felicis. It makes the potion turn out so much better" she states.

He nods at that. "I know it will. With my instructions and your brewing skills, it will be the best potion Slughorn has ever seen" he says, smirking at the thought.

He then clears his throat. "By the way, I have been wondering... Does your owl always nuzzle people's arms? It has done so each time it has delivered your letters to me" he says, sighing.

The owl is rather adorable, but does it absolutely have to nuzzle him every damn time?

Y/N giggles. "Oh, Y/O/N? He only does that to people he likes and trusts" she states, giving a bright smile. She seems to be happy that her owl likes her Head of House.

Severus chuckles at that. "I see, I suppose he does that to you and your father?" he questions.

"Actually, only to me. He does it every time he sees me, especially when I head to the Owlery to wish him good morning and good night. I often visit him during my breaks, too. As for my father... He often nibbles at him rather harshly. If I wasn't so fond of Y/O/N, Father would have gotten rid of him a long time ago. I'm so glad he didn't" she says, smiling at the thought of her brown owl.

Severus can't help but hum, looking in awe. She seems to really like her owl. It's rather cute how she wishes it good morning and good night every day.

As they keep talking for a while, Y/N notices how late it is.

"I should probably head to the common room. Crabbe and Goyle aren't the best at cheering someone up, and Pansy is just as distressed as us. Draco really needs someone to comfort him right now" she explains, looking rather sad.

Nodding, Severus puts a comforting hand on her shoulder. She blushes at that.

"You may always come to me if you are sad, Y/N. I know I'm not the best at cheering someone up either, but I will do my best" he says, reassuring her.

Y/N smiles at him. "Thank you, Severus. You are the best" she says as she rises from her seat.

Before she leaves, she turns around to face him. "Oh, by the way. I can still help clean up the classroom and grade papers even though it's another subject... If you would like" she shyly offers.

Severus lets the corner of his lips turn slightly upwards.

"I would love that" he says. Smiling, Y/N waves before leaving.

As she does so, Severus sits down on his chair, deep in thought. He wonders if there is a way to stop their engagement to make them both happy again.
