Chapter XXVX: Galarian Star Tournament

It was now morning, the sunlight shone in the window onto Thora. She slowly opened her eyes to see herself still in Gordie's arms with her head up against his chest. She could hear his steady heartbeat which made her contently smile as she slowly closed her eyes. If Thora wanted to, she could just lay in bed and listen to his heart beating while in his arms for the whole day. Suddenly, Thora felt Gordie's lips on her forehead which made her blush. She looked up to see Gordie lovingly smile at her then placed a gentle kiss on her lips in which she returned the kiss.

"Good morning love," Gordie smiled.

"Good morning cutie," Thora blushed smiling back.

Just a few seconds later, Yamper scurried up onto the bed licking both Gordie and Thora awake wagging his tail happily. Thora couldn't help but laugh with how excited Yamper was while Gordie was chuckling holding Yamper as he continued scurrying towards him trying to give him kisses.

"Calm down, I'm awake, I'm awake," Gordie chuckled.

Yamper barked happily as he hopped out of Gordie's hands then spun around wagging his tail with his bottom up in the air.

"Someone's excited about today," Thora smiled.

"He has a good reason to be," Gordie chuckled.

Yamper barked hopping in the air smiling as he continued wagging his tail.

"We should get ready for the day," Gordie whispered in a hush tone.

"Yea, we should," Thora blushed as she felt shivers go down her spine.

"Something wrong babe?"

"N-n-no, I'm fine," Thora denied blushing hard.

Gordie cocked an eyebrow as he smirked seeing Thora blushing uncontrollably. Gordie pulled Thora close to him as he placed a gentle kiss on her neck. Thora was getting that feeling again. This time, it was a bit stronger than last night. She tried fighting it but she knew it was inevitable.

"You alright," Gordie asked in a hush tone.

"Yea," Thora nodded blushing.

"You're blushing. Sure you're alright?"

"I'm sure babe."

Gordie and Thora shared a romantic kiss, their hands stroking each others' hair as their lips were locked with one another. After they kissed, the two looked into each others' eyes adoringly, enamored by one's eyes.

"Still have beautiful eyes," Gordie softly smiled.

"Not as beautiful as your blue eyes," Thora replied smiling back.

"Not possible. You have the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen in my entire life."

"You're making me blush."

"I love you."

"I love you more."

"I beg to differ," Gordie softly chuckled as he placed a kiss on Thora's cheek.

After a few minutes, the couple of themselves ready for the day and headed out to their respective stadiums, not before having their Yamper be put in the care of Giselle and Ramone. Throughout the day, Thora was busy with Gym Challenges and mentoring trainers. She remembered today was the day of the event that her and Gordie were invited to but was highly nervous what it was about. She knew her and her Pokemon had participated in one competition and won against Gordie, all in all deep down, she didn't care if it were to be another competition or not, she was up for it. During her break, Cleo and Thora were hanging out with each other with Cleo giving her Dedenne some of the homemade curry she made earlier while Thora was playing with her Jolteon.

"So, what's on your agenda for the rest of the day," Cleo asked.

"Well I got an invitation from Leon about a tournament of some sort so I'm gonna take part in it," Thora replied as she petted her Jolteon.

"Another tournament? What do you supposed Leon has in mind?"

"I don't know but I'm going."

"Is your boyfriend going," Cleo giggled.

"Very funny Cleo," Thora replied rolling her eyes, "yes, he's going too, he got an invitation too."

"Ok, ok. Either way, be seeing you two love pidoves there," Cleo giggled.

"Aw shut it," Thora chuckled.

After the day ended, it was time. Thora made her way to the Hammerlocke train station where she took the train to Wyndon Stadium. Many thoughts were running through her mind of what the invitation was about. Though she didn't want to worry too much about it. After some time, she finally arrived at Wyndon and made her way to the stadium.


Thora pulled out her phone and checked her messages to see who messaged her. She saw it was Gordie who sent her a message which made her heart flutter. She opened the messages tab to see what Gordie sent to her:

"Love, I'm already at Wyndon. I'll be waiting for you xo"

Thora blushed over the message she received from Gordie she couldn't help but add it to saved messages. As Thora made her way to the Battle Point of the Wyndon Stadium, before her were all the Gym Leaders from Milo all the way to Raihan. She was surprised. Now the only question on Thora's mind was, would Leon be participating in the Tournament? For some reason, she felt a strange feeling inside with everyone looking at her. Her anxiety was kicking in. She wanted to head back. No, she accepted Leon's invitation to come to Wyndon Stadium, no way she was to turn back. As she was still standing there, she noticed someone walking past her that caught her attention, it was a woman who had fair skin, blue eyes and pink hair. She wore pink lipstick and eye shadow and had a mole under her mouth. Her overall attire was wild yet unique to say the least with many accessories. She wore a white fur coat, a white and blue moth-like bow with pink circles on it, and a dark purple and green uniform. Her uniform consisted of a multicolored collared shirt and dark blue shorts with the number 881 on them. Other accessories she wore were a white bracelet on her left wrist, a Dynamax band on her right wrist, a thumbless purple and black glove on her right hand, a white ring on her left hand and finally, on her feet, she wore pink and white shoes with blue heels and knee-length stockings that have the same colors as her clothes.

For some odd reason, Thora felt self conscious thinking the woman looked more beautiful than her. Why was that? Just then, Leon appeared from one of the exits making his way to the pitch which caused the crowd to roar and cheer.

"Alright everyone," Leon called out, "sorry to have kept you all waiting! First things first-I want to say a quick thank-you to all of you for coming running when I called! I really wanted to explain this in person, because I wanted to be sure I could get across to you all how great this idea is!"

"Phew, would you take a look at this guy," Raihan remarked, "getting all serious on us in your old age, are you? What is this grand idea anyway, Leon?"

"Hah! Don't you start on me, Raihan! I'm really trying here!"

Thora was still slightly confused over what was going on. She looked over noticing Gordie was looking over to her with a smile on his face which made her blush. Thora's heart began to skip a beat.

"See, I've spent my whole life battling with myself to try to become the greatest Trainer," Leon began, "and because of that, it really proved to me how much further you can go when you're battling against anyone."

"Hrmph," Bede scoffed.

"And now that I've decided to take over running the League from Chairman Rose," Leon continued, "I'm thinking I want to bring even more thrilling battles to our wonderful Galar region! So both these reasons, I've called you all here today to tell you that, I'm declaring the Galarian Star Tournament open!"

"The Galarian Star what," Marnie questioned in a confused tone.

"Doesn't he ever tire of draggin' other people into his nonsense," Piers sighed.

"The Galarian Star Tournament will be an elimination tournament in Multi Battle format," Leon instructed, "I want all of you here to pair up with the strongest partner you can think of then pool your power and work together to try to win your way through the tourney!"

"YEAHHHHH," the crowd cheered.

Just like that, Thora knew she had to team up with Gordie only question was where was he? She looked all over to see where he was until she saw him sitting on the bench. Her heart began to flutter looking at him. Thora went over to him which caught his attention as he looked up at her with a warm smile on his face.

"Gordie," Thora spoke.

"Glad you came," Gordie softly smiled, "honestly, having you battling beside me would be as heartening as anything could be."

"So, did you want to team up, babe?"

"I thought you'd never ask," Gordie beamed as he placed a kiss on Thora's forehead.

Gordie and Thora made their way to the front desk to register as a team when the receptionist told them the rules of the tournament, "Each of you will only need three Pokemon of your choosing. Other than that, best of luck the both of you!"

Thora looked to Gordie for a second before she was in a state of thought wondering which Pokemon she wanted to participate in the tournament. Then she knew which ones, once she made her decision on which Pokemon to use, the two waited to hear who would be versing who. Once everyone was registered, the results of who would be versing each other was shown on the display screen:

Thora saw who her and Gordie would be going up against in the first round. It had been a while since she last fought against Opal but it would be nice to face against her again. She also saw Hop's name as well. Why did that name sound familiar to her?

"So we're going up against you two," Hop asked approaching Gordie and Thora smiling brightly.

"Heey I remember you," Thora smiled, "you were with Marine when I helped with her Morpeko."


"Hi Grandma Opal," Gordie smiled politely.

"Well hello Gordie, it's been a while since," Opal gently smiled then turned her attention to Thora, "and it certain has been a while for you as well Thora."

"It has," Thora warmly smiled.

"Be seeing who will come out on top this match," Hop smiled.

"Don't hold back on us," Thora confidently smiled.

Like that, the Galarian Star Tournament was about to begin with the first match being Gordie and Thora vs. Hop and Opal.

*New chapter is here! Sorry for the hold up! Enjoy my lovelies!

-Morella Voltaire
