Chapter XXIII: Love is Dead

*WARNING!!!! This chapter will make you highly emotional! Believe me, I cried when I wrote this!!!

It's killing me, We die when love is dead, It's killing me, We lost a dream we never had, The world in silence and should forever feel alone, Cause we are gone & we will never overcome, It's over now..."

Tokio Hotel-Love is Dead

A few days had come and gone since Thora helped Marine with her Morpeko, it was the usual for her; Gym Challenges, mentorships and assisting trainers with tips on raising Electric Pokemon. However, one day, Thora was able to spend some time with her mother just two days before she was to head to the hospital for surgery. She couldn't help but worry for the sake of her health fearing something would happen to her mother if she would be able to sing again or not...but Giselle kept reassuring her that everything will be fine which only triggered Thora's anxiety making her worry even more...While Giselle was getting her things ready for her visit to the hospital in two days, Thora was spending time with her little brother Ramone. They were spending time walking around Circhester with Ruby who was walking with them. He was extremely excited to spend time with his older sister and tell her everything about his mentorship with Thora.

"So how have things been going with you and Ruby," Thora wondered.

"Going really well," Ramone beamed, "Ruby has been making some progress so far with her mastering Rock Throw! Right Ruby?"

"Arf," Ruby replied smiling.

"Glad to hear," Thora smiled, "anything else that happened so far during your mentorship with Gordie?"

"Yea," Ramone recalled, "he taught me some techniques with how to strengthen Ruby's moves and fighting style so she would be able to battle with ease."

Thora began to blush a bit when Ramone mentioned about Gordie. Then she began to remember the morning she spend the night at his place when he was about to kiss her. Deep down, she felt guilty that she was too shy to kiss him but if she had the gull, she'd wanted to, with all her heart. She looked down at the necklace Gordie gave to her eleven years ago and clutched onto it smiling to herself. It was a prized possession that Thora held onto and wore for many years and cherished. She recalled it looked almost identical to Gordie's all the more reason to make her face burn up ever more.

"Thora," Ramone called out, "You okay sis?"

Thora snapped out of her trance as she looked down at Ramone who looked up at her with a confused look on his face.

"Oh! Yea, I'm fine," Thora answered.

"You kept looking at your necklace from what I can tell," Ramone remarked, "what's so important about it?"

"This was given to me by Gordie on my twelfth birthday. To this day, I cherish it greatly and it's my treasure from him I hold dear."

"That's so nice! Reminds me, mind if I ask you something? It's okay if you don't."

"Yeah Bub?"

"When are you and Gordie going to become a couple?"

Thora's eyes widened from Ramone's question as her face turned beat red. Why would Ramone ask a personal question like that? She glanced at Ramone who looked up at her with curious lime green eyes waiting for a reply.

"Ummm...uh...I...why would you ask...something like that," Thora stuttered.

"Because I've noticed how you would always get flustered whenever you bring him up or anyone else talks about him," Ramone mentioned, "plus at times, during my mentorship, Gordie would talk about you from time to time."

"What...did he say about me?"

"Things like how he's happy he was able to see you again, how beautiful you were, things like that..."

Thora couldn't stop blushing. Her heart started skipping a beat thinking about Gordie talking about her.

"Just tell how you feel about him will ya," Ramone whined.

"Just as soon as you get out there and take part in the Gym Challenges soon," Thora replied giving Ramone a noogie.

Ramone chuckled fighting back with Thora as the two laughed. It had been years since they last hung out before Thora left for Hammerlocke. It felt nice. Just then, Thora remembered, she was to meet with Gordie at the Circhester Stadium for the meet and greet.

"Hey Bub," Thora remembered, "I have to meet up with Gordie at the Stadium, I'm really sorry...did I spend enough time with you? You're not too upset are you?"

When Thora mentioned she was to meet with Gordie, instead of being upset over it, he instead smiled and nodded.

"Not at all," Ramone grinned, "to be honest, having you back in Circhester is enough for me. I'm just happy I got to spend some time with you."

The siblings hugged one another before Thora headed off to the Circhester Stadium.

"Bye Sis," Ramone waved calling out, "I love you!"

"Love you too Bub," Thora waved back.

After saying goodbye to Ramone, Thora finally reached the Circhester Stadium where she felt her heart skip a beat. Inside the stadium was where Gordie was holding the meet and greet with fans. Once Thora entered inside, she could see the line of fans waiting for photo ops and autographs from Gordie. She somewhat felt out of place as her anxiety started to kick in. Thora wasn't sure she was up for it. She wanted to head back to her apartment...

"Thora," a voice called out.

Thora looked around wondering where the voice was coming from until she saw Gordie waving at her. Thora blushed as she waved back at him. He gestered her to come over to him with a smirk on his face. Thora nodded heading over towards him as she sat herself down next to him her face completely red.

"Come on Thora," Thora thought to herself, "don't be a wallflower, just be normal, talk to him like you use to when you were's not too hard."

"I'm happy you came," Gordie smiled.

Thora looked up at Gordie who was smiling brightly at her. She smiled shyly at him still blushing. No words could form from her mouth as she tried to answer back. He was right there!

"Come on," Thora thought, "speak dammit!"

"I am too," Thora softly replied.

Wait, that was it?! That was all she could say to him?! She wanted to facepalm herself for such an idiotic response! Instead, she felt Gordie leaning in forward as if about to whisper something into her ear.

"You're really cute when you're blushing you know that," Gordie flirted.

Internally, Thora wanted to scream. Was Gordie flirting with her?! She wanted to faint but she had to try and keep her composure while Gordie went along with his meet and greet. During the day, many fans were excited to see both Gordie and Thora, though a couple of fans were curious over why there were moments Thora would look down at the ground flustered. One reason was because her anxiety was taking over as she was not use to being involved with another venue event with another Gym Leader, let alone one that she had strong feelings for...this was all new to her. Some of the fans who were interested in Gordie, there were moments, Thora showed some jealousy but again, she was too flustered to do anything knowing she was sitting next to Gordie. When in his presence, she was paralyzed. In between the breaks from fans, coming and going, Gordie and Thora were able to converse with one another to which once again, they were shy over speaking their feelings to one another blushing awkwardly.

"I'm really glad I came out to see you," Thora blushed.

"I am too," Gordie replied looking away blushing.

"My little brother told me about his mentorship with you. I've never seen him this happy since coming back to Circhester."

"He's a persistent, just like his sister."

"I wouldn't say that..."

"Why's that?"

"Most times, I tend to freeze up when things get difficult and when that happens, I feel like my walls are closing in and I want to run away and escape...just to, get away from all of it..."

Immediately, Gordie placed his hand on Thora's which caused her to flinch as she looked up at him burning up.

"Gordie," Thora softly shrieked.

"Thora," Gordie replied, "I know the kind of person you are since we were kids. I know there are times you would struggle with your doubts but in the end, you always come out on top and...well that's one of the many things I love about you..."

Gordie's eyes widened from what he said to Thora which caused her to blushed. He said the four letter word again! Thora wanted to scream with joy but she held it in, all she could do was smile at Gordie knowing she always could rely on him for moral support and vise versa. As the day was winding down, Thora was calming down from sitting next to Gordie but was still blushing a bit. Gordie had finished giving a fan an autograph and was clearly exhausted but didn't let it show to anyone who'd want to come by.

"Alright next," Gordie called out.

Just then, someone came up to Gordie with a picture of him as they handed it to him. When he looked up to see who the person was, to his shock, it was his mother!

"MUM," Gordie jumped.

"Teehee," Melony giggled.

"What are you doing here," Gordie growled.

"Just here for an autograph from my son, nothing more."

Gordie, clearly upset while signing the picture for his mother, Melony looked over noticing Thora was with him.

"Thora, I didn't notice you there," Melony warmly smiled.

"Hello," Thora smiled softly, "it's nice to see you again."

"As to you."

"Here," Gordie grumbled.

"Thanks sweetie," Melony warmly smiled.

Gordie didn't say a word as he looked away. Thora looked to Gordie seeing why he was upset over his mother coming by to see him.

"I thought it was adorable that your mum came by for an autograph from you," Thora giggled.

"Great," Gordie groaned, "now you're just like her..."

"What are you talking about?"

"What you just said."

"I don't understand...all I said was how cute it was."

Gordie was about to lose his temper. He had a long day and to have his mother come by was not what he asked for. To top it all, Thora commented how cute it was?! What was she even thinking???

"You don't get it," Gordie scoffed.

"Gordie, what's gotten into you," Thora wondered.

Suddenly, Gordie snapped. He looked to Thora with a look that made her shudder. She didn't like that look in his eyes. Even Melony could tell Gordie was highly upset.

"If you fucking knew anything about me," Gordie yelled, "you'd know of what I went through in the past!"

"Gordie why are you taking your anger out on me," Thora replied in a stern tone, "I don't understand what I did to upset you! You should be happy your mother came by to see you at least!"

"Why should I?! After we don't see eye to eye?! Why hasn't your father or grandfather come to see you? Oh, right, they left you!"

Thora's eyes widened from what Gordie said to her. Those three words he shouted at her...felt like she was stabbed three times in the heart. They left her...Thora tried hard to hold back any tears but at this point it was impossible. Thora was enraged as tears streamed down her cheeks as she looked up at Gordie.

"What do you know about my father and grandfather," Thora cried out in anger as tears freely ran down her face.


"You don't even-"

Before Gordie could even finish his sentence.


Gordie's eyes widened as he was silent. He was still seething with anger as he looked at Thora who continued to cry tears of anger.

"I know about the argument you had with your mum," Thora continued, "I saw your battle against you and your mother. When you won against her, I could see she wanted to rekindle things with you but you? Heh, you pushed her away...why? Because you two don't see eye to eye on your own views...neither did my dad or granddad but you know what, they're out in the world right now putting the past behind them and reconnecting with each other. Why can't you make amends with your mum? Or are you too proud that you finally proved something?"

Gordie's rage had disappeared. He looked to Thora who continued to shed tears.

"You're lucky," Thora wept, "you got to battle your mother during the competition and then...there's me, I never got the opportunity to battle my own dad who was once a Gym Leader nor my should be fucking lucky you have someone who is actually there for you and loves you unconditionally, supports you...while me? I don't even know when I'll ever see my dad or granddad again...and in case you didn't know, since you and your mum aren't on speaking terms, and she probably didn't even tell you, the reason I'm back in Circhester is because my mum has cancer but you probably don't care about that either huh?"

Gordie's eyes widened from Thora's news about her mother. He had no idea her mother was ill. Now he was starting to feel immensely guilty for raising his voice at Thora and hurting her feelings.

"You know, five years after seeing you," Thora admitted, "I thought I would be happy to see you again but I was wrong...if this is truly the person you are...I want nothing to do with that person..."

Thora immediately removed her necklace then shoved it into Gordie's arms as she continued to cry.

"Better yet, I want nothing to do with you anymore," Thora wept.

"Thora...I," Gordie spoke.

"Get away from me," Thora shouted, "I HATE YOU!!!"

Suddenly, Thora ran off in tears, heartbroken, as she cried leaving Gordie by himself, speechless after what she had said to him. He couldn't believe it. He'd lost the girl of his dreams because of his anger. This was all his fault. He looked over to Melony who could only look at him with a somber expression on her face as she shook her head in disappointment.

"I have nothing to say to you," Melony sighed.

As Melony left the Stadium, it was now the end of the day, Gordie was left by himself with Thora's necklace in hand in the silence now only with half a heart as the other had been crushed.

Author's Note:

Another chapter out early, I'm on a roll here! I will say this much, I did cry when I wrote this chapter...and even while typing this out, I'm still shedding tears...hope you enjoy this chapter! Also please do not cry, it will get better very soon, I promise!
