Chapter III: Gordie

Thora, Toxel and Wyndham had finally made it back home to Circhester where they were greeted by Giselle who waited outside wearing a warm smile on her face. Once Corviknight descended onto the ground, Wyndham hopped off of Corviknight along with Thora and Toxel. Wyndham stroked Corviknight's head thanking his friend then returned it to its Ultra Ball.

"Welcome home you two," Giselle warmly smiled, "how did your training go?"

"Fantastic," Wyndham gleamed, "and you won't believe it but, show her Sweet Pea."

"I caught my very first Pokemon," Thora announced presenting Toxel to her mother.

Giselle knelt down looking at Toxel who looked back at her with a cute smile on its face.

"How adorable," Giselle complimented.

"Toxel," Toxel smiled.

"By the way, anyone came by while we were gone," Wyndham wondered.

"Now that you've mentioned it," Giselle recalled, "Gordie came by earlier today and want to see if Thora wanted to come out and play."

Thora's eyes widened from her mother's answer. Gordie came by to their home?!

"What did you say to him," Thora hesitated.

"I told Gordie you were out with your father and won't be back until later but can come back again tomorrow," Giselle replied.

"Is there time for me to go see him for a bit," Thora blurted.

"Of course, you still have time before bed. But don't be out too long."

"I won't, come on Toxel."

Thora jolted out from her house onto the snowy pavement as she ran to Gordie's home. Of all people to come by while she was away. It had to be Gordie...why him? When she finally arrived, Thora was out of breath and was trying to keep herself together before she knocked on the door.


Thora took a few more deep breaths still partially out of breath. Toxel was mounted on the top of her head. When the door opened, she was greeted by his mother Melony who wore a light blue sweater, matching pants and slippers.

"Thora what are you doing out here in the cold," Melony lilted.

"Hello Ms. Melony," Thora greeted, "is Gordie here?"

"Why yes he-"

"Is that Thora," a voice called out.

Melony began to notice Toxel who was on Thora's head who looked back at her with a curious look.

"Who's your new friend," Melony questioned.

"Huh? Oh," Thora remembered, "this is my first ever partner Pokemon Toxel. Say hi Toxel."

"Tox," Toxel waved.

"How cute," Melony warmly smiled, "Why don't you come inside?"

"Thank you Ms. Melony," Thora politely bowed.

Thora went inside and was greeted by Gordie who came up to her with an impatient look on his face. He was a stocky boy that was slightly taller than Thora being a year older than she was with beige hair, blue eyes wearing a grey top, white shorts and socks. Thora hated seeing Gordie like this whenever he was upset with her.

"Where were you," Gordie demanded.

"I went to the Wild Area with my dad to train," Thora confessed, "I'm sorry I didn't tell you…"

"You could've told me earlier….," Gordie grumbled.

"How many times do I have to say I'm sorry," Thora whined showing sadness in her eyes to Gordie.

Gordie became flustered when Thora looked at him with sadden eyes on the verge of tears. He looked away crossing his arms, his face blushing a small hint of red, until Melony came up to him placing her hands on his shoulders.

"Gordie…," Melony spoke, "Thora did apologize, the least you can do is accept her apology."

Gordie looked to Thora who looked back at him with the same look. He was blushing as he slightly looked away then looked back at Thora.

"Apology accepted," Gordie sighed.

Thora beamed once Gordie accepted his apology. She couldn't help but hug him. This put Gordie off guard due to not being aware of her hugging him. He began to flail a bit blushing.

"Hey, take it easy," Gordie panicked slightly.

Melony could only giggle over how cute she thought it was seeing Thora hug her son after he forgave her. After Thora hugged Gordie, they went into the living room where they sat on the couch. Gordie noticed Toxel on Thora's head that caught his attention which made Thora curious wondering what he was staring at.

"Something wrong," Thora questioned.

"Yea, what's that on your head," Gordie pointed.


Thora looked up and remembered Toxel was mounted on her head the entire time and nearly forgot. At this point she had gotten use to Toxel sitting on her head, it was normal to her at this point.

"Oh, this is my very first Pokemon," Thora beamed, "this is Toxel, say hi Toxel."

"Toxel," Toxel waved.

Gordie's eyes gleamed from Thora's first Pokemon.

"That's so cool," Gordie grinned, "how did you catch it?"

Toxel crawled off of Thora's head and into Thora's lap snuggling itself as it looked at her.

"I came across it in the Wild Area when it was lonely," Thora began, "then we got attacked by a Noctowl which Toxel was able to scare off and we were able to reunite it with its parents until Toxel wanted to join me."

"Tox," Toxel nodded.

"So you actually battle a wild Pokemon on your own? You're lucky! By the way, you mentioned something about you training with your dad, what for?"

"My dad's training me to become a gym leader one day," Thora replied.

"Awesome! What type," Gordie wondered.

"I want to be an Electric Gym Leader," Thora beamed.

"Is your dad ok with that?"

"He is actually," Thora nodded, "at first he wasn't sure but once he knew I was serious, it was when we started our training. He even gave me a Thunderstone."

"You're lucky," Gordie envied, "my mum wants me to become an Ice Gym Leader one day like her but can you keep a secret?"

Thora nodded as she leaned forward. Gordie looked around to see if anyone was around as he leaned in cupping his hands around Thora's ear.

"I want to be a Rock Gym Leader," Gordie whispered.

Thora couldn't contain her excitement. Her best friend wanted to be a gym leader like her!

"You too," Thora trilled, "you'll make a great Gym Leader one day!"

Gordie blushed a bit looking down then looked to Thora, "You think so?"

"I know you will just like one day I'll become a great Electric Gym Leader," Thora grinned.

"Thanks Thora," Gordie grinned back.

For the next hour, Gordie and Thora continued to talk about everything with one another until...


Melony went to the door to see who it was. It was Giselle who wore her beige fur coat and white fur boots and hat. Melony warmly smiled as she opened the door.

"Giselle, it's so good to see you again," Melony smiled.

"It is. I'm sorry to bother you at this hour but do you know where Thora is," Giselle questioned.

Melony placed her finger on her lip smiling then turned around and pointed to where Thora was. Giselle looked over to see where Melony was pointing at. When she saw where Thora was, she could only smile warmly. She and Gordie were sleeping next to each other covered in a warm blanket.

"They tired each other out," Melony giggled.

"Aww look at those two," Giselle admired.

"Giselle, Thora told Gordie she's training to become a Gym Leader is that right?"

"Yes it is, she's training with my husband and so far she's very happy with her first day of catching Toxel. She was very proud."

"I wish it was that easy for Gordie and I," Melony sighed.

"Why is that," Giselle wondered.

"He doesn't appear wanting to become an Ice Gym Leader but a Rock Gym Leader instead..."

"I see; Wyndham felt the same way of wanting Thora to become a Flying Gym Leader but when she told him she wanted to specialize in Electric Types, it was hard for him to take but he knew, she was serious in what she wanted to achieve, maybe it might be the same for Gordie, who knows," Giselle spoke.

"I don't know," Melony hesitated.

"Mellie, just try and do what you can with Gordie," Giselle reassured, "I've seen how strong you are as an Ice Gym Leader."

"Thank you Giselle," Melony smiled.

"What are best friends for," Giselle smiled back, "so my husband will come for Thora tomorrow morning?"

"Perfect, I'll have her ready by then," Melony nodded.

"Thank you once again for looking after Thora," Giselle bowed politely.

"Think nothing of it."

"Good night."


Giselle made her way out the door back home as Melony shut the door behind her. She turned back around to see Gordie and Thora still fast asleep next to one another. Their heads slightly touched one another as they continued to sleep. Melony softly smiled as she turned off the lights to the living room as she headed upstairs to get some sleep leaving the two children to continue sleeping.

*Working hard and pushing out new content! Enjoy!

-Morella Voltaire 🖤
