Chapter XXVIII: Top of The World

"I'm on the top of the world, looking down on creation, and the only explanation I can find, is the love that I found, ever since you've been around, your love's put me at the top of the world..."

The Carpenters-Top of The World

It had been a few days since Gordie and Thora got an invitation from Leon about a tournament at Wyndon. Part of her was nervous about who she would be facing during the event but at the same time she was excited to see what the tournament entailed. During her time she was not busy with her duty as a gym leader, she was spending time with Ramone and her mother much to her brother's delight. Thora got to spend time with her mother and finally broke the news to her and Ramone that her and Gordie were dating. Giselle couldn't help but shed tears of joy knowing that this day would come. As for Ramone, he was bursting with excitement that finally, her and Gordie were officially a couple. Thora was embarrassed telling family and had a strong feeling that Gordie might have felt the same too when he told his mother.

After Thora's daily routine at the Hammerlocke Stadium, Ramone wanted to train with Thora in helping his Rockruff Ruby to get stronger. Thora didn't mind training with Ramone, it had been a while since they last trained with one another. Ramone was excited by the idea of showing how strong Ruby has gotten since his mentorship. During their training, Thora decided to use her Luxray for a practice battle against Ruby. During the time Thora was training with Ramone, she noticed Ruby was getting better at evading attacks and her Rock Throw had strength tremendously. She could tell Gordie helped Ramone out with Ruby with her moveset along with battle tactics. Thinking about it made her blush a bit but she shook it off as she continued her day training with Ramone.

Once training had finished, she noticed something different with Ruby. She had a look of confidence on her face to which Ramone was very happy about.

"What is it girl," Ramone asked.

"Arf arf," Ruby barked.

It was currently sunset, Ruby looked up at the sky and for an odd reason, she was enthralled by how beautiful it was as she couldn't keep her eyes off of it. Suddenly, Ruby let out a loud howl as a white glow surrounded her body. Ramone and Thora's eyes widen as they realized Ruby was evolving! Ruby had evolved into a Dusk form Lycanroc! Ramone's eye widened as he was taken aback that his Rockruff had finally evolved. Ruby looked over to him with a smile on her face looking at him with soft green eyes.

"Roc," Ruby barked.

" look so...COOL," Ramone exclaimed as he immediately hugged her.

Thora couldn't help but smile seeing Ramone hugging Ruby. She was happy to see that Ruby had finally evolved but at the same time in her mind she wondered what Gordie would think seeing that Ruby evolved. Ruby opened her eyes when she noticed Gordie behind them as her tail wagged happily.

"Hm, what's up girl," Ramone asked.

Ramone turned around to see Gordie behind them. Ramone was beaming seeing Gordie again while he was still hugging Ruby.

"Gordie! What are you doing here," Ramone questioned with wide eyes.

"Could ask the same for you buddy," Gordie smiled then turned his attention to Thora, "training with your big sister?"

"Mhmm," Ramone nodded, "and look! Ruby evolved!"

Ruby approached Gordie as she sat herself down before her looking up at him. Gordie's eye widened as he knelt down lowering his sunglasses looking at her. He was astonished by how amazing Ruby looked all the while Ruby was wagging her tail.

"Can see you've been taking really special care of Ruby," Gordie said.

"Yup! Thanks to Thora, she helped Ruby evolve into Lycanroc," Ramone proudly smiled.

"Did she now," Gordie asked looking to Thora once more giving her a smirk.

Thora jumped a bit when she noticed Gordie smirking at her. It made her heart skip a beat that she was beginning to blush. Gordie got up then went over to Thora. Gordie wrapped his arm around her pulling Thora close to his chest as he looked into her eyes smiling adoringly.

"Hi beautiful," Gordie smiled.

"Hi handsome," Thora blushed.

"How should I reward you for helping out your little brother?"

"I think I know," Thora softly giggled.

Gordie and Thora softly kissed each other as they held each other tight in one's arms. After they kissed, Gordie stroked Thora's hair warmly smiling at her. Thora loved the feeling of Gordie's fingers stroking through her hair. It felt nice.

"Anything on your mind love," Gordie asked.

"Besides you, mainly thinking about the invitation we both got," Thora replied.

"Still got any idea what it might be about?"

"Probably another tournament. Who knows."

"If so, might have to face each other again, or at least see what the event details."


"Did you tell your mum about us dating?"

"I did and she couldn't help but cry tears of joy."

"Awww, that's nice, how's she doing," Gordie wondered, "is she getting better?"

"Yea, she's recovering nicely, thanks for asking," Thora smiled, "which reminds me, did you tell your mum about us dating?"

"Ugh, don't remind me," Gordie groaned rolling his eyes.

"Gordie, come on now, can't hold on this grudge for too long," Thora said placing her hand on his cheek.

"Well if I told her, you'd know what her reaction would be."

"True, but still love, please? For me?"

"Alright, I'll tell her, but only because one you said please and two, I can't ever say no to a beautiful woman such as you," Gordie warmly smiled.

Thora laid her head on Gordie's chest as he continued stroking her hair. She felt at peace resting her head there. Almost as if she felt safe. Then she began to remember that her brother Ramone was still there. She lifted her head back up to see if Ramone was still there but saw that he'd already left. Probably went back home to mom, Thora thought to herself.

"So any plans for the rest of the day," Gordie asked.

"Nothing much really, yourself," Thora questioned.

"Pretty much the same. Might just relax for the rest of the day until tomorrow."

"Did you...want to spend the rest of the day with each other?"

"How could I say no to a pretty face such as yours?"

Gordie kissed Thora's cheek then rested his forehead on hers. He looked deeply into Thora's eyes warmly smiling at her which caused her to blush. She couldn't help it.

"Want to spend it at your place again," Thora asked, "for some reason, I feel at home."

Gordie blushed from hearing Thora's comment about spending the rest of the evening at his place. Deep down, despite only dating for just a few weeks, he wanted her and him to move in and live together but that would be a huge step for the two of them. He wasn't entirely sure of how Thora would feel on the idea of her moving into his place or them getting a place of their own. Again, he did not want to rush into it but wanted to make sure it was the right time to ask her. Throughout the rest of the evening, the two went out to eat before they headed back to Gordie's home. Both walking hand in hand enjoying one's company until they finally arrived.

When Gordie and Thora returned to Gordie's home, Thora couldn't help but smile. Sure, she would've spend the rest of her evening at her place but deep down there was a part of her that felt she had gotten very much used to spending the night with Gordie. Suddenly, Gordie hugged Thora from behind as he nestled his head on the nape of her neck. Thora began to blush a bit from feeling his warm breath on her neck. For some reason, she started to feel something from within. She wasn't sure what this feeling was. But it felt as though it was a strong desire for something more. Thora knew what that feeling was but at the same time she didn't want to act on it fearing of how Gordie would react to it. Suddenly, Gordie placed a gentle kiss on Thora's neck. She let out a gasp as he continued holding her close to him.

Thora felt a small moan trying to burst from her throat but she held it in. Just then, Gordie gently turned Thora around as he began to lock his lips with hers. Before they knew it, they were starting to make out with one another until Gordie had Thora up against a wall. A million thoughts were running through Thora's mind while they were making out:

"What the hell is going on?!"

"When did we go to this level of intimacy?!"

"What now?!"

"What's my next move??"

After a few minutes, Gordie and Thora stopped then looked into each others each out of breath. Gordie placed his hand on Thora's cheek stroking it while Thora could only blush from what she had just experienced. Her heart was beating out of her chest over what had just happened. She felt like she was about to faint as her legs continued to shake.

"You alright love," Gordie asked as he stroked Thora's cheek still.

"I-I'm fine," Thora stuttered, "y-you just made out with me...out of nowhere..."

" that a bad thing," Gordie asked blushing looking away, "if so...I-I'm sorry."

Thora placed her hand on his cheek which caused him to look back into her eyes blushing still.

"I don't think it is," Thora spoke in a soft tone, "it was just..."

"The heat of the moment," Gordie replied finishing her sentence.

Thora blushed when Gordie finished what she was going to say. It was almost as if he had read her mind. In the twenty years they've known each other, the two have known each other like the back of their hand, it was insane.

"Yea, what you just said," Thora nodded blushing.

"Want to head to sleep love," Gordie whispered, "we've got a big day ahead of us."

"Sure," Thora replied then she reached out to him looking up at him, "can you carry me to your room?"

Gordie blushed beat red as he picked Thora up cradling her in his arms. He was still blushing beat red as they made their way to his room. A million thoughts were rushing through his mind like:

"Oh my God! Oh my God! I'm carrying my girlfriend like a princess!"

"What now??"

"Should I kiss her while I'm carrying her like this??"

"She's so fucking cute!!!!"

Once they reached Gordie's room, he headed inside then gently placed Thora down on his bed as she looked up at him. Gordie blushed a bit as he went under his bed and pulled out a boxed present handing it to Thora. Thora sat herself up as she took the present looking at it confused. It was slightly big and she began to wonder what it was.

"What's this," Thora asked.

"I-I got you something," Gordie spoke in a shy tone, "I hope you like it."

Thora slowly opened the gift when she noticed a small movement from inside the box. Thora jumped a bit from it when out of the box, popped a Yamper! It barked happily with a cute red ribbon around its neck. Thora was about to cry tears of joy over how cute Yamper was. Yamper climbed up to Thora licking her face causing her to laugh while crying happily.

"Gordie, did you catch Yamper," Thora asked hugging Yamper.

"I know how much you love Electric type Pokemon and I thought, maybe it can be a Pokemon, you and I can raise together," Gordie replied blushing.

"You mean..."

"Thora, some day soon, did you want to live together?"

Thora smiled warmly looking up at Gordie, "I'd love to."

Gordie immediately hugged Thora tightly with Yamper still in her arms. After the two hugged, Gordie and Thora got themselves ready for sleep as they got changed into their nightwear then laid themselves in bed looking at one another smiling at each other.

"Have any idea what the invitation is about," Thora asked.

"Not sure to be honest," Gordie answered, "we'll have to wait and see tomorrow."

"True, but whatever it is, I'm ready to face it with you, by your side."

Thora placed her hand on his smiling causing Gordie to adoringly smile at her. He leaned forward placing a kiss on her lips as he stroked her face. After they kissed, Thora moved herself closer to Gordie where their bodies were up against one another. She loved feeling his body up against her. For some reason, it felt nice, almost relaxing in a way. While on top of Gordie's bed, Yamper spun itself around three times before it curled into a ball and fell asleep. Gordie and Thora smiled warmly seeing Yamper sleep then looked at each other then gave each other a romantic kiss. Once they kissed, Gordie pulled Thora close to him as he rested his head on hers.

"Good night Thora," Gordie whispered in a hush tone.

"Good night Gordie," Thora replied sleepily.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

The couple gave each other one more kiss before they drifted off to sleep, lovingly in each others' arms until what was to come for the next day.

Author's Note:

Happy New Year everyone! Deeply sorry I was not active last year! Been busy with a lot of stuff that had me backed up on a lot of stuff...but I am officially back and ready to go!! Hope this chapter is worth the wait for the start of the New Year!!!
