Chapter VI: The Truth

It had been a while since Thora had recently caught Chinchou as her fifth Pokemon on her team. She was extremely proud of how far she had came in her progress with training so far on the Isle of Armor and was more than confident with her growing knowledge and understanding about Electric Pokemon. However, throughout her training, a reoccurring thought kept on popping into her mind. Throughout the six years her and her father started training, he did brought up the Thunderstone a few number of times. However, she somehow wondered what was so significant about it? Who actually gave her father the Thunderstone and why was it in his possession for years? During their break, Wyndham was preparing to make curry while Thora was sitting down with Chinchou and Toxel next to one another playing with each other. Thora had to ask her father about the Thunderstone that was used on Eevee to obtain Jolteon for her team.

"Dad," Thora spoke.

"Yes Sweet Pea," Wyndham replied.

"I want to know something," Thora began, "the thunderstone you gave to me six years ago on the start of my training. You mentioned that a friend of yours from Kanto gave it to you years ago...but I want to know, who actually gave you the Thunderstone? It's okay if you don't know..."

Wyndham looked down at the ground as he sighed. He knew the day would come that he would have to tell Thora the truth about who actually gave him the Thunderstone.

"You are right about one thing Thora," Wyndham admitted, "the person who gave me the Thunderstone was not an old friend from the Kanto region. It was actually given to me by your grandfather many years ago."

Thora's eyes widened from her father's confession. She never knew anything about her grandfather!

"Who is my grandfather," Thora wondered.

"I'll tell you all about him after we make the curry," Wyndham answered.

Thora nodded as she got up placing Chinchou and Toxel down heading over to her father to help make the curry. Once it was done, Thora, Wyndham and their Pokemon were enjoying lunch when Wyndham looked down at his curry for a brief second to clear his thoughts before he finally looked up staring at the sky.

"You grandfather's name is Thor," Wyndham began.

Thora looked up at her father once he spoke.

"Years ago, he was once an Electric Gym Leader from the Sinnoh region not Kanto," Wyndham continued, "but has long since retired from his title and has wanted someone to take his place. When I was around your age, your grandfather, my father, wanted me to be his successor to take over his gym but I wanted to follow my own path and become a Flying Gym Leader."

Thora was silent. She had no idea that her grandfather was once an Electric Gym Leader many years ago.

"One day, my father and I got into a massive argument which resulted in him and I not talking to each other for twenty years," Wyndham added, "when I was eighteen, I moved to the Galar region to start a new life as a Flying Gym Leader and it's there I met your mother once I started my career as a Flying Gym Leader. A few years later, your mother and I got married then we had you."

"I'm guessing I was named after my grandfather," Thora guessed.

Wyndham was silent. Thora hit it on the nail. Sure he did had some estranged tension between him and his father but there was a part of him that still had some strong respect for him.

"You were," Wyndham nodded once.

"Why and what was the reason at one point you weren't happy with my dream of becoming an Electric Gym Leader," Thora questioned.

"Because it made me think about what I went through with your grandfather," Wyndham confessed, "but seeing the enthusiasm you displayed when training with your Electric Pokemon and how knowledgeable you are about them, you remind me so much of your grandfather deep down, I couldn't help but smile."

"Deep down," Thora smiled a bit, "you do have some love for grandfather."

"I guess," Wyndham sighed, "I can't hold onto the grudge forever..."

Just then, Thora had an idea!

"Dad, I just thought of something," Thora beamed.

"What's that Sweet Pea," Wyndham wondered.

"Now hear me out on this," Thora grinned, "if able to become a stronger Electric Gym Leader and have a better grasp on my Pokemon, why not have grandfather train me alongside with you?"

Wyndham's eyes widened from Thora's suggestion. He wasn't sure about the idea of having his father come to the Galar region to train Thora. They haven't spoken in years but yet deep down he did regret introducing his daughter to him many years ago. He turned his head away with an unsure look on his face then looked back at Thora who looked at him with a pouty look on her face with clasped hands.

"Please Daddy," Thora begged, "I'd love to meet my grandfather."

Wyndham sighed to himself looking down at the ground then looked back at Thora with a warm smile on his face as he nodded, "Ok, I'll reach out to my father."

"You will," Thora beamed.

"Yes," Wyndham nodded.

Thora jumped with excitement as she leapt into her father's arms smiling brightly. She was ecstatic over the fact she was to be training soon with her grandfather! Someone who was highly skilled with Electric Pokémon! As the day began to wind down, just before sundown, Thora and Wyndham headed back to Circhester from their first day at the Isle of Armor. Once they returned home, Thora quickly went upstairs to her bedroom to grab her guitar case that was placed next to her bed along with her black studded leather jacket. She slipped her jacket on then picked up her guitar case and carried it onto her back as she hurried back down stairs. Before she headed out the door, she gave her mother and father a hug thanking them for her birthday present. She then turned her attention to Ramone who looked up at Thora with curious lime green eyes. She tousled a bit of his hair smiling as she placed a kiss on his forehead.

After saying her goodbyes, Thora headed out to meet up with Gordie who was waiting for her at the city center in Circhester. Gordie had changed since the past six years they grew up together. He had grown much taller, taller than Thora. His hair was slightly longer almost touching his shoulders now sporting blonde highlights and wore a periwinkle coat on top of his blue top, grey pants with brown boots. Thora's heart began to skip a beat when Gordie looked over to her waving at her. She couldn't help but smile. She went over to him taking her seat next to him placing her guitar case next to her.

"How's training going for you so far." Thora wondered.

"Wish you wouldn't ask that," Gordie sighed.

"What's wrong?"

"Once again, constant frustration with my mum about me becoming a Rock Gym Leader," Gordie vented, "I don't know why she doesn't get it...but on the bright side, look at who I got."

Gordie pulled out a Pokéball and threw it up into the air. Out of the Pokéball was a Rolycoly. Thora's eyes lit up looking at Gordie's new Pokemon! Thora picked Rolycoly up holding it in her arms smiling brightly.

"Roly," Rolycoly called out happily.

"Your Rolycoly looks so cute," Thora admired.

Gordie smiled over Thora's compliment over his Pokémon. Seeing Thora light up, it made Gordie happy deep down.

"How did your training go so far," Gordie questioned.

"My dad took me to a far off island to help hone my skills," Thora began, "however, there was something he brought up that I never knew about..."

"What would that be?"

"My dad's father years ago was once a renowned Electric Gym Leader for a region called Sinnoh," Thora continued, "and if things go well between my dad and him, I should be starting my training with him."

"If things go well between your dad and your grandfather," Gordie wondered, "what happened between them?"

"My dad told me they haven't spoken to one another in twenty years not since their argument they had," Thora frowned.

Gordie looked away upset over what Thora said. It made him think for a second that he didn't want something like that to happen between him and his mother but knowing that they don't see eye to eye with their views, it was impossible. Just then, Gordie remembered something as he reached into his pockets and grabbed a small rectangular box wrapped in a yellow box with a blue ribbon then handed it to Thora blushing. Thora looked at the present wondering what it was.

"Ha-Happy Birthday," Gordie blushed.

Thora took the present then smiled warmly, "Awww, you remembered!"

"How could I forget my best friend's birthday? Go on open it."

Gordie looked away blushing slightly as Thora opened her present. Inside was a beautiful black necklace with a Thunderstone inset in the middle shaped to resemble a Pokéball. Thora's eyes twinkled over how beautiful it looked.

"Gordie..." Thora gasped, "it's beautiful..."

"Do you like it," Gordie blushed looking over to Thora.

"I love it," Thora beamed.

"Let me put it on for you."

Gordie took the necklace from the box then proceeded to put it around Thora's neck. Thora blushed slightly from Gordie putting the necklace around her neck. Once it was on, Thora looked down at it admiring how alluring it was. Thora couldn't stop smiling over her birthday present. Gordie got up looking to Thora stepping back a bit.

"How do I look," Thora wondered looking up at Gordie.

Gordie paused for a second as he looked at Thora, now wearing her new necklace as a small blush became apparent on his face. There was something about Thora that really made him feel shy in a way but also flustered whenever she looked at him, the way she smiled, the way she laughed...but he just didn't know what it was.

"Beautiful," Gordie grinned to himself.

"What," Thora wondered.

"Huh? I looks really nice on you, suits you nicely," Gordie simpered blushing.

"I'll cherish it forever," Thora praised looking down at her necklace.

"By the way," Gordie remembered, "I wanted to show you something that I've been working on for sometime now."

"What is it," Thora queried.

"Watch closely."

Gordie shut his eyes and took a deep breath as he readied himself. Then, he performed a backflip in front of Thora! He nearly missed his landing which startled Thora but managed to land it. Thora's eyes widened from his stunt and applauded him beaming. Gordie turned himself around giving Thora a smile while giving her a thumbs up which caused her to giggle over him being silly to her. Gordie can be a goofball to her at times which always managed to put a smile on Thora's face.

"That was incredible," Thora cheered.

Gordie brushed the back of his head blushing slightly chuckling, "Think so? I almost didn't make my landing on that one..."

"It was still amazing! Keep at it and you'll be a pro in no time Gordie!"

Just then, Thora remembered the reason she came out to meet with Gordie. She wanted to present to him a new song she was working on to him. Thora placed Rolycoly down next to her as she grabbed her guitar case, placing it down on the ground opening it up and removed her prized guitar out wrapping it around herself as she looked up at Gordie. Gordie looked back at her wondering what she was about to do when she motioned him to sit next to her. Once he sat himself down next to Thora with Rolycoly on his lap, she began to blush profusely knowing that she was not use to performing any of her songs in front of Gordie, she didn't know why but it made her heart ache in a way that felt in a way that caused her heart to skip a beat.

"Since you showed me something," Thora spoke, "I wanted to show you something I've been working on myself..."

Gordie could tell Thora was breathing heavily trying to play. Thora's hands started to shake until Gordie grabbed ahold of her hands then looked into Thora's eyes which caused her to stop panicking.

"Thora, breathe," Gordie breathed gripping onto Thora's hands, "just look at me and calm down, you got this."

Thora nodded as she calmed herself down taking a few deep breaths looking into Gordie's blue eyes. Suddenly, her anxiety disappeared. Thora smiled a bit as she was relieved she was calm enough to play for Gordie.

"Feeling better," Gordie checked.

"I'm better now," Thora nodded.

Gordie and Thora let go of each others hands blushing as Thora turned her attention back to her guitar and focused on her song that she was working on. She slowly closed her eyes and began to play. As Thora began to sing, Gordie's eyes widened by how beautiful her voice was. He had never heard a voice this alluring in his entire life. As Thora continued to sing, there was something inside of Gordie that made him feel emotional, almost as if tears were being to well up in his eyes. Once Thora finished her song, she looked at Gordie who silently wept.

"Gordie, are you crying," Thora puzzled.

"I-I'm sorry," Gordie wept, "it's just...your was so...beautiful."

Thora's eyes widened from Gordie's compliment on her song. She had no idea her song had that much impact it made her best friend cry.

"You really think so?"

"Yes," Gordie admitted, "you could become a musician one day on the side if you wanted to! I can see you becoming one!"

"Thank you," Thora thanked smiling.

"By the way, I wanna ask you a serious question."


Gordie began to blush when about to ask her his question but took a deep breath, "I um, do you, think one day, we could ever become more than best friends when we're older?"

Thora's eyes widened from Gordie's question but smiled as she nodded in response. Gordie couldn't help but smile over her reply.

"You're serious right," Gordie queried.

"Yes I'm serious Gordie," Thora giggled, "we both made a promise to become strong Gym Leaders and we'll continue to support one another even into adulthood."

"Right," Gordie nodded.

"Well I should be heading back home," Thora announced, "I have more training to do before my grandfather hopefully comes to Circhester."

"Want me to walk you home," Gordie offered.

"Sure," Thora grinned.

As the day was winding down, the two headed back to Thora's home where they continued to talk about everything from their new Pokemon they've caught to what they plan to do once they become Gym Leaders. They seem to love talking about their dreams to one another and seeing each other light up when talking about it. Once Gordie took Thora back to her home, he returned back to his home to continue on their childhood promises they made to one another of becoming strong top Gym Leaders.
