Chapter XXIV: Un-Break My Heart

"I need your arms to hold me now, The nights are so unkind, Bring back those nights when I held you beside me, Un-break my heart, Say you'll love me again, Undo this hurt you caused, When you walked out the door, And walked out of my life, Un-cry these tears, I cried so many nights, Un-break my heart..."

Toni Braxton-Un-Break my Heart

A week had come and gone since Gordie and Thora's argument. Much had happened during the timespan; some were good, while others were heartwrenching. In that time period, Giselle went in for her hemilaryngectomy which, fortunately since it was in the early stages and caught early, the surgery was a success and Giselle was to make a full recovery. Though, the only question that remained was if Giselle would be able to perform again. As far as the surgery went that was a success, the doctor recommended that she would get some much needed rest for at least 6-8 weeks then afterwards, they would need to check up on her to see if she would be able to sing again or not. Thora was relieved her mother would make a speedy recovery but deep down there was something that was rendering her unable to do anything.

During the past week, when Thora was not busy with her daily routine, Thora spent the remainder of her days cooped up in her bedroom laying in her black loose crop tank top and panties as she looked up at the ceiling with tears decorating her eyes. She didn't want to socialize with anyone and wished to be left alone for the sake of her mental health. Basically, she was a complete mess. She still couldn't get the thought of the argument she had with Gordie out of her mind. It kept playing in a constant got so severe it's too the point where she was mentally unwell to even wanting to continue with her daily routine as a Gym Leader and take some time for herself to mentally recover. Most nights, it was hard for her to fall asleep unless she cried herself to sleep or she would suffer a sleepless night...she was a wreck.

What Gordie did to her was unforgivable. He should've known how much her father and grandfather meant a lot to her but to say those three words to her, why? Thora tossed and turned in her bed clutching onto her pillow as she sobbed into it as the thought of Gordie randomly appeared in her mind. She didn't understand, after saying that she hated him, why couldn't she get him out of her mind?

"Gordie," Thora sobbed, "Gordie...Gordie...Gordie..."

She couldn't stop crying...deep down, despite him upsetting her after what he had said to her, she wished she was in his arms feel his embrace again. She missed his warmth, his smile, his laugh, his was driving her insane. She wanted-no, it was inevitable, Thora needed Gordie. She loved Gordie more than anything but how was she to forgive him after what he said to her? Just then, Thora began to remember when Gordie told her he loved her, she clutched her pillow as a small smile grew on her face as tears continued to fall. At this point, she wanted her heart to be unbroken by Gordie, and go back in the past before their fight to prevent it from occurring. It was pointless, Thora couldn't just sit there in her room and be a depressed ragdoll, she decided to get herself dressed and headed out of her apartment to get some fresh air.

Meanwhile, during the past week, it wasn't any better for Gordie, he was an utter mess. He was severely depressed his anger got the best of him at the cost of the girl of his dreams. Because of what had happened, Gordie was unable to sleep, eat or do anything...this was all his fault he kept telling himself over and over again. Anytime he thought about Thora, he couldn't help but tear up knowing what he had done was uncalled for. He never meant to take his anger out on Thora. He was laying on his couch with red eyes from crying as he looked over at the necklace he gave to Thora eleven years ago. He reached for it holding it against his chest as he began to cry again.

"Thora..." Gordie wept, "it's all my fault, I'm sorry for everything..."

Gordie couldn't stop sobbing as he continued to clutch onto Thora's necklace against his chest.

"I fucked up Thora," Gordie confessed as he continued to weep, "if I could, I take everything I said back...I never meant to hurt you..."

Just then, the thought of Thora appeared in his mind. He couldn't stop thinking about her. Her smile, her laugh, her voice, that angelic voice that soothed his heart, but more importantly, her eyes. The feature that made Gordie fall in love with Thora the moment they first met. He slowly got himself up groaning as he did so as he sighed to himself. What was he to do now? If he were to go to Thora in person, most likely she would reject him which would be his ultimate nightmare...what could he do? He decided to clean himself up and rehearse a bit his apology and confession that he wanted to tell Thora for years now...once he finally got it all down, he left his apartment, not without leaving Thora's necklace then made his way to Thora's apartment. When he arrived, he knocked on the door to see if she was home.

No answer.

He knocked on the door a second and third time but once again, no answer. Gordie frowned as he knew his chances of fixing things with Thora was hopeless but then he remembered Thora's old home. He quickly made his way to where Giselle and Ramone where living hoping she would be staying at their place. Once he arrived, he knocked on the door hoping to see Thora again. When the door opened, he hoped to see Thora but instead he was greeted by Ramone. Ramone's eyes widened when he noticed Gordie at the door.

"Gordie, what are you doing here," Ramone wondered.

"Sorry to ask but is Thora here," Gordie asked.

"She's not," Ramone sighed sadly, "Mum and I tried to get in contact with her but she was silent after Mum's surgery...and we don't know why..."

"I know why...and it's because of me," Gordie somberly answered trying to hold back any tears.

"Why don't you come in?"

"Thank you."

Gordie entered into Thora's home and looked around noticing that it had been years since he last visited her home. Not much had changed, the walls were still a beautiful light yellow with cerulean blue feather designs and the living room had a lovely modern touch to it. Went into the dining room where Giselle was resting with her neck bandaged from nearly a week ago. Giselle's eyes widened from seeing Gordie that a warm smile formed on her face seeing him again. Giselle began to write something on a board then presented it to Gordie.

"Gordie, it's been years since I last saw you," it read.

"Same for you Giselle," Gordie smiled back softly, "you still look beautiful God..."

Gordie wanted to say Thora's name but at the same time, his heart ached trying to say her name that he was on the brink of shedding tears again. Giselle was curious to know why he was hesitant to finish his sentence when she erased her last sentence and wrote on her board again presenting it to Gordie.

"What's wrong Gordie, something bothering you?"

Gordie sat himself down next to Giselle as he sighed to himself trying to compose himself. Ramone sat next to Gordie on the opposite side waiting to hear what Gordie had to say.

"The reason why Thora was silent the past couple of days," Gordie began, "was because of me..."

"I don't get what you mean," Ramone replied.

"A week ago," Gordie continued, "Thora and into a fight...and...and...and...dammit...not now..."

Just then, Gordie started to cry, his emotions got the best of him. Tears began to stream down his cheeks as the memories of their argument came back to him. He remembered the look on Thora's face when she cried confronting him. The hurt in her voice...the pain...the heartbreak...he wanted to mend her heart...anything to win her back.

"I let my anger get the best of me and because of that...I broke Thora's heart when I brought up her father and grandfather that they left her...I was an idiot for saying those words to her...this is all my fault!"

Gordie planted his head down on the table as he continued to sob while Giselle and Ramone looked to each other with widened eyes over what Gordie said then back at him as he continued to sob.

"Sometimes I feel like because of my actions Thora's better off without me! But...I know I can be better...not only for her but for myself...I'd do anything to fix this between her and I. The past week after our fight, I was a wreck when Thora ran off in tears. It felt like half of my heart was ripped out of my chest...I don't know how to say this but...Thora completes me and I'm nothing without her. I'd do whatever I can to mend this, I don't care what it would be, anything to see Thora's smile, hear her laugh, to see her beautiful eyes again...because, with all my heart, I love her and I'll never stop loving her."

Gordie looked up at Giselle and Ramone who; Giselle had tears filling up her lime green eyes while Ramone smiled warmly knowing the truth the entire time. Giselle placed her hand gently on Gordie's shoulder smiling softly at him as tears streamed down her cheeks.

"I can tell from what Mum is trying to say," Ramone spoke, "she always knew that you've had feelings for Thora."

"How," Gordie questioned with wide teary blue eyes.

Giselle erased her last sentence and began writing then she presented her board to Gordie.

"I've always known you've been in love with my daughter for quite some time now. Don't ever say that she deserve better, you're the only person Thora trusts and can rely on like you rely on her," it read.

A small smile grew on Gordie's face from what he read. Deep down, he could see a future with Thora but he wanted to patch things with her in order for it to become a reality.

"Also, with what you said about dad," Ramone added, "you did go too and grandpa did mean a lot to Thora. It's because of then, they're one of the reasons she became a Gym Leader and they're a few of the her biggest inspirations."

"Who is the other inspiration," Gordie wondered.

"You," Ramone mentioned.

Gordie's eyes widened. He didn't know that he was one of Thora's biggest inspirations to becoming a Gym Leader but he felt his heart swell thinking about it as a small smile formed on his face.

"Anyways, if I were you Gordie, I'd go and make things up with Thora if she truly means a lot to you," Ramone advised, "She was truly happy and a blush baby whenever you were brought up a lot haha."

"Do you know where she's at right now," Gordie asked.

"If I were to guess right now," Ramone thought for a second, "she's probably at the Wild Area at the spot where she said goodbye to Dad and Grandpa not too far from Hammerlocke."

Immediately, Gordie got up and headed out the door but before he walked out the door he turned to Giselle and Ramone giving them a polite smile.

"Thank you for everything," Gordie thanked, "I really needed it."

Once he closed the door behind him, he requested a Flying Taxi and headed to Hammerlocke to patch things up with Thora. This was his chance to finally not only apologize to her but to finally open up to her about his deep feelings for her.

Author's notes:

Sorry if this chapter was a bit short but I'm pushing chapters out like no tomorrow! This one also made me cry as well while writing it so sorry in advance!
