Chapter IX: Golden Opportunity

Five years had come and gone since Thora made the decision to sign up with Chairman Rose's offer. Her music career had skyrocketed and she was known all over the Galar region. In the past five years, Thora's appearance hadn't changed much but her hair was relatively the same but her blonde streaks that resembled lightning were more profound. She also made a new friend during her music career that would often take her place with training fans or helping other trainers with their Electric Pokemon while she was away named Cleo. Cleo was the same age as Thora, at 23, with black hair with blonde streaks resembling lightning like Thora, hazel eyes and light brown complexion. She would often wear the same attire like Thora would as her role of being an Electric Gym Leader but her main attire consisted of a red studded leather jacket on top of her Pikachu t-shirt, black tiered layer skirt and black ankle boots.

While finishing up with a recording session in Wyndon, Thora got a message from Cleo to meet with her outside of the Hammerlocke Stadium. Once Thora was finished recording her new song, she packed up everything and went to the Flying Taxi and headed off to Hammerlocke. It was still League season in the Galar region and Thora was happy to be able to squeeze in some free time to record a new song she had been working on for the past few months now. While heading back to Hammerlocke, she began to wonder what the meaning of the message she got from Cleo was about. It didn't matter, what mattered was she was able to hang out with her friend. Once the Flying Taxi arrived at Hammerlocke, she boarded off the Taxi and headed straight to the Hammerlocke Stadium to meet up with Cleo. Thora looked around wondering where Cleo was at. Thora slumped against the side of the Hammerlocke Stadium entrance as she waited on Cleo until out of nowhere.

"BOO," Cleo shouted.

"AAHH," Thora screamed.

Thora breathed rapidly clutching onto her chest as she turned around to see Cleo behind her laughing hysterically. Thora had a long day and something like that made her want to lose her temper.

"What the fuck Cleo," Thora growled, "that wasn't even that funny!"

"Come on now Thora," Cleo laughed, "it a little."

Thora sighed out of annoyance over Cleo's prank as she turned to Cleo.

"Now, what was the reason for your message," Thora questioned.

"Message," Cleo puzzled.

Thora groaned as she pulled out her phone and presented her the message Cleo sent to her an hour ago. Cleo's eyes widened once she saw the message.

"Oooooohhhhhhh that message," Cleo remembered clunking her head, "it was about two things, wait, three, I mean, four, no, five-"

"How many fucking things are there for me to do Cleo," Thora growled in frustration.

"Ok ok ok ok, calm your's basically two things. One is that I got a message about two Stadiums experiencing power outages and need your assistance with getting the power back on."

"Ok, that I don't mind doing. What's the second thing?"


Cleo presented Thora with a post that was on Tailow about the competition taking place in a few days at the Wyndon Stadium. Thora didn't know much about it since she only went on social media for livestreams, upload new singles or to talk with fans when she had the time.

"You should've gotten something in your notifications about participating," Cleo reminded.

Thora checked her phone and looked through her notifications to see if she got word about the competition or not. Much to her surprise she did. Part of her wanted to participate but at the same time she didn't think there would be a reason to. Thora placed her phone back into her pocket as she looked away for a second then back at Cleo.

"You thinking about entering," Cleo wondered.

"Not sure," Thora shrugged, "unless there's a reason to, I'm at a standstill."

"Could a guy have anything to do with you entering," Cleo quizzed cocking an eyebrow.

Thora stiffened a bit blushing slightly, "N-no! It has nothing to do with that!"

"Who is the lucky guy? NO! Wait! Lemme guess..."

Cleo thought for a second wondering who the guy was Thora was interested in. Then it hit her, "Milo!"

"It's not Milo," Thora shook her head.


"What the fuck? He's a bit too old for me!"

"You're right, you're right...let me think...Piers???"


"Raihan," Cleo questioned with widened eyes.

"I'm not into a man who's obsessed with taking multiple selfies," Thora shook her head in frustration.

"Just making sure because Raihan is mine...," Cleo reassured in an assertive manner, "Leon!"


"Shit, I'm stumped then," Cleo sighed.

"Anyways, we should be heading out to the stadiums," Thora reminded.

"Righty," Cleo nodded.

Cleo and Thora headed to the Flying Taxi and boarded on as they ascended into the sky. While airbourne, Thora was checking through her phone on any other updates she missed out on during her time with her music career.

"So which Stadiums lost power," Thora questioned.

Cleo pulled out her phone and checked the messages, "Lemme see second...ah! Here we are! It looks like the Hulbury Stadium and Circhester Stadium lost power. That's where we would be heading off to."

Thora stiffened up when Cleo brought up the Circhester Stadium. It could only mean one thing...Gordie! Thora's face turned beat red thinking about it. It had been nearly five years since they last saw each other. Thora thought to herself, what if he had forgotten about me? Wonder what he looks like now? Cleo looked over to Thora and noticed her face was still red.

"You alright," Cleo wondered, "was it something I said?"

"What was the last Stadium you said that lost power?"

"The Circhester Stadium, why do you ask?"

Cleo paused for a second as she studied Thora's face. She noticed Thora was blushing harder as she was looking down at the ground.

"Is there a certain someone there at Circhester I don't know about who runs the Stadium," Cleo quizzed cocking an eyebrow leaning towards Thora.

Thora looked away shaking her head frantically.

"Come on, who is it???"

Thora continued to shake her head whimpering as she continued to blush.

"If you're not gonna tell me, I'll find out on my own."

Cleo pulled out her phone and began to search for the Gym Leader who ran the Circhester Stadium. Once she looked up the results, she noticed two people popped up, one of them was Melony and the second one was Gordie. When Cleo saw a picture of Gordie, a mischievous smirk grew on her face as she leaned back over to Thora.

"Oh Thooooooraaaa," Cleo sang.

Thora turned her head slightly then Cleo presented her phone to Thora showing a picture of Gordie. Thora's eyes widen as she quickly pushed it out of her face. Cleo giggled over Thora's reaction knowing she found Thora's weakness and who she was interested in.

"It all makes sense now," Cleo chuckled, "it's Gordie you're crushing on isn't it?"

Thora covered her face whimpering while blushing profusely, but it was true. Cleo hit it on the nail. The reason she was flustered about Cleo bringing up the Circhester Stadium was due to seeing Gordie again. She was hoping deep down, she would be meeting with Melony instead...if so she would had it easier and not see Gordie and become a blush baby around him.

"So where is it you two are heading to," the Flying Taxi Driver questioned.

"Oh, we're heading to Circhester," Cleo replied.

Thora snapped out of her blushing phase then jumped on top of Cleo's head to clarify where they were to head to first, "My friend meant to say Hulbury."

"No, no, I'm pretty sure I said Circhester."

"We're heading to Hulbury..."






Suddenly, there was a huge commotion in the Flying Taxi as the two were fighting with each other over where they were to head off to causing Corviknight to call out in agony of Cleo and Thora fighting.

"Can anyone of you tell me where the hell I'm taking you to," the driver yelled out in frustration.

Thora managed to put Cleo in a choke hold while her hand was over her mouth silencing her, "We're heading to Hulbury please, sorry about my friend here."

"No worries Thora," the driver nodded sighing.

Thora released Cleo from her grip as she finally collapsed back up against her seat. Cleo looked at Thora with annoyance in her eyes but Thora looked back at her with a cocky smirk on her face. Cleo mouthed to her "Fuck you." to which Thora replied flipping her the bird. After an hour had gone by, they arrived at Hulbury, and proceeded forward to the Hulbury Stadium where waiting outside the building was Nessa. Nessa noticed Cleo and Thora coming by and waved at them.

"Nice to see you again Nessa," Thora smiled.

"As to you Thora," Nessa smiled back.

The two hugged one another then Nessa looked over to see Cleo who was behind them.

"Who's your friend," Nessa wondered.

"This is my friend Cleo," Thora introduced, "she's kinda like my assistant at the Hammerlocke Stadium."

"Nice to meet ya," Cleo grinned.

"Same goes to you," Nessa nodded, "glad you two can come, after a storm came by last night all power was shut off and we were unable to get it back up."

"I see," Thora spoke, "let's see what I can do."

The trio headed inside of the stadium to the lower level where the generator was located. Thora went over to the generator to get a closer look to see what the issue was. Right away, she could tell it was a blown fuse that went out due to the impact of the storm.

"I know who I need," Thora nodded as she took out two Ultra Balls and threw them up into the air, "Dracozolt, Lanturn, come on out."

Out of the Ultra Balls, Dracozolt and Lanturn appeared as they looked to Thora waiting for directions.

"Alright you two," Thora pointed to the generator, "I want you both to use Thunderbolt on the generator until I tell you both to stop."

Both nodded as they charged their energy and used Thunderbolt on the generator. After about thirty seconds, electrical sparks began to light up around the generator which captured Thora's attention.

"Alright you two stop," Thora ordered.

Dracozolt and Lanturn stopped as Thora went over to the generator to check the status of it. She noticed the energy level was at green then flipped the switch. Just then, all power was back on at the Hulbury Stadium. Thora turned to Cleo and Nessa giving them a thumbs up.

"You got power," Thora smiled brightly.

"Thank you so much Thora," Nessa thanked.

Nessa went over to Dracozolt and Lanturn petting both of them, "And thank both of you too."

"Zolt," Dracozolt smiled.

"Turn," Lanturn beamed.

"Ok Dracozolt and Lanturn return," Thora spoke as she held the Ultra Balls out returning her Pokemon back inside.

After fixing the power, the trio left the Hulbury Stadium where they said their goodbyes but before Thora left with Cleo, Nessa stopped Thora for a brief second.

"Are you going to enter in the competition," Nessa quizzed.

"Haven't thought about it yet but I am thinking on it," Thora assured.

"Well you better because we still have a score to settle."

"I'll keep that in mind. I gotta go. Talk to you latter Nes."

"Bye Thora."

As the two waved goodbye to one another, Cleo and Thora boarded the Flying Taxi and ascended into the sky and headed off to their last destination: Circhester. Thora wasn't ready to head back home once again. She could already hear her heart beating loudly outside her chest. She was hoping with ever fiber of her being not to bump into Gordie. The last thing she'd wanted was to see him and to blush uncontrollably around him.

Please be Melony. Please be Melony. Please be Melony, Thora thought to herself repeatedly.

"Hey, Thora is that Circhester," Cleo wondered.

Thora woke up from her train of thought as she looked down from the window to see the wintry city of Circhester down below. She couldn't believe it. They arrived. Once they landed, Cleo and Thora boarded off the Flying Taxi and immediately Cleo clutched onto herself shivering.

"Holy fuck it's cold," Cleo shivered.

"What was your first clue," Thora cynically asked.

"Where's the boutique," Cleo questioned looking around, "I need a warmer coat..."

Cleo spotted a boutique near by and immediately ran inside to get herself a coat. Thora groaned to herself over this. Thora was use to the weather. After all, she grew up in Circhester so it didn't bother her the least bit. While waiting on Cleo to get herself a coat in the city center, she noticed Melony heading her way with four kids along with her. One of them had beige shoulder length hair, blue eyes and a fair complexion. She wore a white sweater with a furry snowy blue scarf, a light blue skirt, white leggings and white boots. In Melony's arms were three boys; two she was carrying in her arms, one he was walking alongside his older sister. They had the same hair color like their sister, blue eyes wearing light blue long sleeve hoodie tops and white shorts and boots. Thora noticed them, they were Gordie's younger siblings!

"Thora," the young girl shouted.

She ran up to Thora jumping into her arms smiling.

"Wynter," Thora chuckled, "it's been so long since I last saw you. Look how big you've gotten!"

"Thora, it's such a nice surprise to see you again," Melony smiled warmly.

"It really is Ms. Melony. What were you up to?"

"I was about to take the children home after Wynter's training and picking the boys up from daycare, what about yourself?"

"Cleo and I got a message about a power outage at the Circhester Stadium and we're here to fix the power."

"That's so sweet of you! I'm sure Gordie would be thrilled to see you again."

Thora jumped. Of all people at the stadium, it had to be Gordie running the Stadium this time...why????? Thora began to blush uncontrollably. Melony looked at Thora noticing she was blushing.

"Something wrong sweetie," Melony wondered.

"It's nothing," Thora denied.

"Hey Thora," Cleo called out, "I found the perfect coat and I-"

Cleo stopped as she saw Thora with Melony and her children. Wynter looked to Thora then back at Cleo.

"Thora who is that," Wynter wondered.

"That's Cleo," Thora introduced, "she's a friend of mine and an assistant at the Hammerlocke Stadium for me."

"Nice to meet you all," Cleo politely smiled.

"To you also," Melony smiled back, "Oh! Did you want me to come with you two to see Gordie?"

"It's alright Ms. Melony," Thora assured, "you look pretty busy. I'll be sure to stop by next time but it was nice to meet you and the kids again."

"It's always nice to see you again Thora," Melony softly smiled, "Come on Wynter, let's head home."

"Bye Thora," Wynter spoke hugging Thora once more then went to catch up with Melony and her brothers.

The triplets looked back at Thora waving to Thora, "Bye-bye!"

After Melony and the children left, Cleo and Thora headed to the Circhester stadium to meet with Gordie. Cleo was slightly confused about who the four kids were she just met that were with Melony.

"Hey Thora," Cleo spoke.

"Yea," Thora replied.

"Who were those kids that were with Melony?"

"Hm? Oh, them, they're Gordie's younger siblings."

"How do you know them?"

"Before I became a Gym Leader, I use to look after them years ago. To them, I'm almost like a second mother to them..."

"That's too cute," Cleo smiled softly, "which reminds me, how do you and Gordie know each other?"

Thora paused for a second as a small blush appeared on her face. Cleo looked to Thora waiting for an answer.

"I've known Gordie since I was three and he was four," Thora replied.

"Awwwww that's adorable," Cleo gushed.

Thora began to remember when she was three years old and at a time, she once hated her two colored eyes. At three, she had her hair tied in two ponytails wearing a long light yellow dress and white boots. While she was playing by herself, a group of big kids came up to her and began to tease her.

"Hey look it's Two-Toned Thora," one of the big kids mocked.

"Two-Toned Thora! Two-Toned Thora," the other big kid sang.

Thora started to cry over the name calling as they continued to bully her. One day, Thora was by herself wearing her hair down and her bangs covering her eyes hoping people would not make fun of her eyes. While she was walking around town, she bumped into a few objects but continued on her day until she bumped into someone causing her to fall onto the ground. The person she bumped into was a stocky boy who was a year older than Thora with beige hair, blue eyes and fair skin wearing a blue sweater with a winter pattern, grey pants and brown boots. Thora whimpered as she was on the verge of tears. The boy looked to Thora with a worried look on his face.

"Hey are you okay," the boy wondered.

"I'm...*hic*...I'm sorry," Thora wept.


"I bumped into you because I'm still not use to having my hair covering my eyes..."

"But why cover your eyes?"

"Because people make fun of me for having two colored eyes..."

"Can I see?"

"You'll make fun of me..."

"No I won't."

Thora covered her face weeping softly as the young boy knelt down on eye level with Thora. Thora stopped weeping looking to him.

"Please can I see your eyes," the boy politely queried.

Thora looked away for a second then she brushed her bangs away showing her eyes being closed. After a few seconds, Thora slowly opened her eyes that were still filled with tears. The moment the young boy saw her eyes, he was enthralled by how captivating her eyes were. They were an alluring shade of green and blue that he had ever seen.

"Well," Thora spoke, "say something about them..."

"Beautiful," the boy gasped.

Thora gasped as a small blush appeared on her face from the boy's compliment about her eyes.

"Really," Thora questioned.

The young boy could only nod still captivated by her eyes.

"Thank you," Thora thanked smiling through her tears.

"I'm Gordie," Gordie introduced himself, "what's your name?"

"I'm Thora," Thora replied, "do you wanna be my friend?"

"Sure," Gordie smiled brightly.

Back in the present, Thora smiled warmly over the memory of how her and Gordie first met. Cleo looked to Thora wondering what she was smiling about and why she was silent.

"Gordie and I became friends," Thora continued, "because he was the first person I met who didn't make fun of me for my eyes. He told me that they were beautiful when we first met."

Cleo almost felt a tear forming in her eye. It was too beautiful hearing how Gordie and Thora met. Once they reached the Circhester Stadium, Cleo looked up at the building before them with astonishment.

"I'm guessing this is where Gordie is," Cleo guessed.

"Mhmm," Thora replied blushing.

Once the duo headed inside they looked around wondering where Gordie was. Cleo was highly curious about what Gordie looked like and the type of person Thora talked about. Thora's heart was pounding out of her chest at that point. He could be anywhere inside the stadium. Thora took a deep breath as she cleared her thoughts. She had to remain calm. She was hear to fix the power and head on her way back to Hammerlocke.

"Thora," a voice called out.

Thora jumped from that voice. It sounded familiar to her. She felt someone's presence was behind her. Thora's face turned bright red as she slowly turned around. Behind her was Gordie! Inside her mind, she was internally screaming. He looked completely different from the past five years. He was taller than her which in her mind was a good thing and maintained a stocky build. She noticed his hair was styled differently than it was when they were younger but his attire was completely different. He wore a stylish outfit that consisted of blue and black sunglasses, a brown and black jacket, and a white colored blazer with the rock-type symbol on it. He also wore grey and white shorts with a multitude of symbols and his Gym number on them, along with a contraption with which he carried his Poké Balls. Finally, he wore grey and blue shoes and had a gold necklace with a blue gemstone inset around his neck.

Thora was blushing uncontrollably looking up at Gordie. She couldn't move.

"He's right there," Thora thought to herself, "say something to him goddammit! Hi, it's been years! Fuck, no! My mind's all over the place just looking up at him..."

"Glad you're here," Gordie smiled, "been years since we last saw each other."

Thora's heart skipped a beat from Gordie's smile. She always loved his smile. Thora looked away blushing as she started to play with her hair. Gordie noticed this as he chuckled in response blushing slightly.

"Hey Thora I-," Cleo called out.

Before Cleo could finish her sentence, she giggled to herself pulling her phone out and took a quick picture of Gordie and Thora. After taking the picture she quickly hid her phone back into her pocket then approached the two clearing her throat.

"Oh right," Thora remembered, "you messaged us about a power outage?"

"Generator ran out of energy and would need to be recharged again," Gordie replied.

"Alright then," Thora nodded, "let's go."

As Gordie led the way, Cleo stopped Thora as she showed a picture of Gordie and Thora awkwardly blushing in front of one another. Thora looked to Cleo with rage in her eyes as Cleo could only giggle.

"What," Cleo giggled, "you two do make a cute couple, why hasn't he asked you out yet?"

"Let's just fucking go," Thora grumbled.

"Fine fine fine," Cleo sighed rolling her eyes.

Once the trio made to the lower level, Thora went to check on the generator to see the energy level was extremely low. Thora took a step back and took out two Ultra Balls tossing them up in the air.

"Toxtricity, Jolteon, come on out," Thora called out.

Out of the Ultra Balls were Thora's Jolteon and Toxtricity. They looked to Thora waiting for their instructions.

"Alright you two," Thora instructed, "Jolteon, I want you to use Thunder on the generator, while Toxtricity, I want you to use Thunderbolt."

Jolteon and Toxtricity nodded as they charged their energy and unleashed their attack. As they directed their attack on the generator, Thora watched carefully to see the energy level of the generator to see where it was at currently.

"Okay you two that's enough," Thora ordered.

Jolteon and Toxtricity stopped as Thora went over to the generator to check where the energy level was at. It was nearly there but was not enough. There had to be something to bring the power back on. Thora thought for a second then it hit her. Thora turned to Cleo and Gordie.

"You two probably might wanna step back for this attack," Thora warned then turned her attention back to Toxtricity, "Toxtricity, I want you to use Overdrive on the generator and give it your all!"

"Tox," Toxtricity nodded.

Just then, Toxtricity charged it move and unleashed its move at full power until it hit the generator. Once it hit the generator, she noticed the bar going to green as the power immediately turned back on. Thora smiled as she went over to Toxtricity patting its head.

"That was awesome Toxtricity," Thora praised.

"Tox," Toxtricity nodded giving a thumbs up.

"Thanks for your help Thora," Gordie thanked.

Thora jumped slightly as she looked to Gordie who smiled at her. Thora looked away blushing.

"It was nothing," Thora smiled back.

After helping with fixing the power, Cleo and Thora were ready to head back to Hammerlocke when as Cleo went on ahead, Gordie stopped Thora which caught her by surprise. Thora looked up at Gordie who looked back at her. Gordie couldn't stop looking at Thora. In the last five years they saw each other, she looked beautiful. There was something he wanted to tell her but he started to slightly blush which Thora began to notice as she looked at Gordie tilting her head to the side.

"Are you okay," Thora wondered.

"I'm fine," Gordie assured, "are you taking part in the competition in a few days?"

Thora's eyes widened. Gordie was going to take part in the competition at the Wyndon Stadium? Now she had a reason to participate. She began to remember the promise she made to Gordie when they were kids that they would verse each other when they became Gym Leaders, this was her chance!

"Oh," Thora remembered, "now that you mentioned it, yes I am."

"Good, I want to see how strong you've gotten."

"I look forward to it."

Before Thora knew it, Gordie gave Thora a hug. She was blushing hard. Gordie was hugging her! For some reason, it felt nice. She didn't want to be let out of his arms. She wished she could stay in his arms forever if she wanted to but she had to head back to Hammerlocke.

"I'm really happy I was able to see you again," Gordie whispered to Thora.

No words could escape Thora's mouth. As he continued to hug her, she felt her heart racing and her breath getting heavier. She felt faint. She wanted to pass out from this feeling. After Gordie hugged Thora, he looked deeply into Thora's eyes smiling warmly as she looked back up at him still blushing. Gordie began to blush as he placed a gentle kiss on Thora's cheek. Thora's eyes widened from this feeling.

"Your eyes are still as beautiful as the first day we met," Gordie complimented in a hushed tone.

Thora wanted to say something back to Gordie. Anything! But she was unable to move, was it due to her slowly falling in love with him? Why? Gordie, his face blushing still, proceeded to take his hand lifting Thora's head slightly then leaned forward about to kiss her. Thora's heart was pounding loudly outside her chest.

"Hey Thora," Cleo called out, "come out, we have to head back now!"

Gordie looked away blushing as Thora looked at him smiling warmly at him.

"I'm really happy to see you again too Gordie," Thora softly smiled.

Thora blushed once more as she gave Gordie a kiss on the cheek in return much to Gordie's surprise. Gordie's face was turning beat red.

"I need to head back," Thora spoke, "I'll see you at the competition?"

"Umm...uh....I....uh...yea," Gordie stuttered blushing heavily.

"Bye Gordie," Thora giggled softly as she headed out.

Gordie was frozen solid from Thora kissing him on the cheek as he watched her leave. He slowly placed his hand on his cheek then looked in the direction Thora went as a soft smile formed on his face.

"Bye Thora," Gordie spoke to himself.

Cleo and Thora boarded the Flying Taxi and ascended into the sky heading back to Hammerlocke. While heading back home, Thora looked through her phone when she saw the message Cleo sent to her of the picture she took of her and Gordie with the caption "Love Pidoves"! Thora couldn't get upset over it when it was inevitable. Then she turned to her notifications to the competition and decided to take part in the event. Cleo looked over wondering what her friend was up to.

"So have you decided to enter the competition," Cleo questioned.

"Yea," Thora responded, "I made up my mind. I'm entering."

After entering the competition, Thora knew the next few days, she would have to train with her Pokemon to be able to win. Now with knowing Gordie would be taking part in the event, there was no going back on their promise! This was it! Time to see if seventeen years of training had really pulled off!
