Chapter XVI: Countdown to the Finals!

Thora was happily relieved that the first part of the semi-finals was finally over. As she reached the break room to rest her Pokemon, she collapsed onto the couch laying back down sighing to herself. She didn't know where she got her strength from to defeat Raihan. Quite honestly, she didn't think she had it in her to defeat him knowing that both were on the same level to rival the champion Leon. Thora wanted to watch the next battle proceed between Bede and Gordie but she was too mentally exhausted to even wanting to get up due to how much energy she put into battling Raihan, the least she wanted to do was to rest up a bit before the finals. Thora shut her eyes as she began to clear her mind trying to rest. While she was resting, she began to think of Gordie, a small blush appeared on her face. If she were to face him, she probably wouldn't be able to contain herself with her bottled up feelings for Gordie would start to arise during the battle.

Thora had a strong feeling that she would face Gordie in the finals which the thought of it made her heart skip a beat. She couldn't help but blush. Thora tossed and turned a bit as couldn't get the thoughts of Gordie out of her mind. She started to think of the day when him and her shared their first kiss. Then, she began to remember their second kiss when Gordie kissed her before his battle with Melony. Though both of them were unexpected, deep down, she loved the feeling. It was hard to describe that sensation but from what she could only describe, it felt like something she wanted to experience again...but how could she even confess her feelings to Gordie if she was too much of a compulsive blush baby? Thora scrunched her hands over her eyes groaning to herself in frustration over the pent up feelings she was experiencing. She knew it had been five years since they last seen one another...she still remembered the day she became a certified Gym Leader and decided to move to Hammerlocke much to her heartbreak and Gordie's.

In her heart, she was overjoyed he still remembered her but was held aback over the fact that now he was affectionate towards her and was blushing whenever he was in her presence, as was she. Thora tried to clear her mind for the second but once again, the thought of her and Gordie sharing their first kiss was replaying in her mind in a constant loop. She couldn't get it to stop. It was driving her insane! Thora wanted to scream but she held it in knowing she didn't want to cause a scene. After about thirty minutes or so went by, Thora was finally able to calm herself down as she was mentally rested for the time being. She sat herself thinking about what Gordie asked her on her tweleth birthday if one day they could ever become more than just best friends...what if, Thora was ready to go to that next level? But how?

"Hey Thora," a voice called out.

Thora woke up from her trance as she looked around wondering where the voice was coming from. She turned herself around to see who called out to her. Behind her was Cleo with Nessa.

"That...was AWESOME," Cleo exclaimed, "I can't believe you beat Raihan!"

"I couldn't believe it either," Thora chuckled nervously.

"Why so nervous," Nessa questioned, "you won and now you're going to the finals!"

Thora didn't need to be reminded after mentally calming herself down a couple of minutes ago. She was proud of making it into the finals but at the same time, she didn't want to feel any sense of nervousness or anxiety building up whether it be she were to battle Bede or Gordie. Deep down, in her heart, she wanted to battle against Gordie. She'd wanted to see how strong he'd gotten in the five years they haven't seen one another.

"You okay," Cleo wondered.

"Huh? Oh yea," Thora reassured, "just in a deep state of thought is all..."

"Is it about you know who," Cleo quizzed smirking.

Thora began to blush knowing whom Cleo was referring to. She looked away causing Cleo to giggle mischievously.

"Did I hit a nail Thora?"

Thora continued to blush trying not to scream her head off thinking of Gordie. Nessa looked at the two with a confused look on her face then placed her hand on Thora's shoulder causing her to snap out of her blushing fit.

"Thora," Nessa assured, "think of it this way. Whomever you face, Cleo and I will be cheering for you!"

"Thanks Nessa," Thora softly smiled.

Nessa's phone began to ring as she grabbed it from her pocket and checked to see who was calling. Once she saw who it was, she stepped out to take the call.

"Got to take this call," Nessa spoke, "be cheering for you Thora!"

Once Nessa left, all that was left was Cleo and Thora. Thora began to wonder where the other Gym Leaders who participated were at but she didn't want to bring that into mind until...

"Hatterene is unable to battle," the referee on the widescreen declared, "Coalossal wins! We have a winner for the final round for the semi finals, Gordie! He proceeds to the finals!"

"The semi-finals final battle is now over," the spokesperson announced, "Gordie has won the match and proceeds to the finals where he will be facing against Thora!"

Thora's heart dropped, once she saw the results for the finals...she couldn't believe it. Gordie won...and she was to be facing him in the finals...Thora got up from her seat and was blushing heavily but was beaming. Her best friend won! He did it! She couldn't contain her excitement over his victory! Cleo noticed this and couldn't help but smile over Thora's reaction. Once the semi-finals had officially ended, everyone went into intermission for a couple of minutes to prepare for the finals. Thora was still in the break room thinking of a strategy with her final battle against Gordie. She was well aware that he specialized in Rock-types but she needed to come up with a plan to be able to win though the biggest obstacle would be going up against his Coalossal. Thora had seen what it was capable of during Gordie's battle against Melony. She couldn't believe it, their childhood promise was coming true. She couldn't stop smiling over it.

"Thora," a voice called out.

Thora jumped to the sound of that voice. She started to blush knowing who it was as she slowly turned around. Behind her was Gordie! Thora was paralyzed once again in his presence. She couldn't stop blushing as she looked up at him who smiled back at her.

"I saw your battle against Raihan," Gordie spoke, "had no idea you were that strong!"

Thora looked away blushing still over his compliment. She wanted to say something to Gordie...ANYTHING! No words could escape her mouth...she was entirely speechless. Gordie was slightly confused over her reaction. He noticed how red her face was turning whenever he would talk with her, sit next to her, essentially anytime he was with her. Gordie remembered he wanted to tell Thora something but he didn't want to tell her what it was unless it was just him and her. Gordie's face began to blush as he looked to Thora who was still compulsively blushing.

"Thora," Gordie spoke.

"Yes," Thora replied looking up at him.

"Mind if you and I were to talk about something real quick alone," Gordie questioned still blushing.

Thora's eyes shot wide as her face turned beat red. Him and her alone?! Talking about what?! She hoped it wasn't something bad...Thora's heart would shatter to a million pieces if something bad were to happen between her and Gordie...she couldn't bare it...She could feel her anxiety taking over once again as she followed behind Gordie. She tried to calm herself down reminding herself that nothing bad could happen between her and Gordie, with how long they've known each other, nothing could tear them apart. Once alone, Gordie looked around making sure no one was around before turning his attention to Thora. Thora looked to Gordie who had an intense look in his blue eyes. She didn't like that look...what was it Gordie wanted to tell her?

"Thora, I want to know," Gordie began, "since we finally saw each other five years later, you've become shy, quiet and blushing nonstop whenever I'm around you...why's that?"

Wait...that was it?! Thora's eyes widened from Gordie's question. How was she going to confess this to him? She couldn't just randomly blurt out that it was because she was falling in love with him. She didn't felt that it was the right time to tell him...but part of her wanted to confess but why can't she?


Thora looked away blushing heavily as Gordie continued looking at her. She felt herself about to crack. She couldn't hold onto the feelings any longer but she would need to...just for the right moment. Thora sighed still looking away, she had to say something...

"Remember when we shared our first kiss on Challenge Road on the Isle of Armor," Thora reminded.

Gordie began to blush remembering it but nodded.

"It's just..." Thora continued, "that moment, I don't know...I couldn't get it out of my's like a record playing on a constant loop, I can't get it to stop...It was unexpected but deep down, I enjoyed it and I wanted to experience it again...but I didn't know how to tell you because of how I felt about you..."

Gordie was taken aback. He knew he had strong feelings for Thora since they were children but to know Thora had harboring feelings for him...he didn't know how to comprehend it. All he could do was blush as he looked away for a second. He glanced back at Thora who glanced back at him with curious two colored eyes. Those eyes, they always drew him alluring they were whenever he looked into them.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier," Gordie wondered.

"I didn't know how to tell you," Thora confessed, "mainly cause my anxiety and fear got in the way over how you'd react if I told you..."

Suddenly, Gordie pulled Thora in hugging her. Thora started to blush as he hugged her feeling his warmth and his arms surrounding her body as she hugged him back.

"I'm just happy you told me," Gordie smiled warmly, "because I felt the same way too."

After they hugged, Thora glared lovingly into Gordie's blue eyes as he glared lovingly back into her two colored eyes. For some reason, after confessing some of her feelings to Gordie, Thora felt that a huge weight was lifted off of her chest.

"Wanna know something Gordie," Thora queried.

"What," Gordie wondered.

"Whenever you're with me," Thora answered, "or whenever you hold me in your arms like you are right now, all of my anxiety, fear, nervousness, every negative feeling imaginable, they disappear because of you."

Gordie couldn't help but smile over what Thora had to say. He gently stroked Thora's hair as she rested her head on Gordie's chest. She stared up at him who glanced back at her affectionately. Both of their hearts were beating loudly from their chests as they closed their eyes leaning forward about to share a kiss when-

"Will the two finalists please make their way to the pitch," the spokesperson announced.

Gordie groaned in annoyance while Thora could only blush over her and him about to share their third kiss.

"Fuck this...," Gordie grumbled under his breath.

Immediately, Gordie kissed Thora causing her to gasp over Gordie unexpectedly kissing her but she slowly closed her eyes returning the kiss. As the two best friends continued to kiss, Gordie pulled Thora closer to his body holding her as she wrapped her arms around Gordie's neck. In her mind, this reminded her of their first kiss but with a bit more affection though, the day would come when they would be official one day. Only question was, when? After they kiss, Gordie rested his forehead on Thora's smiling adoringly at her which caused her to blush. Gordie couldn't help but chuckle over how adorable Thora was when she blushed. It was too irresistibly cute! They were still in one another's arms which caught them by surprise as they released one another from their grip blushing. They quickly maintained composure as the two looked back at one another with confident smiles on their faces.

"May the best competitor win," Gordie smiled.

"Right," Thora nodded with a self-assured smile.

As Gordie and Thora went their separate ways to the pitch, Thora could hear her heart racing. This was the moment she was waiting years for. The promise her and Gordie made to one another many years was time to show what years of training was worth in this final challenge! The battle everyone was waiting for, Gordie vs Thora! It...was...TIME!!!

Author's Notes:

This was a little something to add before the big event of the battle in the next chapter! Also two things I want to add in note wise:

1). So far, between Gordie and Thora, yes they are lifelong best friends. Their relationship at the moment, it's best described as not always platonic best friends.

2). In recent news, I can't seem to stop watching the last episode of Twilight Wings for Pokemon(though the series ended) and have fallen madly in love with Gordie's voice, don't ask's just too...perfect... ^^ (and I might have broken the replay button...oops...)

Overall, hope you enjoy the new chapter and be prepared for the battle between Gordie and Thora!!!
