Chapter 5

January 27th, 2005, Cullen Residence

After Edward had told them that he would try to keep a distance from Bella, everything went back to normal. Almost.

Catherine and Emmett were fighting over who would drive the Jeep to school today.

Emmett thought it had to be him because he was bigger than Catherine.

Catherine thought it had to be her because she was older than Emmett.

"No! I'm older so I have more experience with cars!" She yells. "Oh bullshit! You got your license 27 years ago! I have had mine since the 40s!" He yelled back.

Jasper and Rosalie were sitting next to eachother, watching their partners. "Why did we get married to them again?" Rosalie asked her brother. "No idea." He answered.

"Jasper, I'm angry not deaf!" Catherine yelled. He put his hands up in defense and smirked at her.

"Hey darlin', why don't you let Emmett ride on the way to school and then you drive on the way back?" He offered. Catherine shook her head. "No! I'm older! I should get to go first!"

"You say you're older yet you act like a little kid." He said, knowing that would be enough to convince her. She hated being called a kid when she was one of the oldest in the house.

"Fine!" She huffed and sat next to Jasper. He just smiled and wrapped his arm around his wife and kissed her head. "Good girl." He mumbled in her hair.

She smiled before getting up and taking Rosalie's hand. "We'll ride your baby to school." She said before pulling Rosalie with her.

"Maybe I could-" "You can't drive in my car." Rosalie cut her off, followed by Catherine sighing. "Let's just go." Rosalie told her sister as they stepped in her car.

Alice and Oliver were staying home today. To seem more human, the Cullens would be 'sick' every once in a while.

Rosalie started the car and right when Jasper and Emmett came outside she yelled. "So long suckers!" Before speeding off.

When they arrived at school Rosalie parked her car next to Edwards mom car. The girls ran out of the car, as fast as they humanly could, and ran inside the building, laughing.

When they reached Catherine's locker they heard the Jeep pull up outside. They looked at each other before bursting out laughing.

They turned to the front door to see their husbands walk in together. It was still fairly early so the halls were basically empty.

"You girls, you're mean." Emmett told them when they reached them. "Really mean." Jasper sarcastically added.

"Is that so?" Rosalie looked up at her husband, a smirk on her face. Emmett nodded and grabbed Rosalie's hand. He pulled her with him down the halls while Rosalie just squeeled and giggled.

"Emmett is gonna have to carry her to her classes the rest of the day." Catherine sarcastically said as they watched the couple leave.

"You know the feeling?" He asked her with a lopsided grin. He stepped forward, she stepped back. Until her back hit her locker.

"Oh, yes, I do. I have this husband, you know?" She said. "Oh? Is that so? And what does that husband of yours do?" Jasper teased, his hand gripped her waist.

"Well, for starters. He's really kind. He loves psysical touch. He is very, very handsome." Her hand gripped his arm. "Oh, is he?" Jasped asked her. "Oh yes he is. And he has this accent... it's very attractive." "Yeah?" "Yeah. And uhh... he is.. amazing in bed." She whispered in his ear.

"Mm, what else is he." He ghosted his lips over hers. She kissed him shortly before pulling away.

"Late for class." It was her turn to grin now. She ducked under his arm and ran away. He ran after her and his hands gripped her waist. He picked her up and turned her around so she was facing him again.

"You're not gettin' away that easily, Cathy." He mumbled in her ear. She just giggled and put a hand on his chest. She softly pushed him away while grinning at him.

"When we're home I'll give you whatever you want." She whispered in his ear before turning around and walking to class.

"Anythin'?" He called after her.

"Anything." She confirmed while blowing him a kiss.

He just grinned before turning around to walk to his class.

When she reached her english class she sat next to Edward. This was the only class they shared.

"Why did you leave home so early today?" Catherine asked his as she sat down.

"I was hoping to see her today." He honestly told her. The siblings had come to an understanding after their talk. Edward would honestly tell her if something happened and she would keep it a secret. Even though she strongly disagreed with his actions towards Bella.

Catherine frowned. "I thought you were trying to keep a distance?" Edward frowned aswell. "I thought we had agreed that you wouldn't judge about anything I told you?"

Catherine put her hands up in defense. "No judgement here. So what made you change your mind?" She asked.

"I just... I feel very protective over her and I can't help wanting to be around her all the time." He softly said. Catherine smiled. "I know that feeling. Just... talk to us before you try anything." She added with a soft smile.

Edward smiled back and nodded. "I will."

The rest of the lesson they just talked. It was very fun.

Then lunch came. Rosalie has decided to sit inbetween Catherine and Jasper. It was a very dangerous place to be. But she got fed up when they made out for the first 10 minutes of lunch so she broke them up.

Edward still had to make an appearance at lunch so it was just Emmett laughing at Catherine and Jasper.

They stared at each other like lost puppy's. Anytime they tried to start a conversation it would be interrupted by Rosalie. Aside from that, they basially eyefucked eachother the entire lunch break.

Catherine had her chin in her hand. She was looking at Jasper. He was looking back at her. They were sitting infront of each other because Rosalie had moved them so they were out of the other's reach.

Catherine had taken this opportunity to stick out her foot and rub Jaspers calf. The blonde smirked at her, letting her continue with a grin on his face. She moved her foot a little higher. But they were interrupted by Edward sitting down.

"Oh, that's disgusting! Keep your thoughts to yourself!" He exclaimed as soon as he sat down.

"What were they thinking?" Rosalie asked while she glared at her siblings like an angry mother.

"You don't wanna know." Edward said. He looked like he was about to puke. "I wanna know. Tell me!" Emmett laughed but stopped when Rosalie sent him a glare.

"Trust me you don't wanna know." Jasper said as he reached his hand across the table to touch Catherine's. His hand was quickly slapped away by Rosalie.

Catherine just giggled before looking away. She saw Bella headed for the salad bar. "A salad? Jesus, I wish I had that waist." Catherine thought as she looked at the girl. Edward heard it and followed her gaze. When he noticed that Bella was alone he stood up and went to talk to her. His siblings followed him with their eyes before Catherine kept playing footsie under the table with Jasper.

This time Rosalie noticed. "Jesus! Feet to yourself!" She told them. This caused Emmett to burst out laughing.

Jasper just winked at Catherine. She giggled and started a conversation with Rosalie.

Later that evening, the Cullens had gone hunting. Emmett and Carlisle had decided to have a contest. The one that could catch the most animals would win.

Alice was taking bets, she wasn't allowed to place a bet since she could see into the future. Esme, Edward and Oliver had bet that Carlisle would win. Rosalie, Catherine and Jasper thought that it would be Emmett.

"Okay, you have one hour to kill as many animals as you can. After the count we'll all feast on their blood. On your marks? Ready, set, go!" Alice yelled into a stick, pretending it was a microphone.

Catherine had found a rabbit. She and Jasper took turns sucking it dry while sitting against a tree. Pretending it was popcorn while Carlisle and Emmett sped off.

"Jasper, Catherine!" Their heads shot up to see Esme looking at them. "Why are you already eating? We just manipulated two of our strongest to get our food!" She said. Jasper just shrugged. "We found the rabbit. It's just an appetizer." Catherine said before throwing the now bloodless rabbit away.

"You have a little.." Jasper pointed to the corner of her mouth. She had spilled some blood. She wiped the wrong corner and looked at him. "Did I get it?" She asked.

"No, you- come here." He wiped off the blood before holding out his thumb. She looked at him and with a chuckle she licked the blood off.

Jasper licked his lips as he stared at her. "You are... so goddamn beautiful." He mumbled. She smiled and took his hand. "You are so goddamn beautiful too." She leaned in to kiss him but they were interrupted by Edward shouting.

"Gross! Stop that!" While making a face. Catherine just grinned at him and teased. "Oh you're just jealous that you can't make out with Bella."

Jasper laughed and he and his wife high fived. Oliver and Alice chuckled but Rosalie didn't seem amused, she was angry that Edward had talked to Bella again. Even though he had told them that he would keep a distance. But instead of being mad and yelling, she ignored Edward, often giving him cold looks. It was not very Rosalie-like.

"So, Alice. Who is gonna win?" Catherine asked. Alice just shrugged with a slight smirk.

"Oh, come on, babe. Just tell us." Oliver said as he kissed her cheek. Alice giggled before refusing. "No, you'll see who won in about forty minutes."

Oliver and Catherine groaned before they continued with what they were doing.

Carlisle had surprised everyone. He came back with a mountain lion, two deer and five rabbits. Emmett came back with 9 rabbits and one deer.

"You stupid idiot! I bet 20 dollars on you!" Catherine yelled at Emmett. "I thought you were supposed to be strong or something!"

Emmett just laughed. Not at all angry that he lost. The Cullens happily drank from all the animals. They probably wouldn't have to hunt for a few days.

When the Cullens arrived home it was 4 in the morning. It would be pretty late for most people, but since the Cullens couldn't sleep, it was very normal for them to play games or watch tv in the middle of the night.

Edward was playing piano while Oliver had pulled Alice in to dance to the music. Jasper was reading a book with Catherine on his lap. Catherine listened to the music while she rested her eyes. Carlisle and Esme were sitting in the kitchen and Rosalie and Emmett were playing checkers.

The Cullen household was calm, everyone was at peace and nobody was yelling of fighting.

Catherine's head was on Jasper's shoulder while he played with her hair. His cold, slender fingers twisting her curls almost as if it was muscle memory.

Suddenly they heard a snap. All of their heads shot up when they saw Esme holding a camera. Edward had stopped playing the piano to look up so the room was painfully silent.

"I didn't expect that to be so loud." Esme softly said before turning around and walking back to the kitchen. Everyone just simply shrugged and went back to what they were doing.

January 28th, 2005, Cullen residence

Catherine was outside, playing games with Alice and Rosalie. Alice and Catherine were doing gymnastics while Rosalie laughed at them.

Catherine was trying to do cartwheels, something she never mastered in her very long years, while Alice was doing a handstand against a tree. Rosalie was sitting on the ground with her legs crossed while she collected leaves.

"Wait, wait, wait. Alice, watch this." Catherine said before doing a cartwheel, and failing miserably. Alice and Rosalie laughed at their sister when she fell.

Catherine huffed slightly before sitting next to Rosalie. "What are you doing, Rose?" She asked. Rosalie shrugged and showed her a few leaves.

"I might put these in a vase. I'm trying to find pretty ones but it's hard because it's dark." The blonde explained.

"Look, this one looks like a frog." She held out a leave to Catherine. The brunette looked at it before nodding.

"Wait, I have an idea." Catherine said before turning to the house. "Emmett!" She yelled. In the blink of an eye Emmett was infront of them.

"What's up?" He asked. Rosalie just looked at Catherine wih a look that said. 'Yeah, what's up?'

"Could you get your wife a flashlight? She can't see." Catherine asked her brother.

Emmett just ran back inside and in a few seconds he was back with a flashlight. "Here you go babe." He handed it to his wife before running back inside.

"You know you could've just got it yourself, right?" Rosalie asked as she shone the flashlight on the ground, looking for more pretty leaves.

Alice had came down from her handstand and sat with her sisters. Also looking for leaves.

"Oeh this one is pretty." "No that looks like a wolf." "Smells like one too." "My point exactly." "Okay fine."

They heard a car pull up in the driveway. It was Edward's car. He hopefully had Carlisle with him.

The girls ran inside just as Edward came in using the front door.

Esme came over to greet her husband and son when she was cut off by Edward.

"Gather... everyone. I have something to tell you ." Edward slowly said before sitting on the couch.

"What did you do?" Rosalie asked him with a suspicious look.

"Just... wait." He said.

The family had gathered in the livingroom. They all sat on the couch while Edward stood infront of them.

"I told Bella I can read minds. I think she might find out about us soon." He blurted out.

Chaos erupted.
Rosalie started yelling at Edward for exposing part of their secret. Jasper was trying to tell Edward off but couldn't get a word in because of Rosalie. Alice was sitting on the couch, extremely still. Oliver was rubbing Alice's arm. Carlisle was trying to calm Rosalie down. Emmett was holding back Rosalie from ripping off Edward's head. Esme was trying to sit down Jasper. And lastly Catherine was observing everything from the couch.

When Catherine's eyes fell on Alice, she noticed that her sister was having a vision. She quickly stood up, unnoticed by everyone. She picked up a vase and threw it against a wall.

Everyone looked up at her. "Will you stop acting like goddamn children! Edward, how dare you tell a mortal about your power without discussing it with us like you said you would. Rosalie, if anything will expose our secret it's Edward getting his head ripped off. Jasper, honey just sit the hell down, you won't get a word in and you know it. And lastly I'm pretty sure Alice just had a goddamn vision!" She yelled.

Rosalie stopped struggling against Emmett and folded her arms while sitting on the couch. Jasper followed, mumbling a "Sorry love".

"What did you see Ally?" Catherine asked.

"She's finding out tomorrow." Alice said with a worried look.

Catherine sighed and rubbed the bridge of her nose. "Why did you even tell her Edward."

"I was following-" He tried to explain.

"You were following her!" Catherine yelled at him. "How could you be so reckless?" She asked.

"She was being attacked by some.. lowlifes. I accidentally told her that their thoughts made me feel sick. That's when she found out." Edward calmly explained.

"You put.. the whole family in danger Edward!" Rosalie yelled as she tried to lunge at Edward again. Emmett was quicker, grabbing her waist and pulling her back into his chest.

Catherine sighed as everyone started yelling again. "Why do I have to carry this whole goddamn family." She murmered before retreating to her room.
