Chapter 33

August 13th, 2006, Cullen Residence

Bella and Edward walked back into the yard after spending a little bit of time together as a freshly married couple. Jasper and Catherine were strolling around, much to Jasper's dismay, and saying hi to guests.

"Just thought it would've been bigger." The vampires heard the condesending voice that belonged to Jessica say. Catherine scowled and grabbed Jasper's hand, pulling him in their direction. "What are we doing?" He asked as he tried to pull her back. Catherine let go of his hand and responded. "I'm just going to have a friendly little chat with Jessica." Catherine said in a fake sweet voice. 

"Fine." Jasper shrugged. "I'll wait here for you." He smiled down at her and kissed her forehead. "Have fun." He teased. She giggled and nodded. "I will, thanks."

Catherine walked over to Jessica and the other mortals with the fakest smile she could muster up. 

"Hi!" Jessica quickly said as she noticed the vampire approaching her. "Hey, guys!" Catherine let out an incredibly fake laugh.  Mike's eyes directed down to her chest, almost as if muscle memory. Catherine took a deep breath and turned to Jessica again. "Are you guys enjoying yourselves?" Catherine asked.

"Yes! We were just saying how pretty everything is!" Jessica quickly lied. Catherine internally rolled her eyes and her smile dissapeared. "That's so funny." She commented, her fake smile quickly recovering.

"How's that?" Eric asked with a confused expression. Catherine fakely laughed and clasped her hands together. "Oh, It's just that I heard  you guys complaining about how small the cake is. Trust me, you won't starve." Catherine responded while sending Jessica a glare. Jessica looked like a fish, her mouth hung open in confusion as she tried to find words.

"You know, Jessica. My sister worked really hard to arrange this wedding. She spend countless hours making sure everything was perfect. I don't appreciate you shitting on it." Catherine took a step closer to Jessica. "I think we can all agree everything looks good here?" She asked in a fake sugary-sweet tone.

Jessica, Mike and Eric all nodded, since they were the ones shitting about the party. Angela looked embarresed at her friends' behavior. "Okay, enjoy yourselves for the rest of the night!" Catherine giggled before moving to walk away. She was stopped by a large hand on her stomach from behind, Jasper.

Jasper looked at Mike, who had been staring at Catherine the entire time. Jasper gestured to his wife's eyes and told the blonde boy. "Her eyes are up here." Jasper raised an eyebrow at the mortals before pulling Catherine along with him.

Jasper wrapped his arm around Catherine's waist as they walked through the reception together. "Thank you for defending my honor." Catherine thanked him while smiling up at him.

"No! Thank you for defending my honor." They heard a voice that belonged to their sister behind them. Alice pulled Catherine away from Jasper and tightly hugged her. "I heard your interaction with Jessica. Thank you." Alice whispered in Catherine's ear as they embraced each other.

"It's my pleasure. Anyone insulting our Alice is just asking for teeth sunk in their necks." Catherine kissed Alice's cheek before pulling back from the hug. "Anyway, I had been waiting for an opportunity to call her out for something."

"Yes, yes, you hate Jessica.  Can I have my wife back now?" Oliver lifted Alice up by the waist and pulled her away from Catherine. "Any being that insults my Alice deserves the worst." Oliver romantically looked into Alice's eyes. She giggled and pressed her lips against his as he put her down on the ground again.

"Okay, I'm uncomfortable, Cathy, let's go." Jasper grabbed Catherine's arm and pulled her away from the still kissing couple. He walked, to Catherine's surprise, towards the wolves. He smiled, to Catherine's surprise, and did some bro-hug with Seth.

"Hey, man! How've you been?" Seth asked with a smile as he and Jasper let go of each other. Seth immediately took a step towards Catherine and pulled her in for a hug. Catherine's eyes went wide and she, much to her own surprise, gave Seth a soft smile and patted his back. "We have been abolutely marvelous. How about you?" She politely asked while letting go of the wolf and returning to her husband's side.

"I have been amazing! The ceremony was beautiful!" Seth exclaimed. Catherine foldly smiled at the wolf. "I'm glad."

Seth's eyes scanned over Catherine and Jasper as his eyes went slighty wider. "You look really good, Catherine!" He exclaimed, in awe. Jasper pulled Catherine a little closer to him. "Well aren't you a gentleman!" Catherine smiled at the compliment. "She's a real looker, isn't she?" Jasper smiled down at his wife and kissed her head. "You're too sweet, Seth."

Catherine nodded at Seth before turning to his sister, who was standing next to Billy's wheelchair. Seth nudged Leah, telling her to say hello. Leah looked beautiful. She was wearing a green dress that complimented her skintone very well, her hair was in a braid which was probably the work of her mother, Sue Clearwater.

"You look nice, Leah. That dress matches your skintone very well" Catherine smiled at the werewolf, not really expecting a positive reaction. To Catherine's surprise, Leah shyly smiled. "Thank you... you look nice aswell... Catherine." Leah mumbled while looking down at the ground.

Catherine's smile widened as she too looked down at the ground. "That's really sweet of you, thank you."

Catherine turned to her husband, who was in a conversation with Seth. It was clear that Seth looked up to him. Both literally and figuratively. 

"Everyone! We're serving dinner now!" Alice called everyone over. Everyone had to look at the card Catherine and Jasper had given them at the start of the wedding to see where they had to sit.

Jasper led Catherine over to their table, where they sat with Alice, Oliver, Rosalie and Emmett. Carlisle and Esme sat at the same table as Bella and Edward, along with Renée, Charlie and Phil Dwyer, Renée's husband.

The vampires in the room awkwardly moved the food around their plates, trying to make it seem like they were eating. 

After a very uncomfortable dinner, everyone happily chatted with one another.  Emmett suddenly stood up, walking over to the little podium the band was playing at. He took the microphone in his hand and banged on it a few times with his hand. The microphone made an unncomfortable noice, making everyone hold their hands over their ears.

"Hello? Is this on?" Emmett clumsily asked, he was holding a champagne glass as he awkwardly stood there. "I'd like to propose a toast." Emmett announced, his loud voice booming through the speakers. "To my new sister." Catherine and Rosalie awed at his cute words. "Bella, I hope you've gotten enough sleep in these last 18 years. 'Cause you won't be getting any more for a while." The whole room went quiet, besides Catherine and Jasper's laughter. Every human probably thought Emmett was talking about sex, even though he was talking about the fact that she was going to be a vampire. 

Catherine and Jasper laughed at their brother's choice of words while balencing onto one another. Emmett awkwardly laughed before walking off the stage with his head hung low. Catherine saw Charlie sigh and down his glass of champagne.

"Well, Bella was just like everybody else. Totally mesmerised by Edward." Jessica teased as she held up her champagne glass. Catherine and Rosalie shared a look and rolled their eyes. "Or "the hair" as I used to call him." Soft laughter could be heard around the room. "And then, suddenly. Edward is all about Bella. Even though she's not the captain of the volleyball team." No one laughed at her "joke" this time so she quickly added. "I'm just kidding. I'm just kidding." She softly laughed before saying. "Or the president of the student council." Jessica quickly added.

Catherine stood up and stalked towards Jessica. The vampire took the human by the ear and pulled her away from the stage. "Hey! It was a joke!" Jessica tried to protest as she tried to wiggle out of Catherine's grip. Catherine was stronger than Jessica expected and dragged her away without really trying. "The only thing that's a joke is you! "Catherine could hear the guests laughing at the scene. 

Catherine pushed Jessica over to her chair and sat her down. "Stay." Catherine snarled before scowling and walking back to her seat. She held her head high and her face monotone as she sat down. Jasper proudly smiled at her and pecked her cheek before turning back to the podium.

Charlie stood up and hesitantly walked over to the stage. He raised his seventh glass of champagne and said. "Edward will be a good husband. I know this because... I'm a cop. I know things. Like... how to hunt somebody to the ends of the earth." Everyone laughed at his joke (even though is probably wasn't a joke) and Catherine could swear Edward looked a little nervous.

"And I know how to use a gun." Charlie continued whilst staring straight at Edward.

Alice almost jumped out of her seat and skipped towards the microphone. "Bella, now that you're my sister, you'll have to get over your aversion of fashion." Everyone laughed as Alice's face remained straight. "Skirts, heels, handbags" Alice started listing off. Oliver quickly stood up and walked towards his wife. He grabbed her by the shoulders and pulled her off stage. "And cropped tops!" Alice tried to yell into the microphone as she was being pulled away.

Renée stood up, tears still welling up in her eyes. She stumbled towards the microphone and awkwardly started singing. "Go to sleep, my love. Go to sleep. When you wake you'll see me." She sang while people tried to stifle their laughter. Jasper and Catherine shared a look of confusion before just shaking it off and turning to the podium again.

Esme has stood up, also holding her glass of champagne. "I'd like to thank Renée and Charlie for bringing such a wonderful person into the world and into our lives." Esme smiled as she spoke, her speech was the only normal one so far. "We will cherise and protect her forever." Esme put an emphasis on forever, since she would be with us forever.

Catherine decided that she wanted to speak some nice words. She stood up and walked towards the podium. She grabbed the microphone and tapped it a few times, making a loud screech come from it. She made a face when she saw all the vampires holding their ears shut.

"I'd like to propose a toast to my brother and my new sister. Bella, I saw the connection you and Edward have the day I met you. I know the two of you are perfect for each other and I wish you nothing but happiness." Catherine smiled at Bella and winked. "Oh, and I'm expecting nieces and nephews." Catherine smiled and jumped off the stage, leaving Edward and Bella flustered. Charlie downed his 9th glass of champagne.

Lastly, Edward stood up. He walked up to the stage and spoke into the microphone. "It's an extraordinary thing to meet someone who you can bare you soul to. And who will accept you for what you are. I've been waiting, what seems like a very long time, to get beyond what I am. And with Bella, I feel I can finally begin. So I'd like to propose a toast to my beautiful bride. No measure of time with you will be long enough. But let's start with forever." Edward smiled as he looked at Bella his whole speech. Everyone raised their glasses and clinked them with the person the to them. Catherine and Jasper clinked their glasses together, smiling at each other lovingly. Jasper kissed her cheek with a soft smile on his face.

After the speeches, the chairs and tables were moved out of the way to make space for a dancefloor. Bella and Edward danced together to the slow, romantic music. Everyone else was gathered around them, watching the happy couple. Jasper was standing behind Catherine, his hands were on her hips and his chin rested on her head. Catherine had a smile on her face as she watched her brother and, now, sister dancing together.

The song slowly faded into another one and Bella and Edward stayed there, slowly swaying together. Other couples started making appearances. Rosalie and Emmett romantically danced together, staring into each other's eyes lovingly. Oliver and Alice were stealing the show. They showed off some of their dance moves from the 20s and 30s, both with large grins on their faces. People clapped for them and watched in awe at the couple's dancing.

Jasper and Catherine danced a very classic waltz together. His left hand was on her hip as his right held hers. Her left hand was enveloped in his as her right was placed on his shoulder. Jasper occasionally twirled his wife and every so often lifted her in the air. They danced together for what felt like hours, but it had only been thirty minutes.

"Shall we go rest our feet for a few minutes?" Jasper whispered in her ear as he pulled her a little closer. Catherine smiled up at him and nodded, letting him lead her off the dance floor and towards the little tables that were scattered around. His large hand was on the small of her back as they made their way through the crowd. 

Jasper sat down at one of the tables, before Catherine could sit on the chair next to him, Jasper had already pulled her into his lap, making her squeel in surprise. She sat sideways on his knee, his hand was on her stomach as he held her tightly against him. Catherine wrapped her arm around his shoulder as she tried to hide how flustered he made her.

Jasper smiled as he felt her emotions, it affected him greatly. "I love you so, so much, Catherine Elizabeth Whitlock." He whispered against the bare skin on her shoulder. Catherine smiled when Jasper used their shared last name to address her. He knew exactly what he was doing.

"Jas, we're at a wedding." She lightly scolded him with a pointed look. Jasper bounced his knee up and down a few times with a smug expression on his face. "A wedding that is being held at our house. We could sneak off, I only need 10 minutes." Jasper tried to convince her, pulling her a little closer to him. 

"Jesus Christ, Jas, you're hard at a wedding?" Catherine sighed as she felt something pressing against her back and stood up. "Come on, you got 10 minutes before we're back here." Catherine warned her husband as he also stood up and grabbed her hand. "Let's go then." Jasper pulled her along with him, out of the tent. He pressed his lips against hers as he pushed her further towards the house. They giggled and stumbled like lovesick teenagers.

Catherine stood still, her eyes went wide. "Jas, Jasper, stop." Catherine warned him as his lips peppered kisses on her neck. "Why- oh." Jasper raised his head out of her neck and they turned to see Jacob, Bella and Edward standing near the woods.

"Come on, you guys?! At a wedding?!" Edward scolded them with a disappointed expression on his face. Catherine shrugged and walked closer to the three different beings. "We could've had sex in one of the bathrooms. We didn't do that, we decided to be civil vampires and go back into our house." She matter-of-factly said with a shrug. 

"What's goin' on?" Jasper asked. "Edward is going to kill Bella!" Jacob exclaimed while lunging towards Edward. Seth appeared from behind him and pulled him back. "Walk away, Jake!" Seth wrapped his arms around Jacob and roughly pulled him back whilst Jacob fought against his hold. Seth was thrown to the ground by Jacob. Catherine immediately ran towards him at vampire speed and placed a hand on his arm. Paul, Embry, Quill, Sam and Leah appeared, having heard the fight through their mental bond.

"Are you okay?" Catherine worriedly asked Seth as she helped him up. "I'm fine, nothing I can't take." Seth assured while Leah walked over to them, Leah checked her brother to see if he was alright before nodding a thanks to Catherine.

"Jacob, that's enough!" Sam roughly ordered Jacob. Jacob turned back to him with a feral expression on his face. "Stay out of this, Sam!" Jacob yelled back. Sam kept his composure, but Jasper felt him get angry. "You're going to start something we'll have to finish." Sam calmly said. "She'll die!" Jacob exclaimed. "She's not our concern anymore" 

Jacob scowled at Sam, then at Edward and Bella. He walked towards the woods, bumping shoulders with Sam on the way. The other wolves, except for Seth, followed him. "Let's go, Seth!" Sam ordered the young wolf before also turning towards the woods. Seth turned and gave the vampires and Bella a sympathetic look before following after Sam.

"I'm really, really stupid." Bella sighed and leaned against her husband. "No, it's alright, it's not your fault." Edward reassured his wife.

Catherine decided to ruin their moment by saying. "For you information, Bella, Edward. Humans don't have to die whilst having sex with a vampire." Catherine gave them a sympathetic smile. "How do you know?" Bella curiously asked. Catherine's mouth opened as she tried to find the right way to tell Bella. "I had a few partners before who were human. Nothing longer than a night, though." Catherine chose the wrong words, Edward rolled his eyes in disgust while Jasper grimaced at the thought.

"We'll give you a minute." Catherine pulled Jasper with her, leaving the couple alone. Edward and Bella could hear them speaking to each other as they walked away.

"Yes, honey, you're way better than all of my past partners combined." Catherine reassured Jasper whilst surpressing a giggle. "I better be." Jasper responded while wrapping his arm around her waist. He kissed her head as they together walked back into the wedding. _________________________________________

Everyone threw rice at Edward and Bella as they walked out of the house hand in hand. Bella had changed into a short, white dress with a black belt. Jasper and Catherine stood next to each other, aiming for Edward's face with their rice. Catherine hit him square in the face with a handful of rice. Edward glared at her as he passed them, Catherine and Jasper just laughed while Jasper kissed Catherine's cheek, nonverbally saying 'well done'.

Alice had ordered Oliver to get the bags she had packed for Bella. Bella didn't know where she and Edward would be going for their honeymoon, so Edward asked Alice to pack the bags.

Alice had told Catherine that she purposefully filled the bags with sexy lingerie. Catherine found it a bit odd, since it was their brother's wife they were packing for, but then again, Alice wasn't exactly normal. 

Renée and Bella tightly hugged each other as Bella got ready to leave. Edward was waiting for her inside the car. After saying goodbye to her mother, Bella went to say bye to Charlie.

Jasper wrapped his arms around Catherine from behind as they watched Edward speed off with Bella next to him in the car. Jasper's chin was on Catherine's shoulder as they both laughed and waved at the newly-wed couple.

When the car was out of sight, people started heading back to the tent for an after party. Jasper, however, quickly pulled Catherine inside the house when no one was looking,  there, they spent a nice, long night celebrating their brother's wedding.
