Chapter 25

June 12th, 2006, Cullen residence

Catherine was lying down in her and Jasper's bed. Her head was on the left pillow as she was lying diagonally, so her feet were on the right side of the bed. Jasper had his head on her stomach as he layed sideways across the bed. He had propped up one of his legs while the other dangled off the bed. He was shirtless, just for comfort. ;)

Catherine was running her slender fingers through her husband's dirty blonde locks. He had his eyes closed in bliss as he nuzzled into her hand. His hand had moved to rest on her knee, softly squeezing and rubbing her clothed leg.

"We should get up." Catherine mumbled, she was staring up at the ceiling. Jasper kept his eyes closed and only hummed in response. "Carlisle will get mad at us if we don't get up." She mumbled, this time Jasper responded.

"Let him be mad." She could hear the annoyance in his voice. She giggled and softly tugged his locks. "We have to get up." She tried to sit up, choosing to ignore his groan when she pulled his hair. He didn't let her sit up, instead he grabbed her wrists and pushed them down on the bed as he leaned his head on her chest. His full body weight was on top of her.

She laughed and tried to pull her arms away from his tight grips. "Jas, Jasper we have to get up. Come on." She tried to convince him through her laughter. She felt Jasper's grin against her skin as he hid his face from her. "Honey, get up, c'mon." She nudged him with her knee.

He sat up slighty and raised his head to look at her. "Do you wanna run away with me?" He suddenly asked, catching her off guard. She laughed and furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. "What? Honey, what are you talking about?" He let go of her wrists so her hands moved from the bed to rest on his waist.

"We should run away. Leave the newborn army far behind us. Move to Texas. Live our lives on a sunny farm, away from people. We could eat the animals once they're grown, sell the crops to people. We could start over. You and I, just us, my darlin'." He solemnly said before moving so he was sitting next to her on the bed. He grabbed her hands and kissed them both.

"I want nothing more than that." Catherine said. "This is the moment you say "but"." Jasper filled in for her. She chuckled softly and nodded. "Sadly, you're right." She placed her hand on his cheek. "We, especially you, are needed here. We have a family here." She caressed his cheek. He leaned into her touch and closed his eyes.

"I know it's not realistic. It's just somethin' I think about every once in a while." He sighed and took her hand off his cheek and folded it in his. Catherine sat up slightly and nudged Jasper's leg with hers. "We could always take a little vacation? After the battle with the newborns, we could go to Texas for a little while. You could show me around the place you grew up. People's heads wouldn't turn in confusion if they saw you in a cowboy hat."

Jasper smiled at her in appreciation and moved his hands to her waist. He kissed her nose before rubbing it with his. "You always know exactly what to say." He shortly kissed her lips while her hands rested on his shoulders. "I would love to go to Texas with you." He kissed her again and pulled her closer to him, pulling her onto his lap.

She giggled and sat in his lap, leaning her hands onto his bare shoulder for support. He squeezed her waist and deepened the kiss before they were interrupted, yet again.

Carlisle was outside their door, knocking. "Come on, we have to go!" He shouted. Catherine groaned and got off Jasper before walking towards the door. She opened it before telling Carlisle. "We'll be right there." Carlisle nodded amd turned around. He yelled over his shoulder. "Hurry!"

Catherine closed the door and turned around to see Jasper laying on the bed, hands behind his head as he grinned at her. "I told you he would be mad!" She hissed as she threw him a shirt. To her dismay, he caught it. He laughed and put on the shirt while Catherine also changed hers.

"Are you excited to train us and the wolves?" She asked as Jasper walked towards their closet to grab pants. "I am, I think. It feels nice to be useful." He nodded and pulled on sweatpants. She smiled and tugged him closer by fisting the fabric of his vest and pulling. "I bet you look very handsome, all major-mode." She flirted with an entrancing grin.

He smiled and tucked her brown curls behind her ear. "I can't wait to beat you in a sparring match." He cockily grinned down at her before pressing a short kiss on her lips. "You'll have to tie your hair up." He suddenly said before letting go of her and grabbing his shoes.

"Come." He held out a hand as he walked towards the door. She took his hand and followed him downstairs, he opened the door for her, of course.

The Cullens were standing in the field, waiting for Bella, Edward and the wolves to arrive. Rosalie was sitting on a tree stump while Catherine sat infront of her. The blonde braided her sister's hair as they watched their husbands spar.

Oliver and Alice were sat on a rock next to each other. Alice had her head on her husband's shoulder as they chatted softly. Esme and Carlisle stood a few feet from Emmett and Jasper. They watched their two adoptive sons.

Emmett and Jasper were sparring each other. Emmett was losing, badly. He kept coming at Jasper like a bulldozer, giving Jasper an easy chance to distract him and throw him on the ground.

Catherine and Rosalie were cheering for their husband's. They were both in amused because Emmett kept losing.

Emmett was, yet again, thrown down on the ground. Rosalie tapped her sister's shoulder to indicate that the braid was done. "Again!" Emmett growled as he quickly stood up. Jasper smirked and gestured for Emmett to come at him again.

"Don't you get tired of losing?" Catherine teased as she got off the ground and walked closer to the two men, Rosalie at her side. In response, Emmett flipped off his sister.

Emmett and Jasper couldn't spar again, though, because that was when Bella and Edward finally arrived to the scene. They held hands as they walked towards the family.

Catherine walked over to her husband and stood beside him. He wrapped his arm around her waist as they watched the wolves arrive from the woods.

Edward could read the wolves' thoughts so he told Carlisle. "They don't trust us enough to be in their human forms." While turning away from the wolves. Carlisle nodded in understanding. "They came, that's what matters."

The two vampire men walked forward, towards the wolved. "Will you translate?" Carlisle asked his son. Edward nodded and stood a few feet behind the blonde vampire. Catherine noticed that Alice had walked up to Bella and now stood next to the mortal, arm in arm.

Jasper softly rubbed Catherine's back before walking up to Carlisle. She squeezed his arm before letting him go. She walked over to Oliver and stood next to him, instead.

"Welcome." Carlisle annouced while clasping his hands together. "Jasper had experience with newborns." He continued, Jasper politely nodded towards the wolves. "He'll teach us how to defeat them."

The wolves stood there in silence for a short while before the alpha nodded towards Edward. "They want to know how the newborns differ from us." He translated as he read Sam's thoughts.

"They're a great deal stronger than us because their own human blood lingers in their tissues." Carlisle explained. "Our kind is never more physically powerful, than in our first several months of this life." Carlisle nodded towards Jasper, the two vampires traded places so Jasper was standing infront of the wolves.

"Carlisle's right. That's why they are... created. A newborn army doesn't need thousands like a human army, but no human army could stand against them." He explained with a serious expression. His hands folded behind his back as he paced infront of the wolves.

"Now, the two most important things to remember are, first, never let them get their arms around you. They'll crush you instantly." He spoke in an authorative tone that would've made Catherine blush if she could. "And second, never go for the obvious kill. They'll be expecting that. And you will lose" He stood still again. The wolves nodded in understanding so Jasper turned around and his eyes fell on his oldest brother.

"Emmett!" He called out, indicating that they would spar. Emmett grinned and confidently stepped up to Jasper. "Don't hold back." Jasper said in a challenging tone as he and Emmett stood on different sides of the field. "Not in my nature." Emmett confidently responded, despite constantly being thrown around by Jasper a mere few minutes ago.

Emmett immediately charged towards Jasper, who stood still in a defensive position. Emmett pushed Jasper's waist to get him to the ground, but Jasper jumped over Emmett and stood behind him now. Jasper and Emmett charged towards each other again and Emmett threw a punch, which Jasper dodged. He ran around Emmett and threw him on the ground before leaning over him with a hint of a smile.

"Never lose focus."

Emmett groaned and got up in frustration. He walked towards Rosalie, who was trying to stifle her giggles. Catherine, on the other hand, decided to ignore Emmett's glare and cheered for her husband.

Jasper had a proud smile on his face as he looked at his wife over his shoulder. He blew her a kiss before his face went serious again. "Carlisle and Edward!" He called out.

Carlisle and Edward stood in front of each other. They nodded before charging towards each other. Carlisle tried to kick Edward's legs out from under him, but he jumped. Edward had the advantage of being able to read Carlisle's thoughts.

They threw a few punches before Carlisle accidentally got sloppy and Edward was able to throw him on the ground. Edward turned to look at Jasper with a proud smile. The Southern vampire just rolled his eyes and said. "One more thing."

Carlisle grabbed Edward from behind and threw him on the ground. Jasper walked past them and sighed. "Never turn your back on your enemy." He made a face because that was supposed to be obvious.

"Rosalie!" He called out for his twin to come forward. She walked towards him and he nodded at her. She threw two punches at him. They had very similair fighting styles, despite not being real twins.

He threw a punch towards her and effectively got her on the ground. She was still in a defensive position. She nodded at Jasper before getting up and walking towards Emmett again.

"Alice and Oliver!" Jasper said, big mistake. The couple walked forward and stood infront of each other for a few seconds.

They smiled at each other before Alice swiped at him. Oliver dodged it and threw her a punch in return, which she also dodged. He charged towards her but she did a cartwheel to get away from him. He tried to punch her again, bit she jumped up and dissapeared.

Everyone looked around for her before she jumped down from one of the trees, onto Oliver's back. She smiled and pecked his lips before jumping off his back. Catherine cheered for her sister as the couple walked back to the family, hand in hand.

"Catherine!" Jasper called her over in that authorative tone of his. She smiled and walked towards him. They stood a few feet away from each other as they both got into defensive positions.

"I'll go easy on you, darlin'." He teased as they circled each other. She rolled her eyes but still cracked a smile. "Please don't." She responded while shaking her head. She let him charge towards her first, having noticed that he always waited for the opponent to make the first move.

He threw a punch towards her, which she dodged. She tried to kick his side, but he grabbed her leg and flipped her around. She fell on the ground but quickly recovered. She threw a few punches towards him, but he dodged them all. He tried to kick her feet out from under her but she jumped.

He ran towards her and threw her backwards, into a tree. He got a worried expression for a second as she seemed hurt. She caught him off guard by jumping up and wrapping her legs around his neck. She moved her hips forwards and he lost balance and fell on the ground.

She held his arms down with her knees as she moved to sit on his chest. She grinned at him. "I won!" She clapped her hands and cheered as Jasper failed to get out of her grip.

Alice, Esme and Rosalie cheered for her as she proudly sat there. "I went easy on you." He grumbled as he tried to push her up. "No you didn't. You lost and you're too much of a baby to admit-" Catherine screamed in surprise as she was cut off by Jasper tugging his arms loose and flipping them over. He leaned over her and held her wrists in place with his hands.

"Never lose focus." He announced before pressing a kiss on her lips. He got up and held out a hand for her. She laughed and grabbed his arm, letting him pull her up. "You're an asshole, Jasper." She kissed him again for a few seconds before he wrapped and arm around her shoulder. She leaned in and whispered in his ear. "You indeed look very handsome in major-mode, by the way." She flirted. He laughed and kissed her head before turned to the group again.

"Okay, we've had a few demonstations. Now, Emmett and Esme, you two over there. Carlisle and Alice, by the trees. Edward and Rosalie, towards the rocks. Cathy and Oliver go over there. I'll go help with the pack." He instructed. Everyone listened and went to their respective sparring partners. Jasper gave Catherine a long kiss before walking over to the wolves.

Catherine grunted as she threw a punch Oliver's way. He dodged it and instead tried to kick her feet out from under her. She tried to grab his leg to block the kick, but she wasn't fast enough. She fell backwards on her butt.

She grunted and quickly jumped up. She and Oliver got into defensive stances again. They circled each other while intently watching one another.

Catherine glanced over Oliver's shoulder and saw Jasper. He was standing behind some of the wolves as they sparred together, still in wolf form. He wasn't looking at them, though. He was watching Catherine and Oliver spar.

When he finally noticed that Catherine had seen him, he blew her a kiss before turning to the wolves again. Catherine smiled slightly, the distraction made her an easy target. Oliver ran up to her and threw her to the ground.

"Jesus, Oliver!" She exclaimed in surprise as she got up and scowled at him. "Please, you're fine." He brushed her off with a wave of his arm. "If you weren't so busy drooling at your husband I wouldn't have knocked you on your ass." He simply said with a shrug.

Catherine rolled her eyes before glancing over at Jasper again. He had a worried expression as he watched his brother and wife. She gave him a thumbs up to say that she was fine. Oliver helped her up before getting in a defensive stance again and saying.

"Try not to get distracted this time."
