Chapter 48

September 14th, 2006, Cullen Recidence

"Jacob told Charlie, I assume?" Jasper softly asked, approaching Catherine from behind and placing his hands on her shoulders.

"Of course he did, always making sure everything goes his way," Catherine replied, folding her arms. She had been watching Edward and Bella arguing with Jacob when Jasper appeared behind her.

"The Volturi will kill us," Jasper sighed and wrapped an arm around Catherine's front before resting his chin on her shoulder.

"Well, Jacob didn't tell Charlie about the vampires. At least, it seems that way. He told him about the wolves so the love of his life doesn't get murdered on the spot," Catherine sighed as she reached her hand back to softly play with his hair, glancing over her shoulder to see Oliver and Alice playing with Renesmee.

"I solved a problem!" Jacob yelled at Edward and Bella from outside. Jasper and Catherine turned their heads back to the ex love-triangle to experience the drama together.

"You were leaving! What did you expect me to do!?" Jacob threw his arms in the air im esperation.

"I don't think you realize the danger you just put him in," Bella tried to get Jacob to reason.

"The Volturi will kill anyone who knows about us," she said, raising her voice slightly to get her point across better.

"No, but I didn't tell him about you. Just me," Jacob said, absently staring past Bella. Catherine followed his line of sight to see that he was staring through the living room window. Where Rosalie and Emmett were playing with Renesmee. Catherine scoffed and rolled her eyes at his (in her eyes) disgusting actions.

"I would never do anything to cause Nessie any harm," Jacob assured his ex... slash mother-in-law? It was all a little fucked up.

"I showed him that I turn into a wolf, but I didn't tell him about the vampires, just that you're also different," Jacob insisted, he finally turned back to Bella and Edward after noticing Catherine's ice-cold glare.

"And you told him that we have a niece... that we adopted," Edward rolled his eyes with a deep sigh, unable to believe Jacob's stupidity.

"I mean, seriously, Jake, he's not just gonna let that go," Bella said, an intense fear in her eyes.

"Did you even think to consider the psychical pain he'll put Bella through? It would be like sticking a white-hot, branding iron down her throat," Edward said, hoping that the thought of causing Bella pain would get Jacob to back off.

This is where Catherine decided to meddle. Oh, how she loved sticking her nose where it didn't belong!

"That's just assuming she can control her thirst. And what about the pain he'll put all of us through? I mean, we haven't been able to hunt for a while and were still getting used to not lashing out at the human scents. What if my husband lashes out and kills Charlie. What about Rose, or maybe Oliver? You're being extremely selfish, Jacob. The only one you're doing this for is yourself," Catherine lectured the wolf whilst approaching the trio. She had a stern expression on her face ass she folded her arms.

"Look, Charlie's been in hell. And I know you'll be much happier with him in your life," Jacob said, his tone getting softer as if he was trying to soothe them.

"Jacob, don't try to pretend you're doing this for anyone but yourself," Edward backed up Catherine's statement. She mentally high-fived her brother as a thanks, earning her an amused glance from her mind-reading brother.

"Sorry you feel that way... because he's gonna be here in ten minutes," Jacob then said, avoiding the vampire's esperated eyerolls.

"You must be joking," Catherine mumbled as she ran back into the house.

"Everyone! Gather around! Operation 'turn Bella back into a human' is in action! This is not a drill! I repeat: this is not a drill!" Catherine yelled, even though everyone could hear her if she spoke normally.

Catherine turned to one of the dressers and pulled out brown contact lenses as Alice and Oliver entered the living room.

"Would you like to do the honours?" She asked her sister, handing the lenses to the small vampire.

Oliver grabbed Bella's shoulders and gently pushed her down onto a chair as Alice opened the box with the lenses.

"Okay, these are gonna irritate your eyes at first. It's best to just ignore it, it'll go away easier that way," Alice said, putting the lenses in Bella's eyes without warning.

"The main thing you need to do is not move too fast. You're just getting used to moving like us, so it's harder to control for you," Carlisle gently explained, folding his hands together.

"You should try taking a seat. Crossing your legs," Esme joined her husband's side, grabbing his arm gently.

"The key is to look relaxed," Catherine added with a soft smile.

Bella then stood up, moving to slowly sit on a chair. Instead, the sped up to it and crashed against the wall before uncomfortably sitting there.

"Maybe a tad slower?" Esme motherly said, trying not to discourage the newbron.

Carlisle gestured with his fingers that she didn't have to go a WHOLE lot slower, but that was a lie.

"And blink at least three times a minute," Alice said as Oliver wrapped his arm around her waist.

Bella started rapidly blinking, staring down at the ground with a glassy look in her eyes.

"...good," Alice nodded, decicing that ot wasn't worth it.

"Yeah, for a cartoon character," Jacob snarkily said from the couch.

Catherine sighed and slapped the back of his head with full force, throwing his head forward and eliciting a shout from him.

"Don't discourage her. She's trying her best," Catherine sternly said as Jacob pouted and rubbed the back of his head.

"Hold your breath, it will help with the thirst," Jasper advised, carefully pulling his wife away from Jacob.

Bella stifly sat there, keeping her shoulders completely still as she followed the advise.

"Just don't forget to move your shoulders to make it look like you're breathing," Catherine said with a soft smile.

"And don't sit so straight," Rosalie had an amused look in her eyes as she studied Bella. "Humans don't do that."

"Okay, I got it," Bella slowly stood up. Progress.

"Move around, blink, slouch," she listed with a determined look.

Their heads all shot up as they heard Charlie's car approaching. Bella had a flash of fear in her eyes as she took one last breath before stiffly holding it.

"Come on, let's go," Esme ushered her children out of the room, wishing Bella good luck before sending them all into the kitchen.

"She's gonna do great!" Alice exclaimed, clapping her hands as she led Oliver towards the dining table.

"She's gonna kill him," Catherine heard Rosalie softly whisper.

"She'll do just fine," Esme smiled at grabbed a magazine as she sat down next to Alice.

"You wanna come upstairs with me, darlin'?" Jasper softly said, grabbing her hand and tugging it slightly, a small grin displayed on his face.

"Well, why not?" Catherine sarcastically shrugged, a grin etched onto her face as she let herself be led up the stairs.

As they entered their room (he opened the door for her as always), he cut off the sentence she was starting by softly playing his lips on hers, cupping her cheeks as he did so.

Catherine let out a surprised sound as she was so suddenly pulled into his embrace. She quickly composed herself, taking note of the heavy butterflies flying around in her stomach. Her hands rested on his chest as she softly giggled against his lips.

"What was that for?" Catherine asked with a laugh as she pulled away only slightly. Her arms were now loosely slung around his neck, their noses were pressed together and his hands were softly gripping her waist.

"It's been a while," he whispered against her mouth, giving her a few more pecks.

It had been a while. After Bella getting pregnant, their fight and the aftermath of everything, they hadn't had sex in over a month.

"It's only been a month, Mr.Whitlock," she teased with a small grin.

"A month too long. I was starting to go into withdrawel," Jasper said, leaning his head down to start kissing on her neck and jaw softly.

"Withdrawel?" Catherine breathily asked, burying her hand in his hair.

"Because you're like a drug," Jasper cheekily said, she could feel him grin against her neck.

Catherine softly laughed at the comment, he could feel her laughter vibrate as he placed his lips on her throat.

A/N: Hey you guys! I'm so, so sorry I haven't been posting a lot recently. The chapters have been shorter and I've been infrequent. I have a lot of tests at school right now since it's the end of the year, also, my situation at home isn't great. I've just been really stressed and my mind has been really full. I'm gonna try to upload more when summer break starts, hopefully finishing this book then:) I'm gonna try to upload a longer chapter around thursday or friday.
Thanks so much for all the support I've been getting from you lovely people, it really does make me so much happier♡♡
