Chapter 31

August 12, 2006, Cullen Residence
(A/N Today's my birthday!!)

Bella strugged to walk on heels, she was stumbling and tripping over her own feet. Catherine was surprised the mortal hadn't sprained her ankels yet.

Catherine and Alice watched Bella with grimaces on their faces. "You just have to break them in." Alice tried to reassure Bella. "I've been breaking them in. For three days." Bella complained. "Can't I just go barefoot?" She pleaded.

"No!" Alice exclaimed with an offended look. "Absolutely not!" Bella held out a hand and sighed. "I just think that it's a little much, you know? The dress and the shoes, all of this."

"This is much? Than you haven't seen Alice's wedding yet. She went absolutely overboard." Catherine teased her sister. Alice playfully glared at her. "This is exactly enough." Alice said as the three ladies watched the others setting up for the wedding.

"Tomorrow will be perfect!" Alice reassured the mortal while grabbing her arms.

"Where do you want em' boss?" Emmett asked as he approached them while holding a large tree. "On either side of the aisle." Alice instructed while pointing. "What aisle?" Rosalie asked as she stumbled with a piece of wood in her hands.

"Does no one have vision?" Alice exclaimed before walking over to Rosalie.

Bella quickly took off the white heels and put them in her bag. "Just don't wear the heels if you don't wanna. Alice isn't allowed to yell at you on your wedding day." Catherine reassured the mortal with a small smile.

"She can yell at you on my wedding day." Bella chuckled softly as she put on her converse. "She can yell all she wants, I'm not scared of her." Catherine confidently grinned at her future sister-in-law.

"Catherine! Come help us!" Alice shouted from the chairs. Catherine jumped up in surprise and her eyes went wide. "Not scared, huh?" Bella teased. Catherine quickly composed herself and grinned. "Not even a little bit."

She tightly embraced the mortal and said. "The wedding tomorrow will be fun, I assure you." Catherine reassured before kissing Bella's cheek and running towards Alice.

"What do you need me to help with, boss?" Catherine asked as she approached Alice. "Help Jasper set the chairs in their places." Alice ordered before walking towards Bella again.

"Looks like our duties are together." Catherine flirted with Jasper as she walked past him with a few chairs in her arms. "Looks like it." He flirted back as he took her chairs from her. Their faces were incredibly close to one another's as both their hands were on the chairs.

He ghosted his lips over hers before pulling the chairs out of her hands and walking away with a small smirk. She smiled and took a breath before getting more chairs.

She placed the chairs in the places Alice pointed while glancing at Jasper whenever she could. He noticed, since he was doing the same, and winked at her every time she looked.

"Hey Jasper?" Catherine called out to him as he stood on the other side of the wedding venue. His head shot up at the sound of her voice and he grinned at her. "Yes, darlin'?" He shouted back. "I think that if you take off your shirt, my work will be way more efficient." She bit her lip as they approached each other.

Jasper stood in front of his wife and placed his hands on the sides of her neck. "Are you sure I won't just distract you?" He teased. Her hands slid under his shirt as her eyes never left his. "I don't think so. I think it'll encourage me to hurry up my work so I can get you into bed before nightfall." She pulled him closer to him with a grin.

"What do you think you're doing!" Alice yelled as she approached the couple. "I thought I told you to put the chairs in their places not flirt with each other!" She threw her hands up into the air in frustration.

"Hey, no, Alice, we were trying to increase out efficienty!" Catherine protested as Alice grabbed her arm. She pulled Catherine towards where Emmett and Rosalie were decorating the trees. "Emmett, go help Jasper with the chairs. Since Jasper and Catherine can't be placed together without trying to have sex." She sternly said as she let go of Catherine's arm.

"We were increasing our efficiency!" She protested again, but she shut up when she saw Alice's stern glare.

Catherine rolled her eyes and turned to Rosalie. "What are we doing?" She asked as she clapped her hands together.

Rosalie laughed and pointed to some ornaments. "We're hanging these on the trees." She explained. "Alice told us to not have a lot of the same types in the same tree so it doesn't seem too cluttered." Rosalie sarcastically explained. Catherine laughed and the pair started hanging up ornaments.

"Hey, Alice!" Catherine called out as the girls finished their duties. Alice ran towards them and was at their side in a second. "Yes?" The pixie vampire asked as she reached her sisters. "We're done, what do you think?" Catherine grinned and gestured to the beautifully decorated trees.

Alice squeeled in delight and tightly hugged Catherine and Rosalie. "It's perfect! I love it!" She exclaimed with a happy smile. Catherine and Rosalie shared a high five with proud smiles on their faces.

"Does this mean we're done?" Catherine asked Alice with a hopeful smile. Alice laughed and nodded. "You're done for tonight. Could you be back at 5 A.M. to help with some last-minute things?" She asked with a grin.

"We'll be there." Rosalie responded before looping her arm with Catherine's. "Are you coming?" Catherine asked Alice, but she shook her head. "I'm just gonna tidy up here." She responded with a happy smile. "Have fun." Catherine laughed.

"Should we watch a movie?" Catherine asked Rosalie as they strolled back to the house. "Yes, we'll ask our husbands to join, since Edward's bachelor party starts in around five hours. We'll have plenty of time to watch a movie." Rosalie smiled and moved her hair out of her face.

"Jasper, Emmett!" Catherine yelled towards the house as the ladies stepped up the stairs towards the door. In a second both men stood infront of them.

"We're watching a movie, you two wanna join?" Rosalie asked as the girls walked through the opened door. "I'll come." Emmett responded while wrapping his arm around Rosalie's shoulder. "Why would I miss an oppurtunity to spend time with my favorite girl." Jasper said as he kissed his wife's head.

Rosalie and Catherine had made the mistake of letting Emmett pick the movie. He picked out some action movie with lots of guns, fighting and no real storyline. Catherine and Rosalie both had bored expressions as they slouched next to each other on the couch with their heads touching. Alice and Oliver had joined them a short while ago. Alice layed across Rosalie and Catherine's laps as she played with her own hands.

Oliver, on the other hand, was sitting next to Emmett, excitedly cheering everytime some action happened. Which was all the time. Jasper was laying on the couch with a bored expression on his face. He was laying on his back with one arm behind his head and the other hanging off the couch. His eyes were fixated on the movie, but it was obvious he wasn't paying attention.

Catherine sighed in annoyance as yet another person got shot. "Okay, I can't take this anymore." She lifted Alice's legs off her lap and got up from the couch. "Where are you going?" Rosalie asked as she and Alice sat up.

"I can't take this anymore. I'm outta here, this movie is boring." Catherine walked towards the other side of the couch and sat down next to Jasper's waist. "Hey there, gorgeous." He immediately smiled at her as she sat down. He moved his hand down to grab her hip and scooched her a little closer to him.

"You need anythin'?" He asked as he sat up, rubbing circles on her hip. "Yeah, I need to get away from this movie. Take me upstairs?" She traced a hand up his chest and grinned at him. "I'll lead the way." He smiled and they both stood up.

He surprised her by suddenly lifting her up and throwing her over his shoulder. She squeeled in surprise before laughing and going limp. Catherine playfully slapped his butt as he carried her up the stairs. Jasper returned the favor, making her laugh in delight.

Catherine waved goodbye to both her sisters as she got carried up to her room. Rosalie had a fond smile in her face as she waved back and Alice giggled at the cute couple.

Jasper set Catherine back down on her feet as they entered their room. She ran a hand through his recently cut hair with a loving smile. "I like your hair this way." She complimented him as she looked up in his eyes. He grinned and looked down at the ground, flustered.

"You only remind me every second you can." Jasper teased as he gently took her chin inbetween his thumb and index finger. "I do that because it's true. I do like your hair this way. It's incredibly sexy." She still had her hands in his hair as she spoke with a grin.

"Thank you, gorgeous. I happen to like your hair very much, aswell." He carefully pushed some of her hair behind her ear. He leaned down and softly placed his lips against hers. "You know what I also like?" Catherine whispered against his lips. He kissed her again before saying. "What?"

"I like, no love, your lips. I like when the corners turn up when you smile. I like your crooked smile. And your lips, they're very kissable." Catherine pressed her lips against his again with a smile on her face.

The kiss was short, they broke apart for just a second. Jasper stared into her eyes with a lustful expression before grabbing her cheeks and tugging her closer. He smashed his lips roughly against hers, making her stumble back a bit.

Catherine softly tugged on the roots of his blonde hair as their lips moved together in sinc. The action elicited a low groan from him. Jasper's hands found her waist and pulled her even closer to him.

Jasper slid his tongue over her mouth, asking for entrance. She immediately granted it and opened her mouth for him. He slid his tongue inside her mouth, tasting her. His hands travelled all over her body before landing on her hips.

Jasper walked forward, not knowing where he was headed. Catherine walked backwards, letting him take the lead like always. He pushed her against the closest surface, a desk. She grunted slightly at the impact before jumping up and sitting on the desk.

Catherine wrapped her legs around his waist and hooked her ankles together. He grinded against her hips as they moved together in sinc. "Jasper." She softly moaned in his mouth.

He picked her up be her thighs and carried her over to their bed. He carefully placed her down before getting ontop of her.

"You are so beautiful, Catherine Whitlock." Jasper's lips attached to her neck as his hands wandered all over her body. She threaded her hands through his hair as her chest moved up and down at a quick rate.

Catherine pulled his head up, out of her neck and pulled him in for another feverish kiss. Her hands slid up his sweater and buttoned shirt from behind and softly scratched his back with her nails. Jasper groaned in her mouth before sitting up, having to break the kiss. He took off his sweater before immediately going back to kissing Catherine.

Catherine's hands trailed up his still clothed chest as their tongues tangled together. Her hands quickly went to the top buttons of his shirt. She undid the first few buttons, showcasing his pale, muscled chest. She pushed him off her, onto his back, and straddled his waist.

Catherine slowly undid the buttons on his shirt, trailing kisses on the skin she exposed. When she reached his belt, she lifted her head again and pressed her lips against his.

His large hands took ahold of her back and pulled her closer to him. She arched her back slightly as his lips moved down to her neck. He fondled with the zipper of her skirt as his lips traveled lower, and lower, and lower, and lower.

Jasper got off Catherine and they layed next to each other. They stared up at the ceiling as they both panted. Catherine reached over and took Jasper's hand. They turned their heads to look at each other. "That was wonderful." Catherine breathed out with a large smile on her face.

Jasper chuckled and sqeezed her hand softly. "It was... really good." His hand moved to her waist and tugged her a little closer to him. She landed with her cheek on his chest and her leg around his hip.

"I think this was like, top ten." Catherine grinned and snickered as she placed her hand on Jasper's bare chest. He raised his head a little with a confused expression. "Wait.... you have a top ten?" He looked down at her with a raised eyebrow.

"You don't?" Catherine leaned with her chin on his chest to look at him. "No! What's your number one?" Jasper sat up, making Catherine have to sit up too.

"Was it our wedding night?" Jasper asked with a suspicious glance at his wife. She giggled and, to his surprise, shook her head. "Wedding night, or should I say week, is number two." She held up two fingers with a small smirk.

Jasper got very interested as he tugged her closer by the waist so their knees touched. "It wasn't tonight, right? You know I can do way better than that." He confidently grinned. She shook her head again. "Tonight is number eight. I kicked off that night on the beach, remember that one?" She placed her hand on his shoulder.

"That wasn't a night, that went on 'till we got kicked out." He grinned.

"Was it that time in Alaska in 1964?"




"Sometime between 1990 and 1980?"

"No, 70s."

"Tell me?"

She laughed and nodded. "Fine, 1975, you took me out to that little Italian restaurant and afterwards we did that thing..." Catherine trailed off. Jasper mouth opened as he figured it out. "That wasn't the best." He protested.

"Okay, what's your absolute favorite one, then?" Catherine asked as she clasped her hands together on top of her legs.

"Our wedding night." Jasper said it as if it had to be obvious.

Catherine laughed and brought him in for a soft kiss. "I'm glad you feel that way." She smiled against his lips.

Catherine raised her head and looked up at the clock. "It's almost 8 P.M." Catherine commented.

Jasper shot up and jumped off the bed. "Edward's bachelor party!" He exclaimed as he scrambled to get some clothes on. "I'm gonna be late." He murmered as he buckeled his belt.

Catherine watched her husband scramble around the room with a small smile on her face. "Jasper." She tried to calm him down. With "almost 8 P.M." she meant that it was 07:50. He still had ten minutes left until he, Oliver and Emmett had to be out of the door.

"Jasper!" Catherine shouted when he ignored her. Jasper turned his head to look at her. "You have ten more minutes. Relax." She laughed and stood up aswell. She placed a hand on his arm.

"You should get dressed aswell, or else I'm not leaving." He kissed her cheek before buttoning his shirt. She giggled and also started getting dressed.

"So, what are you guys gonna do?" Catherine asked as she pulled a shirt over her head. "Probably gonna just go hunt, mess around, y'know?" He nonchalantly said with a sweet smile.

"There gonna be strippers there?" She joked with a smirk. He laughed and nodded. "Yeah, lots. Probably too many for us to keep up." Jasper sarcastically responded. "That is if the brown bears start stripping for us."

Catherine laughed and approached Jasper. "Have fun. I love you." She fixed his tie as she smiled up at him. "Thank you, I love you more." He kissed her forehead before putting on his jacket.

He gave her a soft peck on the lips before walking our their door, leaving her smiling like a lovesick idiot.
