Chapter 4

January 26th, 2005, Forks High School Parking lot

Catherine, Jasper and Edward walked towards the big yellow school bus. Even though Jasper was still a little angry at Edward. His wife told him to be nice so he did. He also kind of understood why Edward did what he did. He knew that if Catherine was a human he would've probably done the same.

When Catherine spotted Bella standing next to her truck, Edward whispered in her ear. "Please be nice to her and ask if she's okay? After the accident, you know?"

Catherine sighed. She kissed her husband before walking over to Bella.

"Hey, Bella Swan right? I am Catherine Cullen. Edward's sister." She told the awkward brunette with a smile. She stuck her hand out and Bella shook it.

"Yeah.. nice to meet you." She softly said.

"So, I was at the hospital yesterday. You see my adoptive father works there. And I heard that you got in an accident. So I was wondering if you were alright." The curly haired vampire asked with a synpathetic smile.

"Oh, yeah. I- I'm fine. Thanks for asking." She awkwardly said with a small smile.

Catherine was about to say something else when she got interrupted by Mike Newton. Catherine thought he was just an annoying Jock that wasn't funny at all.

"Look at you huh? You're alive!" He said in an annoying voice. Catherine rolled her eyes and Bella awkwardly responded. "Oh yeah. False alarm I guess."

"Now, I wanted to ask you, you know, if you know. It's like a few months away but.." Bella wasn't listening to him. Catherine followed her gaze and saw her staring at Edward. She softly smiled but then noticed Mike had stoped talking.

"Actually.. Catherine, can Bella and I talk alone?" He asked. Catherine just shrugged and was about to walk away when Bella said, to Catherine's surprise.

"No. She can stay." She gave Catherine a pleading look so she stayed.

"Sorry, please continue." Bella told him.

"Do you wanna go to prom with me?" He awkwardly asked her.

"Oh. Prom.. dancing. Not such a good idea for me." She awkwardly said. "I have something that weekend anyway. I'm going to Jacksonville." Mike's face dropped.

"Can't you go another weekend?" He hopefully asked her. "Non-refundable ticket... sorry." She said.

Mike nodded and turned to Catherine. "You wanna go with me, Cathy?" Catherine made a face and told him.

"Jesus, Newton. I have a boyfriend and don't call me that. Bye Bella." She waved at Bella before leaving. She heard Bella say goodbye behind her.

"And?" Edward asked as they stood in line to get on the bus. "She said that she was fine. She's going to Jacksonville the weekend of prom. But that was an obvious lie."

"How do you know?" Jasper asked as he slung his arm around her shoulder. She shrugged and said. "Mike Newton asked her to prom, she needed an excuse."

Edwards head shot up. "He did what?!" Then he read her mind. "He also asked you?!" He angrily asked.

"Shut up!" She put a hand infront of his mouth. "People might hear you."

"He asked you out?" Jasper said in a low, angry voice. Catherine rolled her eyes and sighed, she glared at Edward before turning to her husband.

"Now look at what you did, Ed." She said as she gripped Jaspers hand. "I don't care that he asked me out. I didn't marry you for no reason. I love you. Not him." She reassured him while placing her hand on his cheek.

He nodded and kissed her forehead. "If you say so my love." He walks forward so he's walking next to Edward. "You call Oliver, I call Emmett. We'll bury him alive. No one will know he's dead. They'll think he ran away." Jasper whispered in Edward's ear.

Jasper jumped up when his wife said. "I can hear you. I'm not deaf." Jasper just shrugged and wrapped his arm around her again with a smirk. "I know."

He turned his head. Suddenly he grabbed her face in his hands and smashed his lips against hers. She stumbled back a bit before kissing him back.

"I'm still here you know?" Edward spoke up. They broke apart. Jasper had a satisfied smirk on his face.

"What was that for?" She asked as she wiped some brown lipstick off of Jaspers lip.

He just pulled her closer to him again and pecked her lips. "Newton was staring. Had to show him that you're off limits." She grinned and wiped the lipstick off again.

"Wow is the Jasper Hale jealous?" She asked him while she wrapped an arm around his waist. He just smiled in response and kissed her head.

Edward pretended to gag as they got in the bus. Catherine just smiled as Jasper led her to the back of the bus. Jasper and Catherine sat next to each other while Edward sat alone two seats behind them.

Jasper held Catherine's hand. He was holding his breath so he didn't smell any blood. "Are you alright love?" The older vampire asked her husband.

He stifly nodded while he turned his head to look out the window. "Tell me when it gets bad." She rubbed her thumb on his palm. He just nodded again, looking like he was gonna throw up.

Jasper looked up for a second. Suddenly he gripped Catherine's chin. "Jas, what are you-" He cut her off by kissing her again. She smiled and kissed back. Her hands on his neck and a smile on his face.

His hand went to her waist, pulling her closer to him. "My Cathy." He mumbled against her mouth. She broke apart and giggled. If she still had blood running through her veins she would've been bright red in the face.

"Why did you do that?" She grinned at him. "Do I need a reason to kiss my girlfriend." He asked her. Girlfriend. She hated that they had to pretend they weren't married in school. She smiled at him. "Girlfriend?" She raised an eyebrow. "Wife." He corrected before jokingly rolling his eyes. "Do I need a reason to kiss my wife?" He pecked her lips again.

"Are you sure that's the only reason?" She asked him with her eyebrow raised slightly. He just shrugged and mumbled. "Newton walked by."

"You're terrible." She laughed and rested her head on his shoulder while hugging his arm.

"Egg shells, carrot tops. Compost is cool! Now stuff that in there Eric." Mr. Molina told them as they arrived at the greenhouse. No one was really paying attention to him. Instead they walked past him and admired the flowers.

Jasper and Catherine walked together, their arms intertwined. She talked to him about her last hunt with Rosalie while he listened with a soft smile.

Catherine heard a soft snap and turned to see Jasper holding out a pink flower.  She looked up at him and smiled brightly. She took the flower from him and twirled it in her hand.

"Thank you." She smiled softly. He just smiled back and kissed her forehead. He took the flower out of her hand and tucked it behind her ear.

She giggled and intertwined their arms again. "Thank you Mr. Hale." She kissed his cheek with a grin.

"Oh that's quite alright, doll." He grinned at her and kissed her head again.

Jasper heard another soft snap and turned to his wife to see her holding out a blue flower. He laughed and crouched a bit so she could put it in his hair.

She put the flower in his golden hair and grinned at him. "Now we match." He chuckled and kissed her head once more.

She kept talking about her hunt as they continued walking while he listened with a small smile.

Most of the students all ignored            Mr. Molina and just did their own thing. Jasper and Catherine has managed to sneak away from the group with a bunch of flowers in their hands. They were now sitting in one of the corners of the greenhouse, making flower crowns, well Jasper was making a crown. Catherine was trying to, but failing miserably. Her legs were across his lap as they both sat against a wall.

"How did you get yours like that?" Catherine asked as she leaned over to look at Jasper's perfect flower crown. He had used purple flowers and managed to make it really pretty.

"You just twist it and then fold this." (I don't know if you noticed but I have never made a flower crown.) He explained. He turned so she could see his movements and showed her.

She sighed and tried it. "Like this?" She asked. He was about to nod when she accidentally snapped one of the flowers.

"I hate this." She said as she threw the flowers on the ground. He laughed and picked them up again. "Just keep trying. You'll get it." He nudged her.

"No, I won't. You'll just have to teach me at home." She shrugged.

He chuckled. "No, c'mon keep tryin'. I promise you'll get it before the end of the field trip." He patted her leg.

She smiled. "I'll hold you onto that."

When he finished the crown he squeezed her leg. Making her look up at him. He beckoned her over and she now sat next to him.

He softly smiled and raised the crown to put it on her head. She giggled and handed him the bracelet that she had managed to make. "I told you so." He smirked and took the bracelet from her and put it on.

The crown:

The bracelet:

"You look so pretty like this." He cheekily smiled at her. She smiled back and softly kissed him before they were interrupted by Mr. Molina.

"Everyone! Back to the busses! We gotta go back to school!" Their teacher yelled.

Jasper and Cathering stood up and went to get their jackets. When she put on her jacket Jasper wrapped her scarf around her.

She wrapped her arms around his as they walked back to the bus in a comfortable silence.

She made a face when they passed Eric Yorkie running after people with a worm on a stick. "Disgusting." She mumbled, causing Jasper to chuckle.

They saw Edward talking to Bella next to one of the busses. Jasper held his breath as they got closer to the humans. Catherine on the other hand, brightly smiled.

"Be right back." She let go of Jasper's arm and walked towards Edward and Bella.

"Hey Bella, are you going to be riding back with us?" She asked the mortal in a sweet tone. Before Bella could answer Edward coldly said. "No our bus is full." Before walking inside.

"Oh.." The vampire would've turned red if she could. She shot Bella an apologetic smile before heading to their bus, pulling Jasper with her.

"Jas, go sit next to Edward. Please?" She asked him. "I don't wanna." He protested with a frown. She gave him a pleading look before whispering something in his ear. He nodded in response and smiled before kissed her cheek before heading to the back of the bus. Catherine sat in the front to give her brother and husband some privacy.

The bus was crowded so she couldn't hear them talk. Besides, the seat beside her was being occupied by some jock who was joking, no, more like yelling like damn banshees, with his friends.

Catherine sighed in relief when the bus finally arrived back at school. When she looked out the window she could see Rosalie and Emmett waiting for them at their car. Alice's car was missing so she and Oliver probably went home already.

She stepped out of the bus. She didn't bother waiting for Edward and Jasper before she jogged over to Rosalie.

"Hey Rose." She smiled and hugged her sister. "That bus ride was terrible. I was seated next to some jock. He was so goddamn loud." She complained.

Rosalie smiled at her. "Why weren't you sitting next to Jasper?" She asked. "Because he sat next to Edward." When Rosalie gave her a confused look she quickly added. "I'll explain in the car."

"Nice crown." Emmett told her with a smirk. She smiled and did a pose. "Thank you. Someone very special made it for me."

"Is that so?" She heard a southern voice say behind her before she felt a cold arm wrap around her waist.

"Oh yes. Very much so." She nodded and grinned up at him. He took her chin inbetween his index finger and thumb and leaned in to kiss her.

"Okay, disgusting let's just go home." Edward cut in as he walked through them. Causing them to have to step back. Edward got in his Volvo and immediately sped off.

"Okay jeez, what's up with him?" Emmett asked with a frown. Jasper just said. "We'll explain later." Before pecking his wife's lips. The vampire smiled at him before getting in the back of Rosalie's BMW.

While they drove home Jasper and Catherine explained what happened on the field trip. Catherine did not know what happened in the bus yet so she listened intendly while Jasper talked.

"I asked him why he was so interested in the mortal but at the same time so rude to her. He didn't really have an answer. He said that he knew they were mates but that he didn't want to put her in danger by interacting with her." He explained.

"Then don't interact with her?!" Rosalie said from the drivers seat.

"That's exactly what I said. But then he got angry and he didn't talk to me for the rest of the ride. He yelled that I "didn't understand him". I wasn't really sure what to say after that." He hesitantly finished.

"Don't beat yourself up to much Jas. You did what you could." Emmett reassured him. Jasper turned to his wife to see her looking... very angry.

"You alright love?" He asked her. "Oh I'm gonna beat that emo into next goddamn week." She snarled. "Who does he think he is. We're just looking out for him!" Rosalie finished for her sister.

"Maybe just... leave him alone for a while." Jasper told his twin and wife. Rosalie just huffed and sat back in her seat while Catherine nodded.

When they got home they saw Oliver and Alice on the couch watching a show, Carlisle was still and work, Esme waa cleaning in the kitchen and they couldn't hear Edward. He was probably out hunting.

"Oh hey! How was the field trip?" Esme asked them as she heard them come home. Jasper and Catherine told her it was fun while they took off their coats.

"Nice crown, Cath." Alice smiled at Catherine. "Thanks, Ally." Catherine matched her smile before sitting down next to Alice. "What are we watching?"

Later that evening the Cullens (minus Edward) were all on the couch watching tv when Edward came home. He loudly threw the door open. His clothes were wet from the rain and he had some blood on his lips from hunting. They could smell it wasn't human blood.

"Jesus.." Catherine mumbled before getting up from the couch and pulling Edwars upstairs with her. "You and I are gonna have a talk." She told him.

She pulled him into the bathroom and sat him down on the side of the bathtub. She got out a towel and held it under the faucet. Afterwards she handed it to Edward so he could clean his dirty lip.

"Why did you go hunting? We ate yesterday." She said.

"I was just a bit stressed alright? This whole thing with me finding out that my mate is a human has been stressful." He angrily said.

"Don't raise your voice at me, Edward." She told him in a monotone voice. "Do you really believe she's your mate?" She softly asked.

"Yeah. Now don't tell anyone I said this but everytime I'm around her I get this... fuzzy feeling. I feel happy around her." He answered.

"You want a tip?" She asked. When he nodded she continued. "If you really believe she's your mate.. then stop this push and pull thing. Believe me when I tell you that that's not very attractive. Make a choice. Either try to pursue a relationship with her, or forget her so she can forget you." His sister told him with a soft smile.

"Now, please stop pulling away from us. We're your family and we're here for you." She rubbed his shoulder and he smiled.

"Oh, and one more thing." She brought her face really close to his. "If you ever yell at my husband again. I will cut off your undead balls and feed them to you. Understood?" She said in a very soft voice.

His eyes widened and he nodded. She smiled and ruffled his hair. "Good, now come, watch tv with us." She said before walking away.

When Edward came downstairs, Catherine was in the middle of sitting down. She sat down next to her husband. Her knees on his lap and his hand on her hip.

"You alright, love?" He whispered in her ear as she sat down.

"Yeah, I talked with Edward. I think he's good." She kissed her husband before focusing on the show again.
