Chapter 9

March 17th, 2005, Forks.

They had been trying to lead James the wrong way for A WHOLE DAY. Everyone was growing tired. They were all thirsty and overall just drained.

Catherine heard her phone ring. She yelled at everyone to stop running when she saw it was Alice. "Hey, Al. What's up? Is Bella okay?" Catherine asked as she picked up the phone.

"I just had a vision. The tracker figured out that you were leading him away. He changed course and he's coming to Phoenix!" She hysterically explained.

"Shit!" Catherine yelled. The other vampires had overheard their conversation. Carlisle told everyone to get back to the car. Rosalie and Esme would stay to watch Charlie.

"Thank you so much for calling Al." Catherine said while sitting in the backseat. "We'll see you in about a day. Goodluck, bye-" She was cut off by Edward yelling. "Wait! Hand ne the phone!" Before pulling the phone out of her hands. "Don't yell at me, you asshole!" Catherine defended.

Edward ignored his sister and asked Alice. "Could you hand the phone to Bella?" Once Bella was on the line he quickly explained.

"We lost the tracker. The woman's still in the area. Rosalie and Esme are going back to Forks to protect your father. I'm coming to get you. Then you and I are gonna go somewhere alone. The others will keep hunting. I'll do... whatever it takes to make you safe again."

After that they soon hung up the phone again. Catherine's thoughts were racing. She was thinking very frantically and very fast. Her thoughts were everywhere.

"Damn it, Catherine. You're thinking too fast! You're stressing me out!" Edward snapped at her from the front seat, getting overwhelmed by her fast thoughts. Before she could defend herself, Jasper was already doing it for her. "Hey! I don't care what she was thinking, you don't yell at my wife! I get that you're stressed but don't take it out on us!" He sternly told Edward. He just sighed and sat back in his seat again.

Catherine smiled slightly at his protectiveness and proudly kissed her husband's cheek. He just pulled her a little closer to him.

After that the car was silent. They were almost in Phoenix when Edward's phone went off. He picked up the phone and said. "It's Alice again." He picked up and put it on speaker. "Hey Alice, were almost there." He was cut off by Alice frantically shouting in the phone. "She left! She went to confront James! She's at a ballet studio in Phoenix! We'll meet you there!" She yelled before hanging up.

Carlisle, knowing that they were faster when they ran, parked the car. As soon as the car stopped, Edward jumped out and ran away. His siblings and father following. But Edward was way quicker.

When they were almost there, they ran into Alice and Oliver. They all ran together towards the ballet studio.

When they arrived, they found Edward had ripped a piece of skin out of James' neck. Carlisle, Jasper and Emmett immediately ran to them. Alice and Catherine went to comfort Bella. "Bella, Bella it's okay." Alice tried to reassure the girl.

"It's okay, calm down. You'll be fine." Catherine tried to help. She and Alice pressed down on her leg to stop the blood from flowing. Blood. "Oh god." Alice shuddered and brought her hand up to her nose, her sister followed. They seemed almost entranced.

Catherine snapped out of it and grabbed Alice's hand and pulled it down with hers. "Carlisle! Her blood!" She yelled. "Carlisle!" Alice yelled. "I can't!" Catherine exclaimed before running away to her brothers and husband to get away from the blood.

"Start the fire." Jasper told her. "Get the floorboards." Emmett told Jasper. She pulled a lighter out of her pocket and threw it on the floor. Oliver pulled out some of the floorboards along with Jasper and threw them on the growing fire.

Jasper, Catherine, Oliver and Emmett all struggled to hold James down. They had tight grips on his arms and legs. "Alice!" Oliver yelled. She ran over and jumped on James. She ripped off his head before throwing it in the fire.

While Alice went back to Bella, the others ripped James apart and threw him, piece by piece, in the fire.

Once they were sure he was dead, they put out the fire. They turned around to see Edward's teeth attached to Bella's arm. "What is he doing!" Catherine asked as she tried to run towards them.

Jasper's arms wrapped around her waist and he pulled her back. "Leave them. She was bitten. He's sucking the venom out." He explained softly while holding her against him.

"He'll kill her!" She yelled as she saw that Edward wasn't stopping. "Edward! Her blood is clean!" Carlisle said. He just kept going. "Jasper let me go! He's going to kill her!" She yelled as she tried to pull out of his iron grip.

"Have faith in him!" He yelled. Her back was against his chest as she stopped fighting. She didn't want Edward to have to live with that guilt. If he killed her, he would never forgive himself and then probably kill himself.

Bella's breathing slowed down. A few seconds later she fell unconcious. That's when Edward pulled his teeth out of her arm. He looked... terrified as he stared at Bella.

The Cullens brought Bella to the nearest hospital. Emmett, Alice, Oliver, Jasper and Catherine had to go back home. They had made an alibi for Bella. Saying that Edward and Carlisle went to convince her to come back to Forks. And on the way to their hotel room, she fell down two flights of stairs and out of a window. Yikes.

Since only Carlisle and Edward were part of that story, the others had to go home immediately.

The drive home was silent, a comforting silence. Catherine was still a bit in shock. She had almost lost control when she touched Bella's blood. When she had told Jasper this, he understood the feeling exactly.

She never had that. But it had also been a while since she came in contact with human blood. It still shocked her a bit.

She was sitting inbetween Jasper and Alice, her head was leaning against Alice's. She found comfort in her sister's touch. Their hands enveloped together.

She knew Jasper was a little jealous but honestly? She just needed the comfort of her sister.

When they arrived home, the first thing they did was tightly hug their mother and Rosalie. "Rose!" She ran to her sister, hugging her tightly. "Cath!" Rosalie had said while hugging her back. "Are you okay? Did James hurt you?" She frantically asked while scanning her sister. Catherine just shook her head. "What about you? Did Victoria come back?" Catherine asked. Now it was Rosalie's turn to shake her head. "No we believe she fled north." She explained.

"That's good. Now go hug your husband." Catherine said before pulling away and let Emmett reach his wife. The couple crashed into each other's arms. Sharing a long kiss. Emmett lifted her up and spun her around.

Catherine smiled before hugging Esme. "I'm so glad you're safe. How are you doing?" Catherine asked her mother figure. "I'm fine. I'm so glad you're all safe." Esme said while putting a hand on Catherine's cheek.

"Let's go inside." She ushered them all in the house.

Jasper had managed to pull Catherine with him. He had pulled her to their room. As soon as they entered, he pulled her in for a tight bear hug. His chin on her head as she buried it in his chest.

"I, I just.. really, really needed this right now." He said as he pulled her a little closer. He felt her nod. "I know. Me too." Her arms wrapped around his waist tightly.

The couple just stood there. Enjoying eachother's touch for a while. That was until she broke away. "I love you Jasper. I have since the day I met you. In that diner, 65 years ago. And I have not stopped loving you for a single second. If anything my love just keeps growing for you. Every day when I get ready for the day, I think. "I can't fall for this man any more, can I?" And then I look in your eyes and all my feeligs for you just double, no triple. I don't regret taking that vacation to Pennsylvenia. And then going into that diner. Even though Alice already told me I would be meeting someone. I don't regret leaving our family for a while to help you adjust to our vegan diet. I don't regret marrying you. I have no regrets. I just love you so, so, so much, Jasper whitlock." She said sincerely, in one breath. He just smiled down at her and kissed her.

"I love you too. So, so, so much more than you." He reassured her before kissing her again. "No you don't." She giggled as he peppered kisses on her lips. "Oh, I can assure you that I do. I don't regret going to a diner that day. My gut told me that I had to, even though I don't eat. I don't regret meeting you. I don't regret changing my diet for you. I don't regret coming with you to live with our family. I certainly don't regret marrying you. I have known since the second my eyes fell on you that you were the woman for me. Or should I say vampire. I knew that from that moment on, I would never want to be with anyone else ever again. Everyone else became boring the second we met. I plan on spending the rest of eternity and more with you." He kissed her hands. "I love you more than myself, Catherine Elizabeth Cullen." He finished.

"I love you." She said before kissing him again. He kissed back immediately, he lifted her up in his arms to hold her even closer.

James was dead. He would no longer be a problem. The same couldn't be said about his mate, Victoria. But for now, the couple was content.
