Chapter 10

May 5th, 2005, Forks.
Big time skip again, I know:(

Catherine's dress^

Alice was helping Catherine get ready for prom. Sadly the short haired girl couldn't go since her mate wasn't a big fan of social events and he had convinced her to not go for once.

Jasper wasn't a big fan either, but Catherine had convinced him. She had got him to agree by promising him lots of sex, but still. He agreed so win win.

She was still sitting at Alice's vanity while the girl applied makeup to her. She was still only wearing a bathrobe. Her hair was in a half up, half down style, letting her brown curls flow on her back.

Alice had, per Catherine's request, kept the makeup simple. Sparkly eyes, cat eyeliner and light pink lips. Catherine was wearing shiny, dangly earrings and a necklace with the Cullen family crest on it. Gifted to her by Carlisle when they formed the coven.

"Do you like it?" Alice asked her sister as they stared in the mirror. Alice knew that she loved it but she wanted her sister to feel included. Catherine giggled and nodded. "I love it. I feel like a princes." She said with a bright smile.

"Well, not just yet. Once your in your dress." Alice said with a proud smile. The two girls had gone dress shopping for Catherine a short while ago. The vampire had picked out a pink dress embroidered flowers.

Catherine nodded and stood up. Alice helped her put on the dress before they stared at each other. "You look so beautiful!" Alice excitedly exclaimed. Catherine brightly grinned before asking. "Do you think Jasper will like it?" With a giddy smile. Alice just nodded and responded. "He'll think you look like an angel. Because you do." She added with a smile.

"Yeah, thanks to you." Catherine said before hugging her sister. Alice hugged back but quickly pulled away. "Don't ruin my masterpiece." She said, only half serious.

Catherine just nodded and giggled. "I guess I should go downstairs. My husband must be waiting." She said with a giddy smile. Alice nodded and opened the door for her sister.

Catherine stood ontop of the stairs, she slowly walked down to the livingroom, shaking with excitement. When she got the the last few steps, Jasper noticed her.

As soon as he saw her he stood up. His mouth was hanging open slightly as he stared at her. When she reached him, broad grin on her face, she took his hand. "Hey, you." She said.

"You- you, you look-" He stammerd out. She just giggled. "Too much? I tried to get Alice to-" "No! No, you look.... so beautiful. Absolutely amazing." He said. He bowed down and kissed her hand, causing her to giggle.

"Shall we?" He asked while holding out his arm. She nodded and took it. While he led her to the car, Emmett wolf whistled. She just smiled and jokingly blew him a kiss.

Jasper laughed and opened the front door for her. He led her outside, their shoes crunching on the stones. He opened the car door for her before running around the car and getting in himself.

"Can I ask a question?" He asked while she put on her seatbelt. "Ask away." She said with a nod. He turned to her in his seat. "How am I gonna keep my hands off of you this evening?" His nonchalant tone made that sentence even sexier. Catherine grew flustered. "You'll manage." She shortly answered. Jasper grinned at her and took her hand. "You, my love, are flustered." He stated. He brought her hand up to his mouth and kissed it before trailing kisses up her arm to her shoulder.

His lips softly grazed over her shoulder to her neck where he whispered. "I am.... so tempted to bring you back to the house, right now." He pressed his lips against her neck before he felt her hand tug his hair, pulling him away from her neck.

She stared at him for a moment, he stared back. "What?" He said in an amused tone. "Just drive." Her arms folded as she tried to fight the smile off her face. Jasper just grinned in accomplishment and took her hand before starting the car.

When he pulled up in the parking lot, they were met with lots of girls in dresses and guys in tuxedo's. The theme was Monte Carlo, so spy movies, casino's, that stuff. Catherine wasn't a fan so she didn't try to follow the theme.

Jasper helped his wife out of the car and led her inside. There they saw couples dancing, Angela and Eric picking out songs and a lot of bad decorations.

"This is by far one of the trashiest proms we have ever gone to." Catherine whispered to Jasper as he led her inside. He laughed in response and nodded. "I agree. Very much so." He wrapped his arm around her shoulder.

"Oeehh, Bella and Edward. Let's go say hi to them." Catherine excitedly said while pulling her mate to the other side of the room.

Bella was wearing a purple dress. It was definetely borrowed from Alice. She looked very pretty. She and Edward looked good together. As Catherine and Jasper reached the couple, Bella noticed them. She awkwardly waved at them as Edward to her hand and turned to his siblings.

"Hey there! So nice to see you here!" The brunette vampire excitedly said while hugging Bella. The mortal awkwardly hugged back before saying. "You too! You look amazing!" With a small smile. Catherine just grinned and nodded as a thank you. "So how's the leg?" She asked while Edward and Jasper small talked.

Bella looked down at the cast around her leg and sighed. "It's good. It still hurts when I put too much pressure on it, but I'm taking it one day at a time." Bella said before looking back up at Catherine.

"That's good. If you ever need some help with anything we're only a phone call away." Catherine reassured her brother's girlfriend while taking her hand. Bella smiled and nodded.

"So what is it with this theme? It's really bad. By far one of the worst proms I have ever gone to." Catherine said while looking around with a dissaproving face. Bella just giggled. "I have never been to prom before, but I think I believe you." Catherine laughed.

"Edward told me, after the whole fight with James, that you also used to do ballet. Is that true?" Bella asked with a curious look. A smile appeared on Catherine's face as she nodded. "I danced on professional level. I am still very bendy." She proudly said.

"I can even still lift my leg and wrap it around my shoulder." She said, not trying to hide the fact that she was showing off. "Do it then." Bella challenged with a grin. Catherine shook her head. "I don't fancy flashing Forks High School's students. I believe my husband wouldn't really enjoy that."

"He certainly wouldn't." Jasper spoke up. Edward and Jasper were looking at their girls, listening to them talk. Catherine just smiled and grabbed her husband's hand. "Told you." She said to Bella.

"Now, if you don't mind. I'm stealing Mrs. Whitlock from you." Jasper said before walking off, pulling his wife with him. Catherine laughed and waved goodbye to Edward and Bella.

To her surprise, and the surprise off all of the other students, Jasper pulled her to the dancefloor. They were old, so their dancemoves weren't really up to date. Think 30s, 40s dance moves. (Or Alice and Jasper at Bella's wedding. But this story isn't about them!): )

People had started staying about five feet away from the couple since Catherine almost kicked a guy in the nose. The couple was carefree, happy. No one ever saw Jasper like that, this was new.

After a while they got bored of dancing and decided to take a stroll outside. Jasper had held out his arm for Catherine, she gladly took it. They tried to avoid the couples making out, but it was hard since... it was prom.

They talked, laughed and shared short kisses. Jasper looked around before spotting a bench. He nudged her and she looked up at him. "What?" She softly asked. He responded by pointing towards the cute little bench.

"You're so cheesy." She said with a grin. He grinned and kissed her head. "Well, I learned from the best." He told her, causing her to giggle. He sat down on the little bench and patted the spot beside him. She laughed and sat down next to him.

He pulled her a little closer and nuzzled his nose in her hair. "Tonight was fun." He said, to her surprise. "Who are you and what have you done to my Jasper?" She asked with a surprised smile. "Since when do you like having fun around humans?"

"I don't like having fun around humans. I barely noticed them this evening." He mumbled. She moved her head to look up at him. "I'm glad you're enjoying yourself." She leaned in, their lips brushing together for a second before he pressed his lips against her. She intertwined their fingers on his lap as he deepened the kiss. His hand went to the back of her head to angle her head better when they were interrupted.

Tyler, Mike and Eric were walking by with their dates, whistling and whooping at the couple making out. Catherine stared at them for a moment, frowning with a confused look on her face before she looked over at Jasper. Her eyes met his and they both burst out laughing.

"Little assholes." She mumbled before standing up. "Where are you going?" He softly said as he also stood up. "You're taking us home. I promised you something and in exchange you came here. I'm a woman of my word." She casually said before she started walking, heels clicking on the floor.

His mouth opened slightly before he followed after her. He gripped her waist from behind and lifted her slightly, making her squeel, before he set her down again. His pace became quicker, wanting to be home as soon as possible. She giggled and laughed as she allowed him to pull her with him.

He was caught off guard when she suddenly stopped walking. "Cathy? What's wrong?" He asked as he examined her. She pointed towards a little canopy. Bella and Edward were standing there, his lips resting on her neck.

"Our turn to holler and whistle." She said before sticking two of her fingers in her mouth and whistling. Bella and Edward shot up in surprise. They saw Jasper and Catherine hollering and cheering for them.

"Get some Eddie!" She yelled as Jasper cheered for them. Edward stood straight and looked like he wanted to kill them. "Go Ed!!" Jasper yelled while his wife whistled again.

"Wow Bella! Is that a hickey?!" She sarcastically yelled before she and Jasper started walking away again. "Don't do anything I wouldn't do! Or anything I would do! Just be well behaved!" Catherine yelled over her shoulder.

"I hate you guys!" Edward sarcastically yelled after them. "Not a problem!" The brunette vampire yelled again before wrapping her arm around her husband. Leaving Edward and Bella flustered.

"We are so funny." She said with a grin as they walked towards the car. He nodded in agreement. "Agreed. Bella and Edward are just jealous." He said. "Exactly! You get it." She said while she opened her car door.

Before she could get in the car the door had closed. "Hey, what are you-" He cut her off by saying. "Okay Darlin', 60 years of marriage right?" She nods. "What makes you think that you are ever opening a door again." He said, a stern look on his face. She smiled and retorded. "What if I have to use the restroom?" He didn't seem amused, he raised an eyebrow and said. "Honey, you're a vampire. Don't even bother trying to win this argument. Now be a good girl and get in the damn car." He said while opening the door for her.

She obeyed, a small grin on her face. "That's my girl." He said before closing her door. If she still had blood running through her veins she would've blushed a deep red.

He ran around the car and sat down next to her. He started the car and drove out of the parking lot before he took her hand. The drive back was silent. It was comforting.

Catherine and Jasper. Together for 65 years. Not a single regret. They were the example of a perfect couple. Love at first sight. Completely devoted to each other.
