
As they were hiking in the forest, Karlie kept a firm hand aroumd Tay's waist. Mindimg her steps and watching the way Taylor moves... It was captivating.
When suddenly Taylor's foot slipped on a rock but Karlie quickly pulled her in. They fell back and Tay was on top of her. They were laughing so hard. She smiled at Karlie and looked into Karlie's eyes. They stared into each others eyes neither broke the stare.

Karlie noticed Taylor's blue pupils were turning into a darker shade. She trailed down her nose and finally to Tay's lips. So pink and pale she doesn't understand why Taylor always wear red lipsticks...

She stared a little to long and slowly leaned in...
Her thoughts were flushed out and at the moment its blank. Their lips brushed each other. Karlie slowly tracing Taylor's lips with her own. She could feel Taylor's hot breath on her. They took few seconds before Karlie smashed her lips on Taylor's. To her surprise Taylor responded quickly and they both were hungryily kissing each other.
Taylor sat up and straddled Karlie. Breaking for a few moments to take a breath and continued passionately. Karlie traced her tongue on Taylor's teeth and pulling at her bottom lip begging for entrance. Tay smiled between the kisses and allowed Karlie.

They thought they were out of sight but Taylor's senses could feel the heat prscence of people and in that moment she heard a camera click.
Both of them quickly pulled away and Taylor abruptedly stood up.

She pulled away from straddling the model and took a few steps back. Karlie's heart ached a little by the action. Karlie just sat on the ground hurt. Taylor saw a group of girls running while giggling out of sight from the dumbstruck couple.

She cursed aloud and kicked a few rocks. Her eyes were filled with fear and she continued hiking up not even sparing a glance at the model.

When Taylor was farther out of sight, Karlie just then decided to follow her.
She stayed back a few moments because she could hear her own heart breaking...

The journey back was filled with silence as Taylor was still reminiscing about the kiss. She couldn't lie that it felt great but the fact that someone got their picture made her agitated.

When they got back from the trip, many pictures were it was required by hers and Karlie's team, to publicize it and make sure people know they're closer than ever.

Taylor stared at her phone screen for several hours now.... She was scared of her fans and everyone else. She was terrified but she couldn't do anything.... Her head was spinning with so many thoughts circulating...
As she searched for the most dreaded pic from the trip. She wasn't sure about her and Karlie herself, but if the pic gets posted she knows its a no deal....

Right at that moment she saw the picture that could ruin her life...
She scrolled through the comments and saw that the rumors were getting out of hand and there's nothing she could do...

She put away her phone and started writing.... Trying to express and identify her feelings.

And after a few hours she decided to record whatever she had acoustic.

You held on tight to me
Cause nothing's as it seems
Spinning out of control
Didn't they tell us don't rush into things
Didn't you flash your green eyes at me
Haven't you heard what becomes of curious minds

We found wonderland
You and I got lost in it
And we pretended it could last forever
We found wonderland
You and I got lost in it
And life was never worse but never better
In wonderland
In wonderland

So we went on our way
Too in love to think straight
All alone or so it seemed
But there were strangers watching
And whispers turned to talking
And talking turned to screams

Didn't they tell us don't rush into things
Didn't you flash your green eyes at me
Didn't you call my fears with the cheshire cat's smile

We found wonderland
You and I got lost in it
And we pretended it could last forever
We found wonderland
You and I got lost in it
And life was never worse but never better
In wonderland
In wonderland

We found wonderland
You and I got lost in it
And we pretended it could last forever
We found wonderland
You and I got lost in it
And life was never worse but never better

In wonderland....


After the trip, they acted like it was all forgotten. Both of them didn't speak a word about what had happened during the trip. They pretended like it was all a dream. Once a week their respective teams will set up dates for them to hang out and neither objected. Taylor was silently praying things will be alright and Karlie was hoping they could turn back time. Taylor acted all happy and cheery with Karlie trying to hide her fears away from the model.

But Karlie knows about the rumors... Maybe not all but she knows what people are perceiving them to be. Their road trip pictures were used often as the subject of people's talk and Karlie could feel herself getting uncomfortable by the extra attention....

She noticed how her family, friends and manager were reacting to them... They were uncomfortable too and less offers came in. They werent going to portray a lesbian for their covers and model for their products...

Karlie was scared too. Her family and friends questioned her and she didn't know what to say. They weren't official and she knows Taylor's not ready and she's not even sure if she is.

She knows how hateful people can be....

And she's slowly understanding what Taylor meant.
She's starting to question herself...
