Chapter 9

Harry's p.o.v.

This is it... I'm going to have her back. I can sense that she's up for this. Her beautiful eyes staring at me, thinking it would go unnoticed, I smiled...

I teased her and pulled the recliner and laid back.

She suddenly stood up distrupted me out of my thoughts and walked towards me.

I looked up at her and she stood in front of me. Without any warning she climbed on me and sat on my lap, her front facing me. I was too shock to move, so I just stared.

She grinned widely and put her head and hands on my chest.

My arms automatically sneaked its way around her tiny waist and I held her close.

She looked up at me and asked "Can we cuddle?" . I grinned and replied " We already are, aren't we ?". She blushed and sat back down...

From that moment on,  I know she still belonged to me.


They walked out of Harry's apartment, hand in hand.... Something neither of them thought they'll ever regain...

The clicking of cameras around them made sure they're going to end up on the news a few minutes later.

Harry asked Taylor to be together again and she agreed. Not once did Karlie crossed her mind... Guilt washed over her but was soon replaced by comfort and warmth Harry was giving her. She felt loved again and trusted him again.

Their love grew stronger from their time apart and that amazed both of them.... Harry changed himself for her and promised himself to NEVER let her go. He doesn't even think about the one lie he told Karlie, that'll maybe ruin the girls' life... He was too caught up in his head, he didn't even think it would backfire...
