

I am hurting and my thoughts are unclear. At the same time I'm mad, angry, depressed, broken and all the worst things that can be felt. I don't understand how she could just do whatever she did. Its unfair. I'm tired of playing her games and decided to do something. She'll regret ever hurting me this way.

Anonymously I texted him. "She banged a girl while you were asleep last night... Just thought you might wanna know."
I know what I'm doing is kinda childish but right this moment, I couldn't care less. She'll hate me more than she has if she found out but how bad can it be....
She's already moving on.

I smirked at the text, kept my phone and walked home.

I decided to take a hot bath and drown myself while thinking why do I have to love a devil who looks so much like an angel.


My phone beeped signalling an incoming message and I quickly picked it up thinking it might be Taylor. I felt a sudden ache when I saw the words that lit up the screen.
Who the fuck texted me this piece of shit?!?

As much as I wanted to ignore the pain, I can't help but know deep down that its true. I knew from the start that she was gay. Since the day I saw her and that Karlie bitch. I knew this all along but still believd her when she wanted me back.

In the end, its still my stupid mistake. I chose to trust her. I don't deserve this.
With this confirmation, I finally can execute my revenge. I screenshot the text and came up with different plans...

The first one is that I could just walk to the nearest press office and sell this information.


As I'm waiting for her at the park like we promised, I planned to force her to spill this shit and I'll be recording all through the way.


I see him standing alone with something unusual sparkling in his eyes. I couldn't define what it was but I know the look on his face. He looks angry, furious even. Mixed with a little sadness. I took my time and hopped out my car slowly.

I see his expression changed to something sinical when he saw me but it quickly changed to all smiles and love. Something was up and I know I'll have to be careful.

He walks up to me and embraces me. I was shocked, so I didn't return it until he gripped me tighter. Once he let's go, he intertwined our fingers. "Want to watch the seals?" He asked cheerily... I smiled softly and nodded.

His grip on my hands were loose and after he was sure I'm following him, he lets go.
It was a sudden movement more like he harshly pushed my hand away. That left a sharp pain in my chest. My breath hitched as I tried controlling tears from falling out.

I still haven't fully recovered from last night. I felt guilty and a part of me knew I deserved what he did. Did he know? Is that why he's acting strange? But even so, how did he found out?


Once they were seated at the bench in front of the seals, Harry shifts uncomfortably and spoke up " Want some nuts" he asked while pulling out two bags of nuts from his pocket and gestured for Taylor to take some. He was getting nervous as he waited for a while to ask her about the incident.

Taylor could feel his eyes burning her skull as she tried to pretend his stares are unnoticed. The air between them were thick and tense. She pretended she was having fun trying to distract herself from the thoughts of this morning.

Softly behind her he whispered " I know Taylor. She told me. And soon everyone else will. "
She went paralyzed and her body froze. She held her breath and warm tears streamed silently down her face.

Once Harry saw her crying, he felt a rush of guilt washing over him. He was confused. Why was she crying? He quickly wrapped his arms around her waist and turned her facing him. After all, his whole point of getting revenge was because he loves her. He couldn't stand having someone else holding her and watching her come undone.

"I'm sorry Harry. I love you. I didn't mean to hurt you. Please don't tell anyone. It was a stupid mistake. I felt nothing after we did it. Please Harry" she begged while her cries are getting louder.
Harry hated seeing her this way. But he is still hurting. He decided that he'd keep this a secret because seeing her this way, he knows she's already suffered so much.

Harry just kept on staring at her while she cried and said nothing. "I love you Harry. I want to be with you. Please give me another chance. I gave you once. " she continued begging. All he ever wanted was her heart. Now that he have it, its too painful.

Harry stared for a few more seconds and pecked her forehead while whispering " I love you too Taylor. And as tempting as that sounds, you know how painful this is. You cheated Taylor. I gave you my heart. But it seemed like yours don't belong to me".
"This time the vultures werent them, its you...". He stood up while she cried and holding onto his fingers.
"Don't worry. Your secret's safe with me." He smiled a broken smile and brushed away her fingers leaving her a mess on the park bench alone.

He walked away and never returned....
A part of her was okay with it. She's still in love with someone she's not supposed to.
