Chapter 7


This maybe the biggest mistake I'll ever make and the only chance i'll ever have but I know its for the best. I can't love her the way I do now... She can't cope with my life... Yeah.. We've been best friends for awhile and she's getting used to the extra attention for just being my friend but she haven't seen the rumors circulating in the internet. I know they're going to break her like how they broke me... But that's the thing, I picked up broken pieces that can never be completely repaired and some can't ever be found... I lost myself and that was it....

Its for the best. She might not understand... But she has to. I can't stand seeing someone I love break right in front of me.

As I'm thinking things over, maybe she loves me to and I let her go. But then reality comes back and it all seemed impossible.

Should I call her or go find her ? I can't think straight. Maybe i should just give her time. So I decided to go to the nearest bar and drink away my problems....

Karlie's p.o.v.

Curled like a ball in the corner of my room. I can never understand her or anything else in her fucked up life. I can't even find a reason about why she left me alone and haven't even called me up.

Cursing her name silently as my heart fills up with anger, confusion, hurt and partly cracking up. Rain drops on the windowsill and I didn't even notice it rained. As it stops so does my sobs.

I calmed down and dried my eyes. I cannot live like this. As I thought that to myself, I stood up and went out straight for my car.

I started the engine and drive silently on the slippery road in this peaceful night. I sought to clear my head and after awhile, I parked my car next to the Central Park.

Not a single soul out here in the dark. Can't help myself as my teeth statters and I hugged myself in this eerie night.

Often sit on this bench to clear up and relax a bit and wait for the unexpected to greet me.

Taylor's p.o.v.

I can feel myself drifting as I sway with strangers to odd beats from the speakers. Losing myself in the smells of alcohol , beers and sweat. Drunkenly grinding on men and women around me as I dance away the problems that took place this morning.

Suddenly I felt a strong grip on my hips and I was pulled back to hard body. I gasped and whimpered. I tried turning around but the grip was too strong. The man as I assumed started pulling towards the stools and sat down. I was to drunk and weak to stop him as he started kissing my neck. I cried out and tried screaming for help but everyone around me was too drunk to even bother.

I struggled and stepped on his foot so hard he yelled in my ear and spun me around facing him. "Bad girls should be taught a lesson". He whispered and I shivered. Tears started to form as he carried me so easily into the alley. " let's go somewhere quiet should we?" He smirked.

I kept yelling and struggling but those werent enough. My legs trembled and my mind unclear as the alcohol sinks in. My head pounded and my heart raced out of fright, confusion and hope. Hope that maybe karlie could somehow be here. An impossible dream, I know hopeless.

As his hands roamed all over me while his mouth all over my face, I can feel hot tears running down my face. I closed my eyes and wished I'm dreaming.

Then faintly from afar, I heard a growing shout directed to the guy over me. Footsteps grew louder and the guy was ripped off of me and I fell to the ground curled up broken.

Tears blurred my vision but I can make out silhouettes of a guy beating the shit out of the other one and I hoped the guy being beaten is the one who violated me.

And very slowly I feel my eyelids falling and I drifted out.


Forgivey bullshit writing. Have been reaaaaaaaalllllyyyyy busy . like a day I've got about 3 tests and and a pile of projects and homeworks with a very early deadline.
