Chapter 6

Karlie's p.o.v.

Its been awhile since Tay was released from the hospital. The doctors gave her some medications just in case the anxiety attacks repeats.

I've been guarding Tay and not let her out of my sight for the past few days, afraid that he's going to come back. I still haven't asked her what he said though. I'm not sure if she's ready yet, but either way, I'm going to find out.

Our Sunday trip was postponed because of the events that happened. I feel disappointed but not really bcuz I'm spending time with her whether its for my publicity or not, she's still with me. Although the situations got heated in the press pretty fast. Its still counted as a publicity stunt. My publicist even asked me to stay closer to Tay.

My thoughts were interrupted when a light peck on my cheeks and slender arms sneaked its way around my waist and I was pulled closer to the person."Hey, Tay. Sleep well?". "Kinda. I woke up and you weren't there ... So not so much.... " I blushed and tickled her sides . she loosened her grip on me and I carried her to the couch and dropped her.

I heard a loud thud "Ouch. Karlie, why'd you do that...!" She scolded.

"Awwwhh sorry baby, I don't even know why I did it. " she smiled,"You're too cute"and laid back and switched on the tv.

Okay. So, by staying 'close' to her, I meant having sleep overs... And it was fluttering. I love doing this. Waking up to a beautiful face sleeping peacefully next to me everyday, can brighten up my life...

I served the pancakes I made earlier and called Taylor to join me. I'm thinking of telling her my feelings during breakfast and hopefully things will work out. I know she hasnt exactly told me directly about the 'love' part but she's been giving me this reciprocating vibe, I even feel more protective of her after what happened. I'll never let her exes come near her ever again... So yeah ... We'll work it out, I guess.

Just then she burst through the dining room while skipping joyfully because she heard the word 'pancakes'.... Its her favorite breakfast meal. she was grinning widely made it seem like she haven't ate in awhile. I just sat back in my chair and stared at her, and realized I adore her. She's so adorable, it doesn't fit her age....

After a couple of pancakes... I decided it feels comfortable enough to talk about it . "Umm... Tay. Can I tell you something ?".

She looked and me with clear confusion and answered seriously." Yeah. You can tell me anything Karlie. We're best friends..." She said highlighting the 'anything' part. Her last statement though made me a little unsure, I continued "Yeah. I know. Its just something have been bothering me for quite a while now. Its about 'us'." I can see her expressions changed after I said 'us'. She seemed uncomfortable and made no move to answer, so I continued . I sucked it up and just went for it. "I think I like you too."

She was thoroughly shocked and chocked on her pancakes. As I watched her reaction, I feel a rush of insecurity flooding my mind and my heart beat slowed down. A drop of sweat escapes my forehead and I wasn't sure to rub her back for support cuz she was choking or just let her settle down on her own first...

She left her mouth agape for awhile. But she quickly covered it up and I can feel my nerves starts to kicks in ... She gulped loudly "Wha-a-at are you ta-a-alking about " she stuttered clearly shakened...

She took three deep breaths and calmly said"I like you too obviously or not we won't be hanging out right now.... If you mean that you sincerely like me and not just for your publicity then thanks and I like you too honestly... " ... 'SHIT' was all that I can express rn... Was what I heard that night a mistake or was she just covering up. By the looks of it she seemed frank and like an open book, her words are felt literal.

Can I accept her rejection if it was just a mixup or should I own up to it and just confess... Am I strong enough... I need time to clear up my head.

Taylor's p.o.v.

She said them. Why suddenly. Is this real or am I overreacting ... Maybe she doesn't mean it that way... I'm not pushing for clarifications unless she wants to. I won't get my hopes up and hopefully I'm just misunderstanding her. She's straight... She doesn't mean it that way !!! Ughhh !!! I'm confused.

So I took the easy way out and just made it clear we're nothing more than friends, just in case she thought about me as a lesbian and before she leaves me... I can't handle life without her, even if I can't hold her the way I want to.

Suddenly she abruptedly stood up and stormed out the kitchen... I was bewildered by her actions... I took awhile to process things and quickly tried to catch up with her. "Karlie ... Hey Karl's !! What happened ... What's wrong?" I called out and getting a rude snicker in response "Leave me alone. Its ur turn now .... You're the one leaving me stoned .... Give me time and by the way, if that's all I'll ever be to you then never come back!"

Even though I didn't understand where she's coming from, her words still cuts clean through my heart.

As I stood frozen &watching her walk away.... My mind is clouded...

Karlie's p.o.v

Maybe I overreacted but my heart is openly wounded. Maybe she didn't left me literally stoned alone.. She left me hanging and confused by her words and her ways... Why can't she just confess. Is it so wrong. Maybe she's scared I'll run... But there's no reason for her to leave me lost or leave it unsaid ... We're 'best friends' no matter what, no secrets should be kept...

She should've chased after me and explained everything or at least stop me. Right now I don't think I'll ever come back or even want to...
