Chapter 17

Taylor cringed. "You think I didn't know?" Karlie asked while she stared deep into Taylor's eyes. Karlie was furious that Taylor was treating her this way.

"You think I'm not scared Tay?!" Karlie slowly raises her voice. That made Taylor's heartbeat pound fast. She started to sweat in her hands. "Its everywhere Tay. " Karlie's face fell while she whispered the fact it's all over her social media.

Taylor calmed herself down and spoke up " if you're scared too, why are we still talking about it?" Taylor coldly replied.

"You know what Tay... I've stayed with you long enough. I tried to make us work. I've been here for you this whole time. I didn't care about how it affected my relationships ... But you're too caught up in your fears." She said with hurt flashed across her face as she took a second to continue..."I'm done waiting." With that, Karlie stood up, turned her back, took a few steps and paused. She looked over her shoulders expecting Taylor to speak up. But realizing she wont, Karlie continued and quickened her pace.
Soon enough, she was out of sight.

Months later

Taylor was missing the taller girl. She loved the way the girl hovers over her. The way she kisses her cheeks and how caring she was. The way she stayed, no matter how many times tay rejected the model.

She soon felt the emptiness creeping in her bones. The impact the girl made. She finally feels her need for the model increasing. How big and stupid her mistake was.

She looks back to the pictures that never left her social media. Everyday at least hundreds of pictures of her and the model. The taller girl never really went away. But now its mostly filled with pictures of the green eyed model and her new boyfriend. A young entrepreneur with not so bad looking face. It was what the model deserved.

She tried calling the younger girl about a hundred messages went straight to inbox. And many times later. Her days feels dull without the sunshine of her life and now she's shining someone else's. She just wanted time to figure herself and now she's got all the time she wants...

The media blew strong and hard the first few months and now it had died down due to their parting. The fans though, never gave up. They hoped for a ship that sunk. As it goes deeper in the ocean along with the rest of the fleet,As in past mistakes.

Never had anyone looked at her like she's made out of gold, the way Karlie did. She's never experienced an emotion like this.

She decided to get her spirits up and not mope around by calling her girlfriends. She realized she haven't spoken to them since all this drama started. None of her close friends even knows about the sudden change in her sexual orientation. Tay doesn't think it has changed much. It's just for the girl she's obsessed with.

"Hey Martha. I missed you soo much! Wanna hang out today" she greeted the other girl along with an invitation.
"Sure Tay!. I missed you too!! So,You're place at lunch?" Martha agreed excitedly. Once the lunch date was settled Tay hung up. She felt relieved that her friend is free at times like this.


2 hours later,

Taylor heard knocks on her door and quickly rushed to it. She knows its Martha. She unlocked several of the locks and swinged the door open.
Before the other blonde could greet the singer, she was attacked by a tight hug.
"Tay. I-Cant-Breathe" Martha whisperednwhile she gasped for air after a few seconds.
Taylor quickly lets go of her friend and pulled her in. "Sorry. I just haven't seen you for a long time." Taylor sadly stated.

"Miss you too, Tay!" Martha replied. As they sat on the couch Martha asked " What's the deal? Why are you so gloomy ... I know something's bothering you. Spill!" She instructed the singer.
Taylor couldn't help but smile at how her friend knows her so well. She knows she can't contain any of her secrets as it was eating her alive so she decided not to fight it. "It's too much for you to handle. There's a lot that have been going through, and I don't know where to start. " Taylor said. "Come on Tay... Please! Its okay. You're my best friend. " Martha pleaded.

Taylor thought for awhile "Can we talk over lunch?" She suggested, while she hoped Martha would agree. The Model just nodded with a heart warming smile.

As they sat at the table, the air got silent. Both girls did not speak as the sound of utensils scraping the plate while they're eating rang through their ears. Taylor didn't know how to tell her best friend the most frightening confession she'll ever make. As she tried to calm down and collect herself.

While Martha on the opposite side, waited full of curiosity pumping through her mind. She thought of all the possibilities and waited with a cracking patience...

"Martha. I'm gay." Taylor spoke as straightforward as she could. She looked away afraid of her best friend's questioning stare.
The other girl choked on her food hearing the most unbelievable statement coming from her best friend. She quickly took her glass of water and chugged it all in a matter of seconds.
When she's finally okay, she was speechless. She stared at the cowarding singer.

"When?" Was the first question that popped in her mind. Taylor realized she never asked herself that question and she honestly has no answer to. "I don't know." Taylor replied. "Fine. How? with whom and .... Why?"

Before Taylor answered, the model pieced it all together. She remembered the pictures and rumors that were circulating all over the media about the singer. She gasped " Kaylor?". The sudden realization left the model in shock.

The singer just nodded in response. "Does she know?".
" yes."
"What's the problem now?"
"Management won't let me see her again"......" Its bad for my reputation. "

"You care more about your reputation than chasing for your possible lover?". Martha asked with a hint of frustration.

" you don't know what they're capable of doing..." Taylor answered dissapointed with herself.

Martha thought for a second and realized that the singer's life may not fit the lifestyle of the other model. "Do what's best for both Tay."

"She left me Martha." Taylor paused. "I took to long. It was complicated."

Martha got out of her chair and went to embrace Tay. "Do what your heart tells you too and don't let your fears control your life.." Martha whispered encouragingly .

Once lunch was settled, they both cuddled on the couch in the living room as Taylor told everything that has happened to her best friend. Martha wrapped her arms around the singer's waist while Tay had her head on her shoulder. An attempt the model made to comfort the singer.
While the singer cried into the model's neck as she realized how her relationship with Karlie ended.

Once they're settled,"You took half a year to tell me this ?!" Martha jokingly scolded the singer. Tay just smiled and giggled a little as a response.
