Kei. . .

Its just unfair.....

Why does it have to be you who has to leave Wattpad and Skype?! Why did your parents think its good for you just when you're suffering like this?!

This is so unfair. You have to be taken away.

Everyone seems devastated. I tried to cheer them up. I tried getting on Skype more often to check on the others. I kept reading their updates. . . Everyone misses you. I feel useless because I can't just help.

How the fuck can I cheer them up when I can't even cheer myself up?! Even writing can't calm me down now....

You said you'll be back in two years... Arceus fucking damn it. I'll be seventeen when you return.... im afraid of what will happen when you return.

I'm sorry. I just can't take it anymore.
