Final Day of School: Disaster

I won Most Diligent award in school but fuck it, that doesn't make up the disaster that fucking happened

I got back home, tired, and I saw that Elizabeth and Rose already got to my home in citizen clothing, waiting for me. Since Elizabeth said we're going to the nearby mall, I agreed just so I can buy damn charger for my phone. Arceus when we got outaide they actually told me we're going to Luneta park, in fucking MANILA that takes about an hour to get there and I'm only allowed for two hours. I tried to tell them to change the ficking destination, but they begged me because they want to see thejr crush one last time.

Sinxe I'm a really nice friend that can't say no,I agreed. *rolls eyes* Then the disaster starts.

Rose begged to go, but didn't have any fucking money with her and we have to fucking pay for her fees.

When we arrive, I decided to loosen up and have some fun for a while. We sat down. Near the swings on a bench to wait for the people there that are from another school finish their turn. I accidentally called a male that's actually gay "kuya", which offended him and made him glare at me, bit I was unaware of it.

Rose and I are chatting on the side then the fucking gay interrupted our conversation rudely. Since he and his friends kept pointing at Rose and called her a ******face, I was pissed, since no one ever does that to my friends, luckily Rose didn't hear it. Then he had the nerve to be rude, so I showed him my middle finger and we walked out, trying to ignore him.

He ordered his friends to follow us.

He. Fucking. Slammed. My. Head.

I was really pissed off, but I held my punches and ignored him. He kept yelling at me, wanting to fight with me but I ignored him. But if he went too far, I would've ripped his face off. He even said I fucking started it! I don't even know how to start fights!

I just mumbled and returned to our classmates, then they all surrounded us. I tried to ignore then as they kept insulting me, and James got mad and insulted the gay with all the sass he got. He was slapped, but Anthony held him back and pushed the gay away from James.

Heaven, instead of being a good friend, teamed up with the enemies and keot chewing me on withour evwn knowing what really happened. I was silent, not wanting yo fight, so eberyone pointed our I started it.

We all left the park, but the other group followed us. When we reached the train station, a group of guys started beating up Anthony even if I held back two and got pushed down the stairs. Was really pissed off and guilty, thinking I started this, and thankfully a guard stopped the fight. The other group ran off.

Our group seperated in half, James and Anthony joining us in the train station while Heaven and the others took a jeep. I was sure theyre all talking about me now and I surprislingly cried. I told them I'm reallt tired of hiding and holding back in fights, I even got two beaten up along with me. I apologized to them nonstop and they said its not a problem, that it's not my fault.

Later, James said everyone is now badmoything me on FaceBook.I just can't take anymore of this and cried even more. I really felt weak, because I knew it I should've just dealt witg the la4ge group myself. At least its only me getting beaten up to pulp.

But I was really pissed off. Everyone said I started it, bit I didn't. Besides, if they were in MY llace they would've started killing each other.

Arceus. I'm so damn pissed off.
