Deleting This Account

Yes. I decided to delete this account....

by the end of the year and start anew! ^_^ I already had a fake backup account ready that I'm going to use soon and I'm going to post stories there. Now...

Those who find it, ten points XD Just kidding, you won't find it! But really, by the end of the year I'll be deleting this account, rewrite my stories and post it there. I think i want to start from scrap again and leave the sucky things I experience just because I had 1K+ followers.

I really hate how some annoying people kept begging for me to endorse their stories and if I said yes, they expect as many votes and followers that I already got like EXCUSE ME?! Am I a fucking genie?! If you think you can just use me for your damn delusions just go back into the ass of an elephant and re-evaluate yourself!

What i also find a bit annoying (and amusing and adorable) are these little shy kids who keep messaging me everyday ^_^;; Why are you little kiddos afraid? I don't bite! RIGHT?

And then I kept getting more reading requests. I'm not that good of a writer ^_^;; I'm just wellknown here. I dont know what i can do to help you with.

And since I kept escaping these stuff in PM and shit, I think I no longer contact my friends here, so I really want to go back to when I'm just a noob, but I know i improved a bit and know what to do.

That's all! See ya!
