2016 Chapter

So... i still have difficulty writing 2016 in my diary XDDD I kept putting 2015.

so... since I haven't done a 2015 review yet, guess i have the time.

shitty. it's shitty as fuck. Backstabbed by friends, two are gone from their old selves and fought in front of me, kept being left, avoided everyone before i blew things up, almost killed about 4 times and 34 times are suicide attempts.

so shitty.

and I also lost my notebook where I keep all my notes. I'm blank right now!

So.... 2015  is all about umm... LGBT, Paris, Condom Challenge, yadayadayada our humanity is losing its decency and shit. yada.

Only thing that changed this year is I grew fiercer and my cursing vocabulary leveled up.. haha XD

I haven't accomplished a single goal yet. I did win fifth place in Pokemon watty Awards 2015 after losing two times in a two contests a week after that.

so... a few positives there. that's a start.

sor ight now... I'm being called the school slut and I got humiliated and sexually harrassed.

so yep..

I can't wait for 2016.

i really hope i can do shit for once.
