Book Ideas

Not Today (Pokemon)

"Today is when you start, and when you have the courage to begin, you'll have the courage to succeed. "

Those are the words of her father when Aomurasaki started her journey. There's a new battle system for Pokemon now. There are contests and gyms, and now, there's the trainer and Pokemon challenge. This program sponsored by Steven Stone has one goal; to strengthen bonds of trainers and Pokemon and help them discover more than what research has.

As she takes on the challenge, the new team of Hoenn begins to target Pokemon from children and found a way to turn simple Pokemon to monsters stronger than the gods themselves, and they still have to test it.

Aomurasaki, unaware of such dangerous events to unfold, discovers more than what she expected, and maybe she can use this knowledge.

"I'll win. I won't lose, not today, because I have a promise to fulfill with my partner"

I know, the summary sucks. I'll change it soon.

Ghost of Lavender Town (Pokemon and Fatal Frame Crossover)

Lavender Town has been widely known for the haunted tower and the insanity contained in the graveyards, where it is said to have a Marowak haunting the tower.

But what Kanto doesn't know is that the channelers in the tower performs a sacrificial ritual every seven years, sacrificing an innocent trainer to the ghosts of Pokemon to keep the restless spirits inside and sane.

The ritual was passed down from generation to generations until it reached the time of the dexters. Unaware of the trouble they got themselves into, Red and his friends visited Lavender Tower in honor of the dead Marowak, and they arrived just in time for the ritual.

This is my first crossover fanfic :3 You dont need to be a fan of Fatal Frame to read this, because I'll only add the Camera Obscura and other stuff, but i'll make sure to not spoil the five games of the Fatal Frame series, so you can read this :D

I have more but i have to rush, bye~
