Freakin Challenges Again :/

I was challenged by Icy, E, Smew, Aura *long list* ;-; Gosh.

IcyAlpha 's questions

1. How's life?

*raises the thumbs up, grins before it breaks and I run to cry in a corner*

2. How's your mum's nephew's brother's uncle's daughter's grandmother's parrot doing?

That parrot is long dead.... ._.

3. What would be another way to spell 21 that isn't twenty-one?

Dalawampu't isa

4. Let's say Wattpad never existed, how would you meet your online friends?

Easy. i don't. I'll be dead.

5. What would you do if there's no anime?

I'd also be dead.

6. What is subtitles or dubs never existed?

I'd be dead again.

7. What should I do now, I ran out of ideas?

I dunno, think?

8. Imagine meeting your favorite celebrity in real life and they're a zombie, would you kill them to survive or allow them to consume your brain?

Justin Bieber's my favorite celebrity so kill him :D Heeheehee

9. What if Naruto never existed?

Watch Dragonball

10. What supernatural power would you have?


11. How lame or boring do you think I am?

Not as lame or boring as I am

12. What's the first thing you'd do if you're sucked into your favorite anime?

Die just like the other generic side character you'd find in every anime

13. Imagine the earth ending by aliens, how would you die?

I'd be dead before that happened.

shinymewgirl's questions:

1. Favorite color


2. Favorite food

Your flesh

3. Favorite place

Inside my cold, dark heart after the shit i went through.

4. Favorite Game

William Tell ft. Guns, bow and arrows.

Or Pokemon, Metroid Prime Hunters, DOTA 2, League of Legends and Torture your bestfriends and ex.

5. Favorite activity

Thinking of ways how I'm gonna die

6. Favorite Pokemon

You :D

7. Favorite Anime

Boku no Piko

8. Favorite gemstone

Renz's ass, the rarest, shiniest, tiniest one of all.

9. Favorite element

Fire from the deepest pits of hell

10. Favorite subject

History where we study about Chinese torture methods.

11. Favorite show

Suicide Methods

also, Phineas and Ferb

12. Favorite Book

Why am I still alive?

How to avoid crying during exams

Fifty Shades of Grey

13. Favorite Author

Stephenie Meyers

The_E364's questions:

1. If the earth was a pancake, what would you do?

Since the earth will no longer revolve, I think it might mean same timezones. I'll be happy if the earth is flat. But I don't think that's possible so idk.

2. Do you like pie?

Yes. That even became my nickname

3. Have you heard of DM Dokuro?


4. Have you read the Fifth Wave?

I can't afford books right now since I'm broke as fuck and I'm still searching for a job so no. 

5. What's your favorite animal?


other than that, the rare species we know as the fair Dota/League of Legends player.

And a dog.

6. SAO abridged or DBZ abridged?


7. How many sheep are actually ewes?

Depends on how many are not eaten by us.

8. Did you know there was an ancient horse named Curly?

Did you know I don't give a fuck?

9. How many people do you ever fantasize killing? 

Excluding me, i think everyone within a ten hundred mile radius around me.

10. What do you think of me?

Please, marry me and love me.

11. If Adam or anyone else uses the question above to insult me, can I kill his family and blame him?

No. You need to do better before I'm impressed. Be more evil. Execute his games.

12. Pie or cake?


13. If you were a piece of toast and everyone is butter, what would you do?

It's just a metaphor for my life how I'm different and weird from everyone. I'd just kill myself because I hated everyone.

Finally. It's over.

I nominate everyone reading this.


1. If I am standing in front of you right now, what would you do/

2. Let's say you now live in the same house with me. What are you gonna do?

3. Can I torture you?

4. (To E) Do not avoid this challenge and marry me.

5. Who do you ship me with?

6. Who do you ship yourself with?

7. Are my questions horrible?

8. Anyone here wanna play Dota 2 or League of Legends?

9. Are you still here?

10. Favorite vocaloid?

11. let's say your crush asks you out for prom, would you smash a mug on his face for noticing you just now because he no longer has any options and going to you out of despair?

12. Let's say there's a zombie apocalypse, who would you throw at them, Bieber or your enemy?

13. Can I have your pets?
